Package-level declarations


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Represents the base class for all the push related service.

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interface ForegroundPushNotificationReady : Serializable

Callback to decide if show the notification.

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data class NotificationChannelConfig(val channelID: String, val channelName: String, val description: String, val importance: Int, val enableLights: Boolean, val lightColor: Int, val enableVibration: Boolean, val vibrationPattern: LongArray, val enableBadge: Boolean)

Notification channel config

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data class NotificationConfig(val smallIcon: Int, val largeIcon: Int, val notificationTime: Long, val isAutoCancel: Boolean, val badgeIconType: Int, val cancelButtonIcon: Int, val cancelButtonDescription: String)

Notification style config

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class NotificationDismissedReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
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data class NotificationJob(val isForeground: Boolean, val pushRemoteMessage: PushRemoteMessage, val foregroundPushNotificationReady: ForegroundPushNotificationReady? = null) : Serializable

Notification job which will be restored and display when condition ready.

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class NotificationTrampolineActivity : AppCompatActivity
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callBack to receive the message sent from push

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class PushRemoteMessage : Parcelable, Serializable

notification model

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data class PushServiceConfig(val notificationChannel: NotificationChannelConfig, val notificationConfig: NotificationConfig)

Push config for notification channel and notification style

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object PushUtil
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Provides an API interface for managing notification-related parameters with mobile services. The notification token is obtained using the FireBase (FCM) API or any push notification channel API. The ability to obtain the push token is not included as part of this interface.

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RemoteNotificationParameters class provides an API for managing the Notification configuration parameters. Obtaining token is not part of this interface.