Class UsageService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class UsageService
    extends MobileService

    Represents the usage service to handle all usage related tasks.

    By default, UsageService will manage the usage session automatically, An event of 'session start' event will be recorded in the following cases:

    • the usage service is started again with startUsageBroker, at this time, a new session will be started after ending the old one.

    • recording events with the functions start with 'event', or logDeviceInfoEvents if there is no open session.

    An event of 'session end' will be recorded when the app is put into background, or the usage service is stopped with stopUsageBroker.

    The client code can also disable the 'auto session' feature at any time. If 'auto session' feature is disabled, using any of the event log functions here will also log a 'session start' automatically if no session started yet. But it's the client code's responsibility to record the session start and session end event.

    When uploading the usage data, the current session without a 'session end' will NOT be uploaded. By default, UsageService also enables the 'auto upload' feature. The 'auto upload' might happen after a 'session end' is recorded and the record count exceeds the threshold of recordCount.

    After a 'session start' event recorded, functions like eventStart, event, eventEnd, eventBehaviorUserInteraction, eventBehaviorViewDisplayed and logDeviceInfoEvents can be used to log events.

    eventStart and eventEnd can help the client code determine the duration of a group operations. To use this feature, make sure the two functions are invoked with the same 'key' argument value. for example:

    SDKInitializer.getService(UsageService::class)?.also { srv ->
        srv.eventStart(key = EVENT_KEY, info = AppUsageInfo().screen(VIEW_ID))
            viewId = VIEW_ID,
            action = item.title.toString()
        srv.event(key = EVENT_KEY, info = AppUsageInfo().action("test_event_action"))
        srv.eventEnd(key = EVENT_KEY, info = AppUsageInfo().action("test_event_end_action"))
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      UsageService(Boolean autoSession, Boolean autoUpload, Integer recordCount, Integer uploadAfterDays, UUID storeName)
      UsageService(Boolean autoSession, Boolean autoUpload, Integer recordCount, Integer uploadAfterDays)
      UsageService(Boolean autoSession, Boolean autoUpload, Integer recordCount)
      UsageService(Boolean autoSession, Boolean autoUpload)
      UsageService(Boolean autoSession)
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      final Boolean getUserConsented() The service does not maintain the user consent by itself, the client code needs to update this before starting the service, for example, when a new user onboarded, or switching to another user in the multiple user mode app.
      final Unit setUserConsented(Boolean userConsented) The service does not maintain the user consent by itself, the client code needs to update this before starting the service, for example, when a new user onboarded, or switching to another user in the multiple user mode app.
      Unit init(Application application, String apiKey) Initializes the mobile service
      Unit onStateChange(ApplicationState state) Notified when application state changes.
      Unit reset() Resets the usage service, deletes all the usage databases.
      final Unit updateUsagePolicy(UsagePolicy policy) Updates the usage policy.
      final UsageService setStoreName(UUID storeName) Sets the usage store name.
      final UsageService setAutoSession(Boolean autoSession) Specifies whether auto session will be used.
      final UsageService setAutoUpload(Boolean autoUpload) Specifies whether auto upload will be used.
      final UsageService setUploadThresholdKB(Integer sizeOfKB) Specifies the record size that will trigger usage auto upload.
      final Unit startUsageBroker() Starts the usage broker if it was not started yet.
      final Unit stopUsageBroker(Boolean reset) Stops the usage broker if it was started.
      final Unit stopUsageBroker() Stops the usage broker if it was started.
      final Boolean isUsageServiceStarted() Checks whether usage service is starting or not
      final Unit eventBehaviorViewDisplayed(String viewId, String elementId, String action, String interactionValue) Submits a ViewDisplayed analytics behavior event.
      final Unit eventBehaviorViewDisplayed(String viewId, String elementId, String action) Submits a ViewDisplayed analytics behavior event.
      final Unit eventBehaviorViewDisplayed(String viewId, String elementId) Submits a ViewDisplayed analytics behavior event.
      final Unit eventBehaviorViewDisplayed(String viewId) Submits a ViewDisplayed analytics behavior event.
      final Unit eventBehaviorUserInteraction(String viewId, String elementId, String action, String interactionValue) Submits a UserInteraction analytics behavior event.
      final Unit eventBehaviorUserInteraction(String viewId, String elementId, String action) Submits a UserInteraction analytics behavior event.
      final Unit eventBehaviorUserInteraction(String viewId, String elementId) Submits a UserInteraction analytics behavior event.
      final Unit eventBehaviorUserInteraction(String viewId) Submits a UserInteraction analytics behavior event.
      final Unit event(AppUsageInfo info, String type, String key, Long duration) Records a custom event information.
      final Unit event(AppUsageInfo info, String type, String key) Records a custom event information.
      final Unit event(AppUsageInfo info, String type) Records a custom event information.
      final Unit event(AppUsageInfo info) Records a custom event information.
      final Unit eventStart(AppUsageInfo info, String type, String key) Records an event start.
      final Unit eventStart(AppUsageInfo info, String type) Records an event start.
      final Unit eventStart(AppUsageInfo info) Records an event start.
      final Unit eventEnd(AppUsageInfo info, String type, String key) Records an event end.
      final Unit eventEnd(AppUsageInfo info, String type) Records an event end.
      final Unit eventEnd(AppUsageInfo info) Records an event end.
      final Unit recordSessionStart(Context context) Starts an usage collection session
      final Unit recordSessionEnd(Context context) Ends the current usage collection session
      final Unit logDeviceInfoEvents(Context context) Collects device information event
      final Unit deleteStoreByName(String storeName) Tries to delete the usage store by the given name.
      final Unit uploadUsageData(LifecycleOwner owner, ServiceListener<Boolean> listener)
      final Unit uploadUsageData(LifecycleOwner owner)
      final Unit uploadUsageData()
      final Unit uploadUsage(Boolean forceUpload, LifecycleOwner owner, ServiceListener<Boolean> listener, Function1<Integer, Unit> progressReporter) Uploads the usage data.
      final Unit uploadUsage(Boolean forceUpload, LifecycleOwner owner, ServiceListener<Boolean> listener) Uploads the usage data.
      final Unit uploadUsage(Boolean forceUpload, LifecycleOwner owner) Uploads the usage data.
      final Unit uploadUsage(Boolean forceUpload) Uploads the usage data.
      final Unit uploadUsage() Uploads the usage data.
      • Methods inherited from class

        enableNetworkPolicy, getApiKey, getApplication, isApplicationInitialized, mayStartNewProcess, setApiKey, setApplication
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • UsageService

        UsageService(Boolean autoSession, Boolean autoUpload, Integer recordCount, Integer uploadAfterDays, UUID storeName)
      • UsageService

        UsageService(Boolean autoSession, Boolean autoUpload, Integer recordCount, Integer uploadAfterDays)
      • UsageService

        UsageService(Boolean autoSession, Boolean autoUpload, Integer recordCount)
      • UsageService

        UsageService(Boolean autoSession, Boolean autoUpload)
      • UsageService

        UsageService(Boolean autoSession)
      • UsageService

    • Method Detail

      • getUserConsented

         final Boolean getUserConsented()

        The service does not maintain the user consent by itself, the client code needs to update this before starting the service, for example, when a new user onboarded, or switching to another user in the multiple user mode app.

      • setUserConsented

         final Unit setUserConsented(Boolean userConsented)

        The service does not maintain the user consent by itself, the client code needs to update this before starting the service, for example, when a new user onboarded, or switching to another user in the multiple user mode app.

      • init

         Unit init(Application application, String apiKey)

        Initializes the mobile service

      • onStateChange

         Unit onStateChange(ApplicationState state)

        Notified when application state changes. This function will be called on Main thread.

      • reset

         Unit reset()

        Resets the usage service, deletes all the usage databases.

      • updateUsagePolicy

         final Unit updateUsagePolicy(UsagePolicy policy)

        Updates the usage policy. This is usually when retrieving the usage policy from the server side and apply the new usage policy.

        There are 2 parameters in UsagePolicy related to usage service, the days between 2 uploads and usage enable/disable status. So whether the usage service could be started or not will depend on 2 factors, it's enabled from the server side, and user consents the data collection.

      • setUploadThresholdKB

         final UsageService setUploadThresholdKB(Integer sizeOfKB)

        Specifies the record size that will trigger usage auto upload. Default value is 100 KB.

      • startUsageBroker

         final Unit startUsageBroker()

        Starts the usage broker if it was not started yet.

      • stopUsageBroker

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit stopUsageBroker(Boolean reset)

        Stops the usage broker if it was started.

      • stopUsageBroker

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit stopUsageBroker()

        Stops the usage broker if it was started.

      • isUsageServiceStarted

         final Boolean isUsageServiceStarted()

        Checks whether usage service is starting or not

      • eventBehaviorViewDisplayed

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventBehaviorViewDisplayed(String viewId, String elementId, String action, String interactionValue)

        Submits a ViewDisplayed analytics behavior event.

      • eventBehaviorViewDisplayed

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventBehaviorViewDisplayed(String viewId, String elementId, String action)

        Submits a ViewDisplayed analytics behavior event.

      • eventBehaviorViewDisplayed

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventBehaviorViewDisplayed(String viewId, String elementId)

        Submits a ViewDisplayed analytics behavior event.

      • eventBehaviorViewDisplayed

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventBehaviorViewDisplayed(String viewId)

        Submits a ViewDisplayed analytics behavior event.

      • eventBehaviorUserInteraction

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventBehaviorUserInteraction(String viewId, String elementId, String action, String interactionValue)

        Submits a UserInteraction analytics behavior event. For example, a Button-click or row select.

      • eventBehaviorUserInteraction

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventBehaviorUserInteraction(String viewId, String elementId, String action)

        Submits a UserInteraction analytics behavior event. For example, a Button-click or row select.

      • eventBehaviorUserInteraction

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventBehaviorUserInteraction(String viewId, String elementId)

        Submits a UserInteraction analytics behavior event. For example, a Button-click or row select.

      • eventBehaviorUserInteraction

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventBehaviorUserInteraction(String viewId)

        Submits a UserInteraction analytics behavior event. For example, a Button-click or row select.

      • event

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit event(AppUsageInfo info, String type, String key, Long duration)

        Records a custom event information.

      • event

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit event(AppUsageInfo info, String type, String key)

        Records a custom event information.

      • event

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit event(AppUsageInfo info, String type)

        Records a custom event information.

      • event

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit event(AppUsageInfo info)

        Records a custom event information.

      • eventStart

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventStart(AppUsageInfo info, String type, String key)

        Records an event start.

      • eventEnd

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventEnd(AppUsageInfo info, String type, String key)

        Records an event end. When generating the data for uploading, the info of the corresponding start event with the same key will be merged with the info of this function, the information in info of this end event will win if both the start and end event have the same information.

      • eventEnd

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventEnd(AppUsageInfo info, String type)

        Records an event end. When generating the data for uploading, the info of the corresponding start event with the same key will be merged with the info of this function, the information in info of this end event will win if both the start and end event have the same information.

      • eventEnd

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit eventEnd(AppUsageInfo info)

        Records an event end. When generating the data for uploading, the info of the corresponding start event with the same key will be merged with the info of this function, the information in info of this end event will win if both the start and end event have the same information.

      • recordSessionStart

         final Unit recordSessionStart(Context context)

        Starts an usage collection session

      • recordSessionEnd

         final Unit recordSessionEnd(Context context)

        Ends the current usage collection session

      • logDeviceInfoEvents

         final Unit logDeviceInfoEvents(Context context)

        Collects device information event

      • deleteStoreByName

         final Unit deleteStoreByName(String storeName)

        Tries to delete the usage store by the given name. When the application is being reset, this API can be used to delete usage database for all users.

      • uploadUsageData

        @Deprecated(message = "Deprecated since 4.0", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "Replaced with 'uploadUsage'"))@JvmOverloads() final Unit uploadUsageData(LifecycleOwner owner, ServiceListener<Boolean> listener)
      • uploadUsageData

        @Deprecated(message = "Deprecated since 4.0", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "Replaced with 'uploadUsage'"))@JvmOverloads() final Unit uploadUsageData(LifecycleOwner owner)
      • uploadUsageData

        @Deprecated(message = "Deprecated since 4.0", replaceWith = @ReplaceWith(imports = {}, expression = "Replaced with 'uploadUsage'"))@JvmOverloads() final Unit uploadUsageData()
      • uploadUsage

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit uploadUsage(Boolean forceUpload, LifecycleOwner owner, ServiceListener<Boolean> listener, Function1<Integer, Unit> progressReporter)

        Uploads the usage data. To monitor the upload status or progress, owner must be provided, otherwise the provided listener could not work.

        forceUpload - Whether to upload usage data without honoring the parameter of uploadAfterDays
        owner - It can be either an activity or a fragment which has a lifecycle.
        listener - The optional ServiceListener to monitor the upload status.
      • uploadUsage

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit uploadUsage(Boolean forceUpload, LifecycleOwner owner, ServiceListener<Boolean> listener)

        Uploads the usage data. To monitor the upload status or progress, owner must be provided, otherwise the provided listener could not work.

        forceUpload - Whether to upload usage data without honoring the parameter of uploadAfterDays
        owner - It can be either an activity or a fragment which has a lifecycle.
        listener - The optional ServiceListener to monitor the upload status.
      • uploadUsage

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit uploadUsage(Boolean forceUpload, LifecycleOwner owner)

        Uploads the usage data. To monitor the upload status or progress, owner must be provided, otherwise the provided listener could not work.

        forceUpload - Whether to upload usage data without honoring the parameter of uploadAfterDays
        owner - It can be either an activity or a fragment which has a lifecycle.
      • uploadUsage

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit uploadUsage(Boolean forceUpload)

        Uploads the usage data. To monitor the upload status or progress, owner must be provided, otherwise the provided listener could not work.

        forceUpload - Whether to upload usage data without honoring the parameter of uploadAfterDays
      • uploadUsage

        @JvmOverloads() final Unit uploadUsage()

        Uploads the usage data. To monitor the upload status or progress, owner must be provided, otherwise the provided listener could not work.