See: Description
Class Summary Class Description HttpException Exception for an HTTP response that is unexpected. BlockedUserInterceptor This Interceptor is responsible for informing the application that the user has been blocked from communicating with the server. LastConnectionTimeInterceptor This Interceptor is responsible for informing the application that a successful connetion with the server has occurred so that the last connection time can be updated. PermissionNotGrantedException This class gives information about errors the SDK can't handle. CsrfTokenInterceptor This interceptor is responsible for setting the X-CSRF-Token header for communication with services exposed by SAPcpms. LockWipePolicy The class responsible for defining and applying the lock and wipe policies. CorrelationInterceptor This interceptor adds a X-SAP-CorrelationID header to each request. WebkitCookieJar This class implements okhttp3.CookieJar by storing/getting all cookies with android.webkit.CookieManager. RemoveApiKeyHeaderInterceptor SessionCreatedCheckInterceptor Check if onboarding is successful then send the notification to the registered MobileServices
Progress This class provides methods that allow the handling of progress events. APIKeyInterceptor Represents the API key interceptor. AppHeadersInterceptor This interceptor is responsible for setting required headers for communication with mobile services. Passport MeteringPassportBuilder IntegrationMonitoringPassportBuilder UserMonitoringPassportBuilder E2ETracingPassportBuilder BusinessProcessMonitoringPassportBuilder PassportBuilder PassportInterceptor -
Enum Summary Enum Description TraceFlag BlockType Specifies the type of user block that occurred. ComponentType -
Interface Summary Interface Description ProgressListener This interface is used with BlockedUserCallback Callback interface used to handle a user blocked event. LastConnectionTimeCallback Callback interface used to handle an update last connection time event. LockCallback Callback interface used to handle a lock event. WipeCallback Callback interface used to handle a wipe event. InterceptorProvider An interface for MobileService to provide related interceptor. SilenceableInterceptor An interface for Interceptor to provide implementation in silent mode. -
Object Summary Object Description PassportManager