Class TimeoutLockService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class TimeoutLockService
    extends MobileService

    Represents the abstract service to handle the case that when the app is put into background and brought up to the foreground, how to handle the timeout passcode policy.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      private Application application
      private String apiKey
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      final TimeoutLockService startService()
      final TimeoutLockService stopService()
      Unit onStateChange(ApplicationState state) When receiving 'onFront' or 'cct visible' states, just add them into visibleStack with the function of addStatus, the function will validate the states.
      abstract Unit onForeground() Represents the state handler when the app is brought up to the foreground
      abstract Unit onBackground() Represents the state handler when the app is brought up to the background
      final Unit updateLockState(Boolean locked) Updates the 'lock' state of the app.
      final Boolean isServiceStarted() The status of the timeout lock service
      final static Boolean pause() Pauses the timeout service, return 'true' if it was started before, 'false' otherwise.
      final static Unit resume() Resumes the timeout service.
      final static Unit updateApplicationLockState(Boolean locked) Updates the application lock state based on the client code needs.
      final static Unit updateOnetimeTimeoutSetting(Integer timeoutLockTime) Customizes the timeout settings in timeoutLockTime milliseconds, this setting will be used only once when the app is put into the background.
      • Methods inherited from class

        enableNetworkPolicy, getApiKey, getApplication, init, isApplicationInitialized, mayStartNewProcess, reset, setApiKey, setApplication
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TimeoutLockService

    • Method Detail

      • onStateChange

         Unit onStateChange(ApplicationState state)

        When receiving 'onFront' or 'cct visible' states, just add them into visibleStack with the function of addStatus, the function will validate the states.

      • onForeground

         abstract Unit onForeground()

        Represents the state handler when the app is brought up to the foreground

      • onBackground

         abstract Unit onBackground()

        Represents the state handler when the app is brought up to the background

      • updateLockState

         final Unit updateLockState(Boolean locked)

        Updates the 'lock' state of the app.

      • isServiceStarted

         final Boolean isServiceStarted()

        The status of the timeout lock service

      • pause

         final static Boolean pause()

        Pauses the timeout service, return 'true' if it was started before, 'false' otherwise.

      • resume

         final static Unit resume()

        Resumes the timeout service.

      • updateApplicationLockState

         final static Unit updateApplicationLockState(Boolean locked)

        Updates the application lock state based on the client code needs. For example, when starting the onboarding or restore flows from the launcher activity, it can call this to 'lock' the app, then go through the restore process.