Class AppExtensionService

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class AppExtensionService
    extends MobileService

    Represents the app extension service which provides the ability to let the client code access some readonly resources with a dedicated OAuth token. The service can be used for Android widget development which needs the ability to make API calls to the mobile services without requiring the user secure store be opened with the user's passcode.

    • Constructor Detail

      • AppExtensionService

        AppExtensionService(AppConfig appConfig, Function1<List<AbstractOAuthClient>, OAuthClient> clientFilter, Function1<Boolean, Unit> serviceReadyListener)
        appConfig - the optional app configuration information.
        clientFilter - the filter to determine which OAuth client to be used to get the tokens to access the readonly resources at the server side.
        serviceReadyListener - the callback listener which enables the client code response to the service ready or not status change.
      • AppExtensionService

        AppExtensionService(AppConfig appConfig, Function1<List<AbstractOAuthClient>, OAuthClient> clientFilter)
        appConfig - the optional app configuration information.
        clientFilter - the filter to determine which OAuth client to be used to get the tokens to access the readonly resources at the server side.
      • AppExtensionService

        AppExtensionService(AppConfig appConfig)
        appConfig - the optional app configuration information.
      • AppExtensionService
