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 Comparison of Appraisals


You use this function to compare and evaluate appraisals.

Note Note

You can only compare appraisals with each other if they were created with the same appraisal model, or if at least the first appraisal element (the one after the appraisal model) is the same in all cases. If appraisals are to be compared with each other, and the results are to be interpreted coherently, then the appraisals involved should contain as many of the same appraisals elements as possible. For further information on appraisal models, please refer to the Implementation Guide (IMG) for Personnel Development (step: Start of the navigation path Appraisal Systems Next navigation step Edit appraisals catalog Next navigation step ). End of the navigation path

End of the note.

The actual comparison is performed at the appraisal element level - this gives you a clear overview of the appraisals created.

You can carry out the following reporting options (among others):

A range of editing and formatting functions are available for displaying your comparison results.


A comparison is always defined using a reference appraisal. The reference appraisal is the appraisal against which other appraisals are compared.

You can display the comparison in list or graphic form. Different functions are available in both these forms of display:

List display

Graphic display

In the comparison results, the rating defined in the reference appraisal is displayed in the first line of every appraisal element.

Another option available is to take the average of the appraisals involved as the reference. In this case, the average value calculated for an appraisal element is displayed in the first line of the element in question.

You can also specify whether the appraisal results should be displayed from the perspective of the appraisers or appraisees.

  • You can use the Appraiser flag to find out which appraisers were particularly harsh, or to determine whether an appraiser has a tendency to give a specific rating to a specific appraisal element.

  • You can use the Appraisee flag to find out how different appraisers rated a person or business event, and whether any variances were apparent here. You can also determine which persons or events were given particularly favorable ratings.

Here, you can use different chart types (2-D and 3-D) to display appraisal results.

Further options are available for configuring each chart type.

For more information on graphic options, please refer to.

See also:

Average of Appraisals

Evaluating Appraisals Profiles