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Function documentationTalent Group


You can use this function to create groups for classifying talents and thus structure the pool of talents in your enterprise in larger logical units: Assigning a talent to a particular talent group enables a systematic entry of that talent's development and thus a better overview when managing talents, for example, for Succession Planning.

You can use talent groups to group talents based on their suitability, or to map their assignment to a program.


In Customizing for Talent Management and Talent Development, you have made the settings under Talent Group.


  • You can create new talent groups or copy an existing talent group. You specify the following:

    • Title and description of the talent group

    • Standard length of assignment

      If you approve a nomination for a talent assignment, the standard length of assignment is displayed as the default value for the length of talent assignment. You can overwrite this default value.

      Example Example

      For example, for a talent group that represents a program, the length of the assignment corresponds to the length of the program.

      End of the example.
    • Support team

      Members of the support team for a talent group can edit this talent group and assign it talents. As the creator of a talent group you are automatically defined as a processor. You can define other talent management specialists as processors to extend the support team as required.

    • You can upload attachments for the talent group, for example, a detailed description of the talent group or program.

  • If you have created a talent group, this is displayed on the Overview tab.

    You can edit the talent group again, copy it, or delete it. You can choose Export to download a list of all talent group data.

  • If you click on the title of a talent group on the Overview tab, a list of all of the talents belonging to this talent group is displayed. Each talent group is also displayed as a separate tab next to the overview list.

    You have the following functions available on in the list of talents in a talent group:

    • You can display all talents for whom there is a nomination for this talent group or whose assignment was approved or rejected.

      Note Note

      The talents can have been nominated for the talent group as follows:

      • Managers can use the talent assessment application to nominate their employees.

        For more information, see Talent Assessment.

      • You can have talents nominated for talent groups automatically based on their classification in the boxes of the calibration grid for a talent review meeting.

        For more information, see Talent Group Nomination Through Talent Review Meetings.

      End of the note.
    • You can nominate additional employees for the talent group or directly assign them to the talent group as approved.

    • You can state who approved the assignment or the rejection. You can search for the talent's managers.

    • You can enter notes.

    • You can choose Export to download a list with the talent data of a talent group. You can use this, for example, when planning and holding talent review meetings (see Talent Review Meeting).


A typical talent group is the grouping of talents as High Potentials.