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 Lease-Out Offices in Mega Cities


You can use this function to prepare a report for lease-out offices in mega cities in Japan .

To access this report, on the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Flexible Real Estate Management Next navigation step Country Specifics Next navigation step Japan Next navigation step Report about Lease-Out Offices in Mega Cities End of the navigation path .


You have:



On the selection screen, you must select the company code, the relevant tax office, and the reporting interval.

You also need to select the business entity and the building.

You can optionally select the tenant's business partner number, and the report lists the lease-out offices to which the tenant is assigned.

When you are satisfied that the information in the list is correct, and you want to prepare a copy of the report for the authorities, you can print out the form in the official format.


The output of the report can be one of the following:

  • ALV preview

    In upper part of the ALV preview, you can see an overview of all buildings to be reported. If you select a building item, you can see all the offices of the selected building in the bottom part of the view.

  • PDF preview

    In the PDF preview, you can see the forms for the individual buildings and for maximum four office data blocks of the building, grouped based on offices or tenants.

  • Direct printing

    Direct printing allows you to directly print the PDF form as it appears in the PDF preview.

  • Interactive PDF form

    The interactive PDF form allows you to modify the content of specific fields in the PDF preview before printing.

The report displays the rent type and the rent status of the offices as described below.

Rent Type

Rent Type



Own office and leased out


Own office used by the reporting company


Own office but vacant


Office leased and leased out at the same time

Rent Status

In the output, the system displays the status of each building as new, changed, rent finished, or own use finished. Whether it is reporting per office or per tenant, the rent status can have the following meanings:

Rent Status

Reporting per Office

Reporting per Tenant


The first contractual status of a leased-out office. You can report this status only one time. Any change of the data to be reported for this office terminates the New status.

The first contractual status of a tenant in the building. You can report this status only one time. Any change of the data to be reported for this tenant terminates the New status.


Any contractual status of the office, except the statuses New , Rent finished, or Own use finished .

Any status change of the tenant, except the statuses Rent finished or Own use finished . This includes also the cases when for a subset of the own or leased-out objects, the status changes to Rent finished or Own use finished respectively.

Example :

In a building, a business partner owns the ground floor and leases out the first and the second floor to a tenant. On a certain day, the business partner leases out the ground floor. In the same time, the lease-out of the second floor expires and the tenant keeps only the first floor. In this case, the rent status becomes Changed . If the rent expires also for the second floor, the status becomes Rent finished .

Rent finished

Leased-out office if the leasing out was cancelled before the contract end date or it expired at the contract end date.

Tenants whose all leased-out objects in the contracts are cancelled or have expired.

Own use finished

Own offices if the own use is finished.

If the own use is finished for all the own objects of the reporter.