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 Reversing Installment Plan Interest Documents


When you deactivate an installment plan, you can use this function to automatically reverse installment plan interest documents that were posted when you created the installment plan (see Interest Calculation on Installment Plans ).


You can reverse the installment plan interest document when you deactivate the installment plan if the installment plan has not been paid at all or only partially. If you want to reverse the installment plan interest document for a paid or partially paid installment plan, you must first reverse the payments on the installment plan and then deactivate the installment plan. When you deactivate the installment plan, you then have the option of reversing the installment plan interest document.


  1. Choose one of the following paths:

  • Roles

Start of the navigation path Process Outstanding Payments Next navigation step (SAP_FI_CA_OUTSTANDING_PAYMENTS) Next navigation step Change Installment Plan End of the navigation path

  • SAP Menu

Start of the navigation path Account Next navigation step Installment Plan Next navigation step Change End of the navigation path

  1. Enter the number of the installment plan.

  2. Choose Continue .

  3. From the menu, choose Start of the navigation path Installment Plan Next navigation step Deactivate End of the navigation path . A dialog box appears in which you select Interest Document .

  4. Choose Continue .

  5. The installment plan interest document is then reversed automatically.