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Function documentationReversing a Cash Desk Closing Using Enterprise Services


Using the enterprise service CashPointClosingDocumentERPCancelNotification_In, you can process the reversal of a cash desk closing (sent using the notification CashPointClosingDocumentNotification_In). This enables you to reverse a cash desk closing that was transmitted incorrectly by the front end, so that you can replace it with the correct cash desk closing that was sent subsequently.


  1. An external cash desk (front end) sends 10 messages with payments for a total amount of 500 to the SAP system (back end).

  2. At the end of the day, you receive a cash desk closing message for 495 from this external cash desk. You receive a message for each cash desk, branch, and grouping key.

  3. The system records the reported cash desk closing in tables DFKKEXC_SUM and DFKKEXC_SUM_HIST.

  4. The system recognizes the difference of 5 between the amounts. On the Monitor for External Cash Desk Services screen, on the Overview tab page, the system displays a payment amount of 500 for the reported payments. It also shows a reconciliation amount of 495 for the reported cash desk closing.

    On the Agent Postings tab page, the system displays a payment amount of 495 for the reported cash desk closing, and a Difference to be assigned of 5.

    Due to the difference between the amount of the reported payments and the cash desk closing, you cannot post a receivable to the agent account (agent posting).

  5. The external cash desk now sends you a message for reversing the cash desk closing in the amount of 495.

  6. In table DFKKEXC_SUM (totals records for external payment information), the system sets reconciliation status C for the reversed cash desk closing. In table DFKKEXC_SUM_HIST (cash desk closing history), the system records the reversal of the cash desk closing, also with reconciliation status C.

  7. The Overview tab page of the monitor for external cash desk services now displays a payment amount of 500 for the reported payments, but no longer shows a reconciliation amount.

    On the Agent Postings tab page, the system displays the following for the reported cash desk closing: the payment amount of 495 with reconciliation status C (Totals Record Reversed), and a Difference to be assigned of 500.

  8. After that, the external cash desk sends you another cash desk closing message – now with the correct amount of 500.

  9. The system records the reported cash desk closing in tables DFKKEXC_SUM and DFKKEXC_SUM_HIST.

  10. The Overview tab page of the monitor for external cash desk services now displays a payment amount of 500 for the reported payments.

    On the Agent Postings tab page, the system displays a payment amount of 500 for the reported cash desk closing, and no longer shows a Difference to be assigned.

  11. Now you can enter the agent posting. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Payments Next navigation step External Cash Desk Services Next navigation step Post Agent Receivable End of the navigation path.