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Function documentationStatus Handling in Talent Management


Depending on the context, Talent Management uses the statuses Nominated, Approved, Closed Approved, and Rejected.

Example Example

Example 1

A talent management specialist can assign an employee to a position as a possible successor and set the status as Nominated. During a talent review meeting, the participants confirm that the employee is a suitable successor. Therefore, after the talent review meeting, the talent management specialist changes the status of the assignment to Approved.

Example 2

A manager assesses the potential and performance of one of his or her employees. The system stores these performance values and potential values with the status Nominated. In a talent review meeting, this employee is discussed as a talent. The employee is first displayed with the status Nominated in the corresponding box of the calibration grid. The talent management specialist moves the talent to a different box of the grid. Since the participants of the talent review meeting agree with the evaluation, the talent management specialist chooses Approve and then saves the talent review meeting. The system stores these performance values and potential values with the status Approved.

End of the example.


Status of Succession Planning and Talent Group Assignment
  • Stautses: Nominated and Approved

    • Talent Management uses the statuses Nominated and Approved in the following contexts of Succession Planning and talent group assignment:

      • Indicating a job or position as a key job or key position

      • Assigning a successor to a position

      • Classifying an employee as potentially suitable for the jobs in a job family

      • Assigning an employee to a talent group as a talent

    • The system defines the statuses Nominated and Approved in the Key Indication (7400) or Relationships (1001) infotypes. It proceeds as follows:

      • Indicating a job or position as a key job or key position

        For the job or position, the system creates a record for the Key Indication infotype and stores the Nominated or Approved status in this record.

      • Assigning a successor to a position

        The system creates a record for the Relationships infotype with the corresponding subtype and defines the Nominated or Approved status in this record.

      • Classifying an employee as potentially suitable for the jobs in a job family

        The system creates a record for the Relationships infotype with the corresponding subtype and defines the Nominated or Approved status in this record.

      • Assigning an employee to a talent group as a talent

        The system creates a record for the Relationships infotype with the corresponding subtype and defines the Nominated or Approved status in this record.

      For more information about the subtypes of the Relationships infotype, see Subtypes of Relationships Infotype (1001).

  • Status: Rejected

    • In the context of assigning an employee to a talent group as a talent, Talent Management also uses the status Rejected. Talent Management derives the status Rejected as follows:

      • It checks whether the existing record of the Relationships infotype is delimited with the corresponding subtype and the status Nominated or Approved, meaning that it is not valid until the system end date.

      • It checks whether a reason was specified for rejecting the assignment to the talent group.

      If both conditions are fulfilled, the system derives that the assignment of the employee to the talent group was rejected and displays the status Rejected accordingly.

      Example Example

      A manager nominates an employee as a talent for a particular talent group. The system creates a record for the Relationships infotype with the corresponding subtype that is valid until the system end date. In the infotype record, the system defines the status Nominated. However, based on a decision in the talent review meeting, the talent management specialist rejects the talent's nomination for the talent group and specifies the reason as Misjudgment. The system therefore delimits the previously created record for the Relationships infotype on the delimitation date and displays the assignment with the status Rejected.

      End of the example.
    • There is no separate Rejected status for the other contexts. If an infotype record in which the status Nominated or Approved is defined is delimited and there is no subsequent record, the system derives that the nomination or approval was rejected.

      Example Example

      Example 1

      For the assignment of an employee as a successor to a position, the following records exist for the Relationships infotype:

      • 10/01/2009 – 11/14/2009: Infotype record with the status Nominated

      • 11/14/2009 – 12/31/9999: Infotype record with the status Approved

      Therefore, on 12/01/2009 the assignment is approved.

      Example 2

      For the assignment of an employee as a successor to a position, the following records exist for the Relationships infotype:

      • 10/01/2009 – 11/14/2009: Infotype record with the status Nominated

      • 11/14/2009 – 11/30/2009: Infotype record with the status Approved

      Therefore, on 12/01/2009 the assignment is rejected since the infotype record was delimited on 11/30/2009.

      End of the example.
Status of Performance Values and Potential Values

For performance values and potential values, Talent Management uses the statuses Nominated, Approved, and Closed Approved as follows:

  • Performance assessment and potential assessment by manager

    • Status: Nominated

      A manager can assess the potential and performance of one of his or her employees. The system stores these values with the status Nominated in the infotype Performance (7409) or Potential (7408).

      For more information, see Performance Values and Potential Values: Manager Assessment.

  • Performance assessment and potential assessment by talent review meetings

    • Status: Nominated

      During the talent review meeting, the talent management specialist can change the classification of a talent in the calibration grid and thus change the talent's performance values and potential values.

      If the talent management specialist saves this change but does not choose Approve, the system stores these values with the status Nominated in the infotypes Performance and Potential.

    • Status: Approved

      During the talent review meeting, the talent management specialist can approve the classification of individual or multiple talents in the calibration grid.

      The system then stores these values with the status Approved in the infotypes Performance and Potential.

    • Status: Closed Approved

      The talent management specialist can have the entire talent review meeting approved by a higher management level (outside of the system, for example, on paper). Then, when processing the talent review meeting, the talent management specialist can set the status Approved for the entire talent review meeting (see Approval of Talent Review Meetings).

      The system then stores the values of all talents discussed in this talent review meeting with the status Closed Approved in the infotypes Performance and Potential.

    For more information, see Performance Values and Potential Values in the Talent Review Meeting.

Status of Talent Review Meetings

For more information, see Status Changes for Talent Review Meetings.