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Function documentationFollowing Up on Talent Group Nominations


When following up on a talent review meeting, talent management specialists can change, approve, or reject the talent group nominations of the talents discussed in the talent review meeting, and assign talents to additional talent groups.


Talent Group Nominations Displayed in the Follow-Up List

The follow-up list can contain the following talent group nominations:

Which talent group nominations are displayed in the follow-up list depends on how you have implemented the BAdI Follow-Up Activities of Talent Review Meetings. In the standard implementation it is defined that both nominations that the manager has made, as well as (if available) the nominations that were made in the talent review meeting, are displayed.

Processing of Talent Group Assignments

You can edit the talent group assignments of the talents discussed in the talent review meeting on the Edit Talent Group Assignment dialog box for each talent.

You can perform the following functions in the dialog box:

  • You can change existing assignments as follows:

    • You can set the statuses Nominated, Approved, or Rejected.

    • You can enter who approved the assignment or rejection and what the reason was.

    • You can check and change the notes that were created for a talent group nomination. You can also add new notes.

    • You can specify the duration of the assignment to the talent group.

  • You can add new assignments.

    To do so, select the talent group of your choice and choose Add.

  • You can delete assignments.

    Note Note

    You can delete only those assignments that were created in the current talent review meeting. You cannot delete nominations that were made by managers.

    End of the note.

To save the changes that you have made on the dialog box Edit Talent Group Assignment, choose OK and then save the talent review meeting.

Approval and Rejection of Talent Group Nominations

You can approve or reject the nominations for talent groups as follows:

  • You can approve or reject the assignments for each talent. You have the following options:

    • You set the relevant status in the dialog box Edit Talent Group Assignment.

    • In the follow-up list you select the row for the relevant talent and select the activity of your choice under Talent Group.

      Note Note

      If you choose Approve Nominations or Reject Nominations for a talent that is nominated for more than one talent group, you thus approve or reject all nominations for this talent. If you want to approve or reject the nominations for the talent individually, set the appropriate status in the dialog box Edit Talent Group Assignment.

      End of the note.
  • You can approve or reject the nominations for each talent group.

    To do so, display the entries in the follow-up list sorted by talent groups. Select a talent group and then an activity.

  • You can approve or reject all assignments for the entire talent review meeting.

    To do so, choose Start of the navigation path Select Next navigation step Select All End of the navigation path, and then an activity.