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 Real Estate Search


Using this process, you can generate offered objectsfor vacant rental objects or those that will soon be vacant. An offered object contains the most important data from the rental object it relates to. This is the data that you generally want to search for when someone is looking for a real estate object to rent. The object location and the fixtures and fittings are examples of this kind of data. To perform the search, you create an RE search request and enter the data of the prospect (business partner) there.

Extensive search functions enable you to find RE search requests and offered objects.


  • You made the necessary settings in Customizing for Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX) in the activities under Real Estate Search .

  • You generated offered objects from the rental objects that you want to include in the search. On the Start of the navigation path SAP Easy Accessscreen, chooseFlexible Real Estate Management Next navigation step Tools Next navigation step Real Estate Management Next navigation step Create/Update Offered Objects from Rental Objects End of the navigation path .

    You can change certain data in the offered objects. For more information, see Processing Offered Objects .

Process Flow

Process for the Real Estate Search:

I. Create RE Search Request

Create an RE search request . Enter the following data, which you can use later as search criteria:

  • General Data (information on the search, such as, size of the apartment you are looking for)

  • Object Location (description of the infrastructure requested, such as, the distance to the nearest school)

  • Fixtures/Fittings (fixtures and fittings characteristics of the object requested, such as, bay windows)

  • Partner (master data of the prospect, for example, the address)

  • Processing Infos (statistics, like the processing status)

    II. Execute Search

Execute a search . You can:

  • Search for RE search requests from an offered object

  • Search for offered objects from an RE search request

    Choose the search criteria so that the results of the search meet the requirements of the prospect as closely as possible. The system displays a hit list, from which you can select among the RE search requests or offered objects that are found.

    III. Process the Hit List

You can process the hit list , for example, you can make certain offered objects favorites or you can reject them.

IV. Create Contract Offer or Contract

Create a contract offer or immediately create a contract . You can create a contract or contract offerusing one of the following:

  • RE search request

  • Offered object

You can convert a contract offer into a contract.

Caution Caution

Execute transaction REOROOCREATE , if you made changes in Customizing, updated rental objects, or want to update reserved offered objects.

End of the caution.

Recommendation Recommendation

We recommend that you execute this transaction at regular intervals.

End of the recommendation.


You created RE search requests and executed a search in the system. You were able to offer a prospect the ideal real estate object, or find a prospect for a landlord.

You created a contract offer for this real estate object.

Subsequent Processes

You can print contract offers and contracts using correspondence functions.

You can archive your data.