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Node Types: OverviewLocate this document in the navigation structure


When you create a Smart Form, the tree structure of the Form Painter already contains two root nodes:

  • You use the inferior nodes of the Global Settings node to maintain Form Attributes, the Form Interface, and Global Definitions.

  • You use the inferior nodes of the Pages and Windows node to create the pages of your form, position elements on these pages, and determine the sequence in which you want to process these elements.

Except for the two root nodes, each node has attributes. You can maintain these attributes on tab pages on the right half of the screen. The attributes you can maintain on the tab pages General Attributes, Output Options, and Conditions are the same for most of the node types (see: Shared Attributes of the Node Types).


For information on how to create nodes, see Navigation Tree.

Inferior Nodes of Node Pages and Windows

As directly inferior nodes to root node Pages and Windows you can create only page nodes. The tables below describe these page nodes and the other inferior nodes:

Output Areas


Node Type


Possible Direct Subnodes


A page of the form. Directly inferior nodes of this node can be placed directly on the page.

Window, graphic, address


Output area on a page. There are these window types:

All except window and page nodes

Elementary Nodes (Without Inferior Nodes)


Node Type



You use this node to print any texts (and table contents), except addresses.


You use this node to position graphics in the form. To include background graphics, use node type Page.


You use this node to include an address. The system reads the address data directly from the database tables and formats it for print output.

Table Outputs


Node Type


Possible Direct Subnodes


You use this node to print a table with fixed layout

All except window, page, table, and template nodes


You use this node to print a table with dynamic layout

Directly inferior nodes are automatically the three nodes Header, Main Area, and Footer. As their directly inferior nodes, loop nodes, folder nodes, or table nodes are allowed.

Table Line

You use this node to print a table line in a table or template

Table cell

Table cell

You use this node to print a table cell of a table line according to the line type

As with the template node

Old table node

These tables are still contained in forms created before Release 6.10. You can modify them but not create new ones.

As with the template node

Flow Control


Node Type


Possible Direct Subnodes


You use this node to execute special commands (next page, paragraph numbering, printer control)

(no inferior nodes)


You use this node to process inferior nodes repeatedly.

All except window and page nodes


You use this node to branch depending on a condition.

Directly inferior nodes are automatically the nodes TRUE and FALSE. The directly inferior nodes of these can be all nodes except window and page nodes.

Other Nodes


Node Type


Possible Direct Subnodes


You use this node to combine inferior nodes to logical groups

All except window and page nodes

Complex section

You use this node to combine all attributes of the node types template, table, loop, folder

All except window and page nodes

Program lines

You use this node to execute ABAP program code (for example, conversion routines).

(no inferior nodes)