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Form Logic: IntroductionLocate this document in the navigation structure


In the Form Builder you describe a Smart Form by a set of nodes. To do this, you build up a tree structure on the left side of the user interface:

This graphic already contains some nodes. The node Global Settings as well as its three inferior nodes Form Attributes, Form Interface, Subnodes, and Global Definitions always exist for any newly created forms. To describe the Form Logic, create a hierarchy under the node Pages and Windows. This hierarchy determines the rules used to process the nodes of the tree. Depending on the node type, this could include:

  • printing the node contents (text, addresses, graphics).

  • executing the node statements.

  • executing the inferior nodes of a node according to other rules (for example, in a loop).

You use the form logic to control the flow of the form output. The following rules apply throughout:

  1. The nodes in the tree structure are processed from top to bottom. This is easier to understand, if you imagine all nodes to be expanded.

  2. For each node there is a tab page, which you can use to link the node to a condition. If the condition is met, then the node is processed. If the condition is not met, then the node is skipped, as well as all its subnodes.

  3. You must define a next page for each page. However, you can also go to other pages dynamically (see also: Flow Control).

In addition, the page break depends on how much space is left on the current page.


For the complete rules for processing the tree structure, see Rules for Processing a Form.