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Determining Output ConditionsLocate this document in the navigation structure


A node exists for which you want to determine a condition. The node must offer the Conditions tab. This applies to most node types.


You use output conditions to suppress processing of individual nodes or entire subtrees in the tree structure.


  1. Select the Conditions tab of the node.

  2. In the Output conditions box you can enter for each line a condition with two operands. An operand can be a field (in the Comparison value column as well) or a value (in the Field name column as well).


    Enter fields without enclosing ampersands ('&').

  3. To select the comparison operator, choose the pushbutton between the two columns.

  4. By default, the system evaluates the conditions in the lines using a logical AND. To use a logical OR, position the cursor on the desired line and choose Insert OR ( ).


    The AND link is stronger than the OR link. The expression A AND B OR C AND D would have the following brackets: (A AND B) OR (C AND D).

  5. Use the local check function to check your output conditions.

  6. If desired, link the output conditions to output events of pages and windows. To do this, use the and additional event box. The events are linked to the output conditions with AND.


If the condition is true, the system processes the node. Whether it also processes the inferior nodes may depend on other conditions in these nodes. If the condition is false, the system ignores this node and all subnodes.