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Box and ShadingLocate this document in the navigation structure


You use boxes and shadings for templates and tables to color the background of individual cells and to create box lines for each cell border individually. This allows you, for example, to underline table headings or highlight subtotals.


See also: Line Types



You use the Table Painter to set boxes and shadings for your template. Since the structure of the template is static, the boxes and the shading appear on the form as they are displayed in the Table Painter. This implies that the settings for boxes and shadings are independent of the line type: If you use one line type for several lines, you can have individual settings for boxes and shadings, even though all lines belong to the same line type (the line type then covers an interval or is a reference).


The boxes and the shading you specify for tables are dependent on the line type. This implies that the sequence in which the line types are displayed in the Table Painter is of no consequence: Each individual line type is used as it is displayed in the Table Painter and is printed with the appropriate table contents.


You defined line types for a table or template node, which you now want to enhance with boxes and shadings.

Whether colored boxes and shadings are printed in the selected colors depends on your printer type. Black/white printers always print any color with a saturation specified as 100% as black (even if you selected gray, for example). To create shades of gray with these printers, you must change the saturation settings.

  • Use Select Pattern... (( ) to copy patterns for boxes and shadings.

  • If you are in change mode for line types ( activated), you can use Display Box/Shading ( ) to display or suppress the boxes and the shading.

  1. This step is optional: Select a pattern using Select Pattern.... . With table nodes, you should first sort the line types in the sequence in which you want to use them for output (first the line type for the header, then for the main area, then for the footer). The patterns then match the logical order of the line types.

  2. Set your boxes for the line types.

  3. Set your shading for the line types.