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 Closing Returns Lots Manually


You have entered all the data for a returns lot (see Entering Returns Lots Manually ).

Caution Caution

Once a returns lot has been closed, you can only change it if you have special authorization 012. (Exception when processing errors: See Postprocessing Returns Lots Manually ).

End of the caution.


  1. Choose one of the following paths:

  • Roles

Start of the navigation path Returns Processing Next navigation step (SAP_FI_CA_RETURNS_PROCESSING) Next navigation step Process Returns Lot End of the navigation path

  • SAP Menu

Start of the navigation path Payments Next navigation step Returns Next navigation step Returns Lot End of the navigation path

The initial screen appears.

  1. Choose Close .


The returns lot is now closed. This indicates that it is complete and ready to be posted.

You can now post the returns lot (see Posting Returns Lots Manually ).