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Function documentationReports for Cost Efficiency Analysis


In the Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX) component, the following reports are available for cost efficiency analysis (CEA):

  • Measure Overview

  • Measure Objects/Measurements

  • Costs of Measure

  • CEA Costs

  • CEA Financing Plan

  • CEA Current Expenses

  • CEA Prestage Adjustments


For more information, see Information System (RE-FX).


You activated the Cost Efficiency Analysis (CEA) subfunction in Customizing for Flexible Real Estate Management (RE-FX) under Start of the navigation path Basic Settings Next navigation step Activate Subfunction End of the navigation path.

Note Note

You cannot activate this subfunction unless you first activate the business function Real Estate Management (RE_GEN_CI_1).

End of the note.

You made additional settings in Customizing. For more information, see Information System (RE-FX).


Measure Overview

This report provides an overview of all adjustment measures for cost efficiency analysis. You can also use this report for adjustment measures that are not based on a cost efficiency analysis.

Measure Objects/Measurements

This report provides an overview of the objects and measurements for adjustment measures for cost efficiency analysis. You can also use this report for adjustment measures that are not based on a cost efficiency analysis.

Costs of Measure

This report provides an overview of costs for adjustment measures for cost efficiency analysis. You can also use this report for adjustment measures that are not based on a cost efficiency analysis.

The costs are broken down by cost item. You can restrict the selection using cost items and cost item groups.

CEA Costs

This report provides an overview of the costs for cost efficiency analyses.

The costs are broken down by cost item. You can restrict the selection using cost items and cost item groups.

CEA Financing Plan

This report provides an overview of the financing for cost efficiency analyses.

The financing is broken down by financing item. You can restrict the selection using financing items and financing item groups.

CEA Current Expenses

This report provides an overview of the current expenses.

The current expenses are broken down by expense item. You can restrict the selection using expense items and expense item groups.

CEA Prestage Adjustments

This report provides an overview of the prestage adjustments. You can restrict the selection using expense items and expense item groups.

You can specify if the report should display object-dependent or object-independent prestage adjustments. You can also specify if the report should display information that requires long runtimes, such as, the unit price and condition amount.


On the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Accounting Next navigation step Flexible Real Estate Management Next navigation step Adjustment of Conditions Next navigation step Information System Next navigation step Adjustment Measure or Cost Efficiency Analysis End of the navigation path.

Enter all relevant data and run the report.