public class CsapSBomExplOut extends VdmComplex<CsapSBomExplOut>
Original complex type name from the Odata EDM: CsapSBomExplOut
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
static class |
CsapSBomExplOut.CsapSBomExplOutBuilder |
Constructor and Description |
CsapSBomExplOut() |
CsapSBomExplOut(String bOMHdrRootMatlHierNode,
String materialName,
String billOfMaterialRoot,
BigDecimal bOMHeaderQuantityPrimary,
String bOMHeaderBaseUnit,
String billOfMaterialRootVariant,
String billOfMaterialVariantUsage,
LocalDateTime headerValidityStartDate,
LocalDateTime headerValidityEndDate,
String changeNumber,
String bOMHdrMatlHierNode,
String productionVersion,
String bOMAlternativeText,
BigDecimal bOMExplosionLevel,
String billOfMaterialItemNumber,
String billOfMaterialVariant,
String billOfMaterialComponent,
BigDecimal billOfMaterialItemQuantity,
String billOfMaterialItemUnit,
String materialType,
BigDecimal standardPrice,
String mRPType,
String specialProcurementType,
String followUpProduct,
Boolean materialIsConfigurable,
String engineeringChangeDocument,
LocalDateTime recordCreationDate,
String createdByUser,
LocalDateTime lastChangeDate,
String lastChangedByUser,
String billOfMaterialItemCategory,
String isMaterialProvision,
String isBOMItemSparePart,
Boolean isCAD,
String purchasingOrganisation,
String purchasingGroup,
String supplier,
BigDecimal materialComponentPrice,
BigDecimal priceUnit,
String currency,
String costElement,
String docNumber,
String documentType,
String documentPart,
String documentVersion,
String bOMItemDescription,
String itemDescriptionLine2,
String materialGroup,
BigDecimal goodsReceiptDurationInDays,
String productionSupplyArea,
LocalDateTime validityStartDate,
LocalDateTime validityEndDate,
Boolean isPhantomItem,
String prodOrderIssueLocation,
Boolean isSoftwareComponent,
String bOMItemIsDiscontinued,
String chgToEngChgNumber,
BigDecimal deliveryTimeInDays) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CsapSBomExplOut.CsapSBomExplOutBuilder |
builder() |
protected boolean |
canEqual(Object other) |
boolean |
equals(Object o) |
protected void |
fromMap(Map<String,Object> inputValues) |
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialComponentA master record is usually maintained in the system for a component.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemCategoryThis categorization allows you to process data that is relevant to the individual items in a BOM.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemNumber
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemQuantityYou usually enter the quantity without a +/- sign (for example, 66).For the following materials, you enter the quantity with a - sign(for example, 22-):Materials that are marked as co-productsIntra materials (in process industries)In display functions, the system calculates the current component quantity from the required quantity and the base quantity.Required quantityCurrent component quantity = ------------------ * Saved component quantityBase quantity
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemUnitYou define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record.Since all data is updated in the base unit of measure, your entry is particularly important for the conversion of alternative units of measure.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialRootThe system assigns this number internally.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialRootVariant
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariant
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariantUsage
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMAlternativeTextThis information only applies to this individual alternative and variant.If you want to maintain a long text, choose the symbol to the right of the field.
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 2, Scale: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMExplosionLevelThe BOM level and the path together identify the exact position of a phantom assembly in a BOM.A BOM contains the following phantom assemblies (Phan.Ass.) and materials:Material A___________________________________________Phan.Ass.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHdrMatlHierNode
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHdrRootMatlHierNode
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHeaderBaseUnitThe system takes this unit from the material master.The unit cannot be changed, because stock of the material is managed using this unit.
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHeaderQuantityPrimaryUsing this customizing function, you can define a value which is set as a default when you create a bill of material.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMItemDescriptionIf this text length (two lines of 40 characters each) is not sufficient, you can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Extras -> Long text -> Item.When you create an item long text, the first 80 characters of the BOM item text are copied to the long text.If you change the BOM item text, the first 80 characters of long text are automatically changed, too.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMItemIsDiscontinuedIf this indicator is set, the system transfers the dependent requirements in materials planning to the follow-up material if they are no longer covered by warehouse stocks.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: ChangeNumberIf you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: ChgToEngChgNumberIf the object has been changed using a change number, the system determines this change number automatically.Three change numbers (N1, N2 and N3) define the validity periods of the item:N1 N2 N3I-----------I----------------------I---------------->1.1.96 6.1.96 12.2.96If you change the item within the validity period of change number N1, the system enters N2 in Change number to.If you change the item within the validity period of change number N2, the system enters N3 in Change number to.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property from the Odata EDM: CostElementwhich is to be debited with the goods issue, if you have entered a consumption account, orfor which an account assignment check is to be carried out.This entry is used in various areas:in MRP for purchase requisitionsin costing for pricingYou can only enter a G/L account for which a G/L account master is maintained in the appropriate company code.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property from the Odata EDM: Currency
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: DeliveryTimeInDaysWhen an order-specific BOM is exploded, a purchase requisition is produced via an MRP program.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 25 Original property from the Odata EDM: DocNumber
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentPartDesign departments, for example, can use document parts to divide up large documents such as design drawings into pages.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentType
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentVersionA new version is assigned after the original files have been edited in the following processing situations:The new processing status varies from the original in a certain way (for example, text change sin a text file).You want the original processing status to remain the same (for example, documentation of project progress).
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: EngineeringChangeDocumentIf you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: FollowUpProductIn the material master record and also in the bill of material (BOM), you can define a follow-up material for a material to be discontinued.
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptDurationInDays
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: HeaderValidityEndDate
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: HeaderValidityStartDate
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: IsBOMItemSparePartIn a BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict item selection.The indicator does not interrupt the explosion of the BOM to the lowest level.
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property from the Odata EDM: IsCAD
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: IsMaterialProvisionIn the BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict the items selected.There are two types of material provision:Material provided by a vendorMaterial provided by a customerYou can also use the material provision indicator to identify the subcontracting type for a part.
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property from the Odata EDM: IsPhantomItem
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property from the Odata EDM: IsSoftwareComponent
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: ItemDescriptionLine2You can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Details --> Long text --> Item long text.If the text comprises less than three lines, it is stored in the BOM item.
protected Map<String,Object> |
getKey() |
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDate
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: LastChangedByUser
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 12, Scale: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialComponentPrice
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 9 Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroupYou can use material groups to:Restrict the scope of analysesSearch specifically for material master records via search helps
Boolean |
Constraints: noneOriginal property from the Odata EDM: MaterialIsConfigurableIf this indicator is set, you can assign a variant class to the material, making it possible to use it as a configurable material.You can set the indicator manually in the material master record, irrespective of the material type.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialNameYou can enter one material description in each of any number of languages.In principle, you enter the material description on the data screen of the first user department for which you enter data, and in your logon language.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialTypeThe material type defines certain attributes of the material and has important control functions.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: MRPTypeManual reorder point planningAutomatic reorder point planningForecast-based planningMaterial requirements planning with forecasts for unplanned consumptionMaster production scheduling (MPS)Demand-driven replenishment
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: PriceUnit10 litres of gasoline cost $12.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: ProdOrderIssueLocationIf the material is a component, it is the issuing storage location to which a backflush is posted.If the material is produced, it is the receiving storage location to which the receipt of the material is posted.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property from the Odata EDM: ProductionSupplyAreaThe PSA is used in Kanban and JIT Outbound processing and in Extended Warehouse Management.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: ProductionVersionThe production version determines the following:the BOM alternative for a BOM explosionthe task list type, the task list group and the task list group counter for allocation to task listslot-size restrictions for repetitive manufacturing
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroupInternally, the purchasing group is responsible for the procurement of a material or a class of materials.Externally, it is the medium through which contacts with the vendor are maintained.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganisation
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: RecordCreationDate
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: SpecialProcurementTypeYou use special procurement when you want to be able to override the procurement type in the material master or define the procurement type more precisely.If the procurement type is in-house, you can nevertheless force the system to ignore the BOM and routing, and process the material as if it were externally procured, by specifying the special procurement as external.Enter the special procurement type to which you want to restrict the selection.If you procure a material externally, you may want to choose the special procurement type Consignment.
BigDecimal |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 12, Scale: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: StandardPriceThe valuation of material stocks at standard prices means that all goods movements are valuated at the same price over an extended period.Price variances (for example, purchase price higher than standard price) upon goods receipt or invoice receipt are posted by the system to price difference accounts.
String |
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property from the Odata EDM: Supplier
Class<CsapSBomExplOut> |
getType() |
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: ValidityEndDate
LocalDateTime |
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: ValidityStartDate
int |
hashCode() |
void |
setBillOfMaterialComponent(String billOfMaterialComponent)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialComponentA master record is usually maintained in the system for a component.
void |
setBillOfMaterialItemCategory(String billOfMaterialItemCategory)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemCategoryThis categorization allows you to process data that is relevant to the individual items in a BOM.
void |
setBillOfMaterialItemNumber(String billOfMaterialItemNumber)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemNumber
void |
setBillOfMaterialItemQuantity(BigDecimal billOfMaterialItemQuantity)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemQuantityYou usually enter the quantity without a +/- sign (for example, 66).For the following materials, you enter the quantity with a - sign(for example, 22-):Materials that are marked as co-productsIntra materials (in process industries)In display functions, the system calculates the current component quantity from the required quantity and the base quantity.Required quantityCurrent component quantity = ------------------ * Saved component quantityBase quantity
void |
setBillOfMaterialItemUnit(String billOfMaterialItemUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemUnitYou define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record.Since all data is updated in the base unit of measure, your entry is particularly important for the conversion of alternative units of measure.
void |
setBillOfMaterialRoot(String billOfMaterialRoot)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 8 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialRootThe system assigns this number internally.
void |
setBillOfMaterialRootVariant(String billOfMaterialRootVariant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialRootVariant
void |
setBillOfMaterialVariant(String billOfMaterialVariant)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariant
void |
setBillOfMaterialVariantUsage(String billOfMaterialVariantUsage)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariantUsage
void |
setBOMAlternativeText(String bOMAlternativeText)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMAlternativeTextThis information only applies to this individual alternative and variant.If you want to maintain a long text, choose the symbol to the right of the field.
void |
setBOMExplosionLevel(BigDecimal bOMExplosionLevel)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 2, Scale: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMExplosionLevelThe BOM level and the path together identify the exact position of a phantom assembly in a BOM.A BOM contains the following phantom assemblies (Phan.Ass.) and materials:Material A___________________________________________Phan.Ass.
void |
setBOMHdrMatlHierNode(String bOMHdrMatlHierNode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHdrMatlHierNode
void |
setBOMHdrRootMatlHierNode(String bOMHdrRootMatlHierNode)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHdrRootMatlHierNode
void |
setBOMHeaderBaseUnit(String bOMHeaderBaseUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHeaderBaseUnitThe system takes this unit from the material master.The unit cannot be changed, because stock of the material is managed using this unit.
void |
setBOMHeaderQuantityPrimary(BigDecimal bOMHeaderQuantityPrimary)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 13, Scale: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHeaderQuantityPrimaryUsing this customizing function, you can define a value which is set as a default when you create a bill of material.
void |
setBOMItemDescription(String bOMItemDescription)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMItemDescriptionIf this text length (two lines of 40 characters each) is not sufficient, you can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Extras -> Long text -> Item.When you create an item long text, the first 80 characters of the BOM item text are copied to the long text.If you change the BOM item text, the first 80 characters of long text are automatically changed, too.
void |
setBOMItemIsDiscontinued(String bOMItemIsDiscontinued)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMItemIsDiscontinuedIf this indicator is set, the system transfers the dependent requirements in materials planning to the follow-up material if they are no longer covered by warehouse stocks.
void |
setChangeNumber(String changeNumber)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: ChangeNumberIf you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
void |
setChgToEngChgNumber(String chgToEngChgNumber)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: ChgToEngChgNumberIf the object has been changed using a change number, the system determines this change number automatically.Three change numbers (N1, N2 and N3) define the validity periods of the item:N1 N2 N3I-----------I----------------------I---------------->1.1.96 6.1.96 12.2.96If you change the item within the validity period of change number N1, the system enters N2 in Change number to.If you change the item within the validity period of change number N2, the system enters N3 in Change number to.
void |
setCostElement(String costElement)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property from the Odata EDM: CostElementwhich is to be debited with the goods issue, if you have entered a consumption account, orfor which an account assignment check is to be carried out.This entry is used in various areas:in MRP for purchase requisitionsin costing for pricingYou can only enter a G/L account for which a G/L account master is maintained in the appropriate company code.
void |
setCreatedByUser(String createdByUser)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
void |
setCurrency(String currency)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 5 Original property from the Odata EDM: Currency
void |
setDeliveryTimeInDays(BigDecimal deliveryTimeInDays)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: DeliveryTimeInDaysWhen an order-specific BOM is exploded, a purchase requisition is produced via an MRP program.
void |
setDocNumber(String docNumber)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 25 Original property from the Odata EDM: DocNumber
void |
setDocumentPart(String documentPart)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentPartDesign departments, for example, can use document parts to divide up large documents such as design drawings into pages.
void |
setDocumentType(String documentType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentType
void |
setDocumentVersion(String documentVersion)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentVersionA new version is assigned after the original files have been edited in the following processing situations:The new processing status varies from the original in a certain way (for example, text change sin a text file).You want the original processing status to remain the same (for example, documentation of project progress).
void |
setEngineeringChangeDocument(String engineeringChangeDocument)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: EngineeringChangeDocumentIf you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
void |
setFollowUpProduct(String followUpProduct)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: FollowUpProductIn the material master record and also in the bill of material (BOM), you can define a follow-up material for a material to be discontinued.
void |
setGoodsReceiptDurationInDays(BigDecimal goodsReceiptDurationInDays)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 3, Scale: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptDurationInDays
void |
setHeaderValidityEndDate(LocalDateTime headerValidityEndDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: HeaderValidityEndDate
void |
setHeaderValidityStartDate(LocalDateTime headerValidityStartDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: HeaderValidityStartDate
void |
setIsBOMItemSparePart(String isBOMItemSparePart)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: IsBOMItemSparePartIn a BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict item selection.The indicator does not interrupt the explosion of the BOM to the lowest level.
void |
setIsCAD(Boolean isCAD)
Constraints: noneOriginal property from the Odata EDM: IsCAD
void |
setIsMaterialProvision(String isMaterialProvision)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 1 Original property from the Odata EDM: IsMaterialProvisionIn the BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict the items selected.There are two types of material provision:Material provided by a vendorMaterial provided by a customerYou can also use the material provision indicator to identify the subcontracting type for a part.
void |
setIsPhantomItem(Boolean isPhantomItem)
Constraints: noneOriginal property from the Odata EDM: IsPhantomItem
void |
setIsSoftwareComponent(Boolean isSoftwareComponent)
Constraints: noneOriginal property from the Odata EDM: IsSoftwareComponent
void |
setItemDescriptionLine2(String itemDescriptionLine2)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: ItemDescriptionLine2You can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Details --> Long text --> Item long text.If the text comprises less than three lines, it is stored in the BOM item.
void |
setLastChangeDate(LocalDateTime lastChangeDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDate
void |
setLastChangedByUser(String lastChangedByUser)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 12 Original property from the Odata EDM: LastChangedByUser
void |
setMaterialComponentPrice(BigDecimal materialComponentPrice)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 12, Scale: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialComponentPrice
void |
setMaterialGroup(String materialGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 9 Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroupYou can use material groups to:Restrict the scope of analysesSearch specifically for material master records via search helps
void |
setMaterialIsConfigurable(Boolean materialIsConfigurable)
Constraints: noneOriginal property from the Odata EDM: MaterialIsConfigurableIf this indicator is set, you can assign a variant class to the material, making it possible to use it as a configurable material.You can set the indicator manually in the material master record, irrespective of the material type.
void |
setMaterialName(String materialName)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 40 Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialNameYou can enter one material description in each of any number of languages.In principle, you enter the material description on the data screen of the first user department for which you enter data, and in your logon language.
void |
setMaterialType(String materialType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialTypeThe material type defines certain attributes of the material and has important control functions.
void |
setMRPType(String mRPType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: MRPTypeManual reorder point planningAutomatic reorder point planningForecast-based planningMaterial requirements planning with forecasts for unplanned consumptionMaster production scheduling (MPS)Demand-driven replenishment
void |
setPriceUnit(BigDecimal priceUnit)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 5, Scale: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: PriceUnit10 litres of gasoline cost $12.
void |
setProdOrderIssueLocation(String prodOrderIssueLocation)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: ProdOrderIssueLocationIf the material is a component, it is the issuing storage location to which a backflush is posted.If the material is produced, it is the receiving storage location to which the receipt of the material is posted.
void |
setProductionSupplyArea(String productionSupplyArea)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property from the Odata EDM: ProductionSupplyAreaThe PSA is used in Kanban and JIT Outbound processing and in Extended Warehouse Management.
void |
setProductionVersion(String productionVersion)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: ProductionVersionThe production version determines the following:the BOM alternative for a BOM explosionthe task list type, the task list group and the task list group counter for allocation to task listslot-size restrictions for repetitive manufacturing
void |
setPurchasingGroup(String purchasingGroup)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroupInternally, the purchasing group is responsible for the procurement of a material or a class of materials.Externally, it is the medium through which contacts with the vendor are maintained.
void |
setPurchasingOrganisation(String purchasingOrganisation)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 4 Original property from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganisation
void |
setRecordCreationDate(LocalDateTime recordCreationDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: RecordCreationDate
void |
setSpecialProcurementType(String specialProcurementType)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 2 Original property from the Odata EDM: SpecialProcurementTypeYou use special procurement when you want to be able to override the procurement type in the material master or define the procurement type more precisely.If the procurement type is in-house, you can nevertheless force the system to ignore the BOM and routing, and process the material as if it were externally procured, by specifying the special procurement as external.Enter the special procurement type to which you want to restrict the selection.If you procure a material externally, you may want to choose the special procurement type Consignment.
void |
setStandardPrice(BigDecimal standardPrice)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 12, Scale: 3 Original property from the Odata EDM: StandardPriceThe valuation of material stocks at standard prices means that all goods movements are valuated at the same price over an extended period.Price variances (for example, purchase price higher than standard price) upon goods receipt or invoice receipt are posted by the system to price difference accounts.
void |
setSupplier(String supplier)
Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10 Original property from the Odata EDM: Supplier
void |
setValidityEndDate(LocalDateTime validityEndDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: ValidityEndDate
void |
setValidityStartDate(LocalDateTime validityStartDate)
Constraints: Not nullable, Precision: 0 Original property from the Odata EDM: ValidityStartDate
protected Map<String,Object> |
toMapOfFields() |
String |
toString() |
getChangedFields, getCustomField, getCustomField, getCustomFieldNames, getCustomFields, getSetOfCustomFields, getSetOfFields, getSetOfNavigationProperties, hasCustomField, hasCustomField, rememberChangedField, resetChangedFields, setCustomField, setCustomField, toMap, toMapOfCustomFields, toMapOfNavigationProperties
public CsapSBomExplOut()
public CsapSBomExplOut(@Nullable String bOMHdrRootMatlHierNode, @Nullable String materialName, @Nullable String billOfMaterialRoot, @Nullable BigDecimal bOMHeaderQuantityPrimary, @Nullable String bOMHeaderBaseUnit, @Nullable String billOfMaterialRootVariant, @Nullable String billOfMaterialVariantUsage, @Nullable LocalDateTime headerValidityStartDate, @Nullable LocalDateTime headerValidityEndDate, @Nullable String changeNumber, @Nullable String bOMHdrMatlHierNode, @Nullable String productionVersion, @Nullable String bOMAlternativeText, @Nullable BigDecimal bOMExplosionLevel, @Nullable String billOfMaterialItemNumber, @Nullable String billOfMaterialVariant, @Nullable String billOfMaterialComponent, @Nullable BigDecimal billOfMaterialItemQuantity, @Nullable String billOfMaterialItemUnit, @Nullable String materialType, @Nullable BigDecimal standardPrice, @Nullable String mRPType, @Nullable String specialProcurementType, @Nullable String followUpProduct, @Nullable Boolean materialIsConfigurable, @Nullable String engineeringChangeDocument, @Nullable LocalDateTime recordCreationDate, @Nullable String createdByUser, @Nullable LocalDateTime lastChangeDate, @Nullable String lastChangedByUser, @Nullable String billOfMaterialItemCategory, @Nullable String isMaterialProvision, @Nullable String isBOMItemSparePart, @Nullable Boolean isCAD, @Nullable String purchasingOrganisation, @Nullable String purchasingGroup, @Nullable String supplier, @Nullable BigDecimal materialComponentPrice, @Nullable BigDecimal priceUnit, @Nullable String currency, @Nullable String costElement, @Nullable String docNumber, @Nullable String documentType, @Nullable String documentPart, @Nullable String documentVersion, @Nullable String bOMItemDescription, @Nullable String itemDescriptionLine2, @Nullable String materialGroup, @Nullable BigDecimal goodsReceiptDurationInDays, @Nullable String productionSupplyArea, @Nullable LocalDateTime validityStartDate, @Nullable LocalDateTime validityEndDate, @Nullable Boolean isPhantomItem, @Nullable String prodOrderIssueLocation, @Nullable Boolean isSoftwareComponent, @Nullable String bOMItemIsDiscontinued, @Nullable String chgToEngChgNumber, @Nullable BigDecimal deliveryTimeInDays)
@Nonnull public Class<CsapSBomExplOut> getType()
in class VdmObject<CsapSBomExplOut>
@Nonnull protected Map<String,Object> toMapOfFields()
in class VdmObject<CsapSBomExplOut>
protected void fromMap(Map<String,Object> inputValues)
in class VdmObject<CsapSBomExplOut>
protected Map<String,Object> getKey()
in class VdmObject<CsapSBomExplOut>
public static CsapSBomExplOut.CsapSBomExplOutBuilder builder()
@Nullable public String getBOMHdrRootMatlHierNode()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHdrRootMatlHierNode
@Nullable public String getMaterialName()
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialName
You can enter one material description in each of any number of languages.In principle, you enter the material description on the data screen of the first user department for which you enter data, and in your logon language. You can overwrite the material description on the Basic Data screen.
@Nullable public String getBillOfMaterialRoot()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialRoot
The system assigns this number internally. These numbers are irrelevant to the user. You access the BOM by entering the object (for example, material or equipment) to which the BOM belongs.The system stores the following information under this number:all alternatives in a multiple BOMall variants in a variant BOMBOMs that are allocated to more than one plant
@Nullable public BigDecimal getBOMHeaderQuantityPrimary()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHeaderQuantityPrimary
Using this customizing function, you can define a value which is set as a default when you create a bill of material.
@Nullable public String getBOMHeaderBaseUnit()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHeaderBaseUnit
The system takes this unit from the material master.The unit cannot be changed, because stock of the material is managed using this unit.
@Nullable public String getBillOfMaterialRootVariant()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialRootVariant
@Nullable public String getBillOfMaterialVariantUsage()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariantUsage
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getHeaderValidityStartDate()
Original property from the Odata EDM: HeaderValidityStartDate
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getHeaderValidityEndDate()
Original property from the Odata EDM: HeaderValidityEndDate
@Nullable public String getChangeNumber()
Original property from the Odata EDM: ChangeNumber
If you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
@Nullable public String getBOMHdrMatlHierNode()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHdrMatlHierNode
@Nullable public String getProductionVersion()
Original property from the Odata EDM: ProductionVersion
The production version determines the following:the BOM alternative for a BOM explosionthe task list type, the task list group and the task list group counter for allocation to task listslot-size restrictions for repetitive manufacturing
@Nullable public String getBOMAlternativeText()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMAlternativeText
This information only applies to this individual alternative and variant.If you want to maintain a long text, choose the symbol to the right of the field. The system displays a different symbol for each situation:@0O@ Create long text@0Q@ Change long text@0P@ Display long text
@Nullable public BigDecimal getBOMExplosionLevel()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMExplosionLevel
The BOM level and the path together identify the exact position of a phantom assembly in a BOM.A BOM contains the following phantom assemblies (Phan.Ass.) and materials:Material A___________________________________________Phan.Ass. B Phan.Ass. C Material D_____________ ___________Phan.Ass. E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. HMat. JTo enable the user to trace the positions of phantom assemblies in the BOM, the BOM levels and paths are assigned according to the following logic:Each BOM level is assigned a numberEach path in the BOM is assinged a numberIn the following BOM, the first number indicates the BOPM level, and the second indicates the path. Materials that are not phantom assemblies are assigned level and path number 0. However, if a material is a component of a phantom assembly, it inherits the level and path numbers from the phantom assembly.Material A(0/0)___________________________________________Phan.Ass. B Phan.Ass. C Material D(1/1) (1/2) (0/0)_____________ ___________Phan.Ass. E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. H(2/1) (1/1) (1/2) (1/2)Mat. J(2/1)
@Nullable public String getBillOfMaterialItemNumber()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemNumber
@Nullable public String getBillOfMaterialVariant()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariant
@Nullable public String getBillOfMaterialComponent()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialComponent
A master record is usually maintained in the system for a component.
@Nullable public BigDecimal getBillOfMaterialItemQuantity()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemQuantity
You usually enter the quantity without a +/- sign (for example, 66).For the following materials, you enter the quantity with a - sign(for example, 22-):Materials that are marked as co-productsIntra materials (in process industries)In display functions, the system calculates the current component quantity from the required quantity and the base quantity.Required quantityCurrent component quantity = ------------------ * Saved component quantityBase quantity
@Nullable public String getBillOfMaterialItemUnit()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemUnit
You define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record.Since all data is updated in the base unit of measure, your entry is particularly important for the conversion of alternative units of measure. A quantity in the alternative unit of measure can only be shown precisely if its value can be shown with the decimal places available. To ensure this, please note the following:The base unit of measure is the unit satisfying the highest necessary requirement for precision.The conversion of alternative units of measure to the base unit should result in simple decimal fractions (not, for example, 1/3 = 0.333...).Inventory ManagementIn Inventory Management, the base unit of measure is the same as the stockkeeping unit.ServicesServices have units of measure of their own, including the following:Service unitUnit of measure at the higher item level. The precise quantities of the individual services are each at the detailed service line level.BlanketUnit of measure at service line level for services to be provided once only, and for which no precise quantities can or are to be specified.
@Nullable public String getMaterialType()
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialType
The material type defines certain attributes of the material and has important control functions.
@Nullable public BigDecimal getStandardPrice()
Original property from the Odata EDM: StandardPrice
The valuation of material stocks at standard prices means that all goods movements are valuated at the same price over an extended period.Price variances (for example, purchase price higher than standard price) upon goods receipt or invoice receipt are posted by the system to price difference accounts. This does not affect the standard price.
@Nullable public String getMRPType()
Original property from the Odata EDM: MRPType
Manual reorder point planningAutomatic reorder point planningForecast-based planningMaterial requirements planning with forecasts for unplanned consumptionMaster production scheduling (MPS)Demand-driven replenishment
@Nullable public String getSpecialProcurementType()
Original property from the Odata EDM: SpecialProcurementType
You use special procurement when you want to be able to override the procurement type in the material master or define the procurement type more precisely.If the procurement type is in-house, you can nevertheless force the system to ignore the BOM and routing, and process the material as if it were externally procured, by specifying the special procurement as external.Enter the special procurement type to which you want to restrict the selection.If you procure a material externally, you may want to choose the special procurement type Consignment. If you produce the material in-house, it may be appropriate to choose Production in other plant.If a material has a routing but no BOM, it is treated as an externally procured material even if the procurement type is in-house. Both the BOM and the routing are ignored.However, if you specify the special procurement type as in-house, the routing is included even if the material has no BOM.
@Nullable public String getFollowUpProduct()
Original property from the Odata EDM: FollowUpProduct
In the material master record and also in the bill of material (BOM), you can define a follow-up material for a material to be discontinued. The follow-up material defined in the BOM has a higher priority than that in the material master record.You must always specify a follow-up material in the material master record for the system to know a follow-up material if none has been specified in the BOM.Simple discontinuationA component to be discontinued is replaced with a follow-up component at a particular date.In the material master record of the component to be discontinued, you must set discontinuation indicator 1, enter a follow-up component, and specify an effective-out date.Dependent parallel discontinuationA group of materials is replaced with a group of materials; that is, if one component is to be discontinued (the main component), another component must also be discontinued (the subordinate component).In the material master record of the main component to be discontinued, you must set discontinuation indicator 1, enter a follow-up component, and specify an effective-out date. In the material master record of the subordinate component, you must set discontinuation indicator 3.
@Nullable public Boolean getMaterialIsConfigurable()
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialIsConfigurable
If this indicator is set, you can assign a variant class to the material, making it possible to use it as a configurable material.You can set the indicator manually in the material master record, irrespective of the material type.
@Nullable public String getEngineeringChangeDocument()
Original property from the Odata EDM: EngineeringChangeDocument
If you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getRecordCreationDate()
Original property from the Odata EDM: RecordCreationDate
@Nullable public String getCreatedByUser()
Original property from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getLastChangeDate()
Original property from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDate
@Nullable public String getLastChangedByUser()
Original property from the Odata EDM: LastChangedByUser
@Nullable public String getBillOfMaterialItemCategory()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemCategory
This categorization allows you to process data that is relevant to the individual items in a BOM. The item category is used to control field selection, default values for BOM maintenance, triggering of specific system activities, and so on.Stock itemThis item category is used to manage material data that allows an item to be kept in stock.Document itemThis item category is used to manage document data that allows you to process original application data (for example, graphics created with a graphics program).Class item (for configurable BOMs)In configurable material BOMs, you can enter a class as a placeholder for selectable items. The class can contain either materials or documents.When you assign characteristic values while configuring the BOM, the system replaces the node with an object that has the same values as those assigned to the characteristic of the configuration. This makes BOMs with a larger number of variants easier to maintain, as you do not have to enter all items manually and assign a selection condition to them.Class items can be relevant to MRP.PM structure elementThis item is used to structure an equipment (PM assembly) for design purposes only.If you want to maintain a material for use as a PM structure element, use material type IBAU.
@Nullable public String getIsMaterialProvision()
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsMaterialProvision
In the BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict the items selected.There are two types of material provision:Material provided by a vendorMaterial provided by a customerYou can also use the material provision indicator to identify the subcontracting type for a part. The following indicators are available:Refurbishment material to SC (value S in standard SAP system)Refurbishment material from SC (value X in standard SAP system)Subsequent delivery (value F in standard SAP system)If you do not enter information in this field, the components are provided to the subcontractor as consumable materials (initial value in the standard SAP system).Material provided by a vendorThis indicator controls material requirements planning. Maintain this indicator for BOM components only if the material master record of the header material supports subcontracting (Special procurement field).The special procurement key for subcontracting means that all components of the BOM are provided free of charge to a subcontractor for further processing. The items are copied to a subcontract order.If the item is provided to a vendor, do not enter any material provision indicator.Dependent requirements are generated for this item.If the item is already at a vendor's premises and is not provided by us, do enter an indicator.No dependent requirements are generated for this item.Material provided by a customerThis indicator is not currently active.
@Nullable public String getIsBOMItemSparePart()
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsBOMItemSparePart
In a BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict item selection.The indicator does not interrupt the explosion of the BOM to the lowest level. There are two steps to the BOM explosion:First, the system explodes the entire BOM, regardless of the indicators selected to restrict items. You do not see the result of this explosion on the screen.Second, the system reads the indicators selected to restrict items, such as the Spare part indicator.These indicators work as filters. The explosion result, you see on the screen only the items that fulfil the selection criteria. In this case, only the items with the spare part indicator you selected are shown.In the IMG for BOMs, you can group spare parts together according to various points of view - for example, according to different maintenance cycles.Spare part group A contains spare parts that need to be replaced after a machine runtime of 100 hours, whereas spare part group B contains spare parts that only need to be replaced after a machine runtime of 500 hours.
@Nullable public Boolean getIsCAD()
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsCAD
@Nullable public String getPurchasingOrganisation()
Original property from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganisation
@Nullable public String getPurchasingGroup()
Original property from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
Internally, the purchasing group is responsible for the procurement of a material or a class of materials.Externally, it is the medium through which contacts with the vendor are maintained.
@Nullable public String getSupplier()
Original property from the Odata EDM: Supplier
@Nullable public BigDecimal getMaterialComponentPrice()
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialComponentPrice
@Nullable public BigDecimal getPriceUnit()
Original property from the Odata EDM: PriceUnit
10 litres of gasoline cost $12. The price unit here is 10.
@Nullable public String getCurrency()
Original property from the Odata EDM: Currency
@Nullable public String getCostElement()
Original property from the Odata EDM: CostElement
which is to be debited with the goods issue, if you have entered a consumption account, orfor which an account assignment check is to be carried out.This entry is used in various areas:in MRP for purchase requisitionsin costing for pricingYou can only enter a G/L account for which a G/L account master is maintained in the appropriate company code.
@Nullable public String getDocNumber()
Original property from the Odata EDM: DocNumber
@Nullable public String getDocumentType()
Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentType
@Nullable public String getDocumentPart()
Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentPart
Design departments, for example, can use document parts to divide up large documents such as design drawings into pages.
@Nullable public String getDocumentVersion()
Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentVersion
A new version is assigned after the original files have been edited in the following processing situations:The new processing status varies from the original in a certain way (for example, text change sin a text file).You want the original processing status to remain the same (for example, documentation of project progress).
@Nullable public String getBOMItemDescription()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMItemDescription
If this text length (two lines of 40 characters each) is not sufficient, you can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Extras -> Long text -> Item.When you create an item long text, the first 80 characters of the BOM item text are copied to the long text.If you change the BOM item text, the first 80 characters of long text are automatically changed, too. If you change the first two lines of the BOM item long text, the short text is automatically changed.Note:For text items, this text is copied to the component description field on the item overview.
@Nullable public String getItemDescriptionLine2()
Original property from the Odata EDM: ItemDescriptionLine2
You can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Details --> Long text --> Item long text.If the text comprises less than three lines, it is stored in the BOM item. Otherwise, it is stored as a long text in the text database.
@Nullable public String getMaterialGroup()
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
You can use material groups to:Restrict the scope of analysesSearch specifically for material master records via search helps
@Nullable public BigDecimal getGoodsReceiptDurationInDays()
Original property from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptDurationInDays
@Nullable public String getProductionSupplyArea()
Original property from the Odata EDM: ProductionSupplyArea
The PSA is used in Kanban and JIT Outbound processing and in Extended Warehouse Management.
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getValidityStartDate()
Original property from the Odata EDM: ValidityStartDate
@Nullable public LocalDateTime getValidityEndDate()
Original property from the Odata EDM: ValidityEndDate
@Nullable public Boolean getIsPhantomItem()
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsPhantomItem
@Nullable public String getProdOrderIssueLocation()
Original property from the Odata EDM: ProdOrderIssueLocation
If the material is a component, it is the issuing storage location to which a backflush is posted.If the material is produced, it is the receiving storage location to which the receipt of the material is posted.
@Nullable public Boolean getIsSoftwareComponent()
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsSoftwareComponent
@Nullable public String getBOMItemIsDiscontinued()
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMItemIsDiscontinued
If this indicator is set, the system transfers the dependent requirements in materials planning to the follow-up material if they are no longer covered by warehouse stocks. However, this requires:The part to be discontinued and the follow-up material to be planned using material requirements planning (MRP)The base unit of measure of the follow-up material to be the same as that of the part to be discontinuedNoteIn subcontracting, uncovered requirements are not switched to the follow-up material after the effective-out date. This is indicated by a corresponding exception message (58) in the MRP list.
@Nullable public String getChgToEngChgNumber()
Original property from the Odata EDM: ChgToEngChgNumber
If the object has been changed using a change number, the system determines this change number automatically.Three change numbers (N1, N2 and N3) define the validity periods of the item:N1 N2 N3I-----------I----------------------I---------------->1.1.96 6.1.96 12.2.96If you change the item within the validity period of change number N1, the system enters N2 in Change number to.If you change the item within the validity period of change number N2, the system enters N3 in Change number to.
@Nullable public BigDecimal getDeliveryTimeInDays()
Original property from the Odata EDM: DeliveryTimeInDays
When an order-specific BOM is exploded, a purchase requisition is produced via an MRP program.
public void setBOMHdrRootMatlHierNode(@Nullable String bOMHdrRootMatlHierNode)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHdrRootMatlHierNode
- public void setMaterialName(@Nullable String materialName)
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialName
You can enter one material description in each of any number of languages.In principle, you enter the material description on the data screen of the first user department for which you enter data, and in your logon language. You can overwrite the material description on the Basic Data screen.
- public void setBillOfMaterialRoot(@Nullable String billOfMaterialRoot)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialRoot
The system assigns this number internally. These numbers are irrelevant to the user. You access the BOM by entering the object (for example, material or equipment) to which the BOM belongs.The system stores the following information under this number:all alternatives in a multiple BOMall variants in a variant BOMBOMs that are allocated to more than one plant
- public void setBOMHeaderQuantityPrimary(@Nullable BigDecimal bOMHeaderQuantityPrimary)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHeaderQuantityPrimary
Using this customizing function, you can define a value which is set as a default when you create a bill of material.
- public void setBOMHeaderBaseUnit(@Nullable String bOMHeaderBaseUnit)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHeaderBaseUnit
The system takes this unit from the material master.The unit cannot be changed, because stock of the material is managed using this unit.
- public void setBillOfMaterialRootVariant(@Nullable String billOfMaterialRootVariant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialRootVariant
- public void setBillOfMaterialVariantUsage(@Nullable String billOfMaterialVariantUsage)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariantUsage
- public void setHeaderValidityStartDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime headerValidityStartDate)
Original property from the Odata EDM: HeaderValidityStartDate
- public void setHeaderValidityEndDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime headerValidityEndDate)
Original property from the Odata EDM: HeaderValidityEndDate
- public void setChangeNumber(@Nullable String changeNumber)
Original property from the Odata EDM: ChangeNumber
If you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
- public void setBOMHdrMatlHierNode(@Nullable String bOMHdrMatlHierNode)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMHdrMatlHierNode
- public void setProductionVersion(@Nullable String productionVersion)
Original property from the Odata EDM: ProductionVersion
The production version determines the following:the BOM alternative for a BOM explosionthe task list type, the task list group and the task list group counter for allocation to task listslot-size restrictions for repetitive manufacturing
- public void setBOMAlternativeText(@Nullable String bOMAlternativeText)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMAlternativeText
This information only applies to this individual alternative and variant.If you want to maintain a long text, choose the symbol to the right of the field. The system displays a different symbol for each situation:@0O@ Create long text@0Q@ Change long text@0P@ Display long text
- public void setBOMExplosionLevel(@Nullable BigDecimal bOMExplosionLevel)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMExplosionLevel
The BOM level and the path together identify the exact position of a phantom assembly in a BOM.A BOM contains the following phantom assemblies (Phan.Ass.) and materials:Material A___________________________________________Phan.Ass. B Phan.Ass. C Material D_____________ ___________Phan.Ass. E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. HMat. JTo enable the user to trace the positions of phantom assemblies in the BOM, the BOM levels and paths are assigned according to the following logic:Each BOM level is assigned a numberEach path in the BOM is assinged a numberIn the following BOM, the first number indicates the BOPM level, and the second indicates the path. Materials that are not phantom assemblies are assigned level and path number 0. However, if a material is a component of a phantom assembly, it inherits the level and path numbers from the phantom assembly.Material A(0/0)___________________________________________Phan.Ass. B Phan.Ass. C Material D(1/1) (1/2) (0/0)_____________ ___________Phan.Ass. E Mat. F Mat. G Mat. H(2/1) (1/1) (1/2) (1/2)Mat. J(2/1)
- public void setBillOfMaterialItemNumber(@Nullable String billOfMaterialItemNumber)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemNumber
- public void setBillOfMaterialVariant(@Nullable String billOfMaterialVariant)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariant
- public void setBillOfMaterialComponent(@Nullable String billOfMaterialComponent)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialComponent
A master record is usually maintained in the system for a component.
- public void setBillOfMaterialItemQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal billOfMaterialItemQuantity)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemQuantity
You usually enter the quantity without a +/- sign (for example, 66).For the following materials, you enter the quantity with a - sign(for example, 22-):Materials that are marked as co-productsIntra materials (in process industries)In display functions, the system calculates the current component quantity from the required quantity and the base quantity.Required quantityCurrent component quantity = ------------------ * Saved component quantityBase quantity
- public void setBillOfMaterialItemUnit(@Nullable String billOfMaterialItemUnit)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemUnit
You define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record.Since all data is updated in the base unit of measure, your entry is particularly important for the conversion of alternative units of measure. A quantity in the alternative unit of measure can only be shown precisely if its value can be shown with the decimal places available. To ensure this, please note the following:The base unit of measure is the unit satisfying the highest necessary requirement for precision.The conversion of alternative units of measure to the base unit should result in simple decimal fractions (not, for example, 1/3 = 0.333...).Inventory ManagementIn Inventory Management, the base unit of measure is the same as the stockkeeping unit.ServicesServices have units of measure of their own, including the following:Service unitUnit of measure at the higher item level. The precise quantities of the individual services are each at the detailed service line level.BlanketUnit of measure at service line level for services to be provided once only, and for which no precise quantities can or are to be specified.
- public void setMaterialType(@Nullable String materialType)
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialType
The material type defines certain attributes of the material and has important control functions.
- public void setStandardPrice(@Nullable BigDecimal standardPrice)
Original property from the Odata EDM: StandardPrice
The valuation of material stocks at standard prices means that all goods movements are valuated at the same price over an extended period.Price variances (for example, purchase price higher than standard price) upon goods receipt or invoice receipt are posted by the system to price difference accounts. This does not affect the standard price.
- public void setMRPType(@Nullable String mRPType)
Original property from the Odata EDM: MRPType
Manual reorder point planningAutomatic reorder point planningForecast-based planningMaterial requirements planning with forecasts for unplanned consumptionMaster production scheduling (MPS)Demand-driven replenishment
- public void setSpecialProcurementType(@Nullable String specialProcurementType)
Original property from the Odata EDM: SpecialProcurementType
You use special procurement when you want to be able to override the procurement type in the material master or define the procurement type more precisely.If the procurement type is in-house, you can nevertheless force the system to ignore the BOM and routing, and process the material as if it were externally procured, by specifying the special procurement as external.Enter the special procurement type to which you want to restrict the selection.If you procure a material externally, you may want to choose the special procurement type Consignment. If you produce the material in-house, it may be appropriate to choose Production in other plant.If a material has a routing but no BOM, it is treated as an externally procured material even if the procurement type is in-house. Both the BOM and the routing are ignored.However, if you specify the special procurement type as in-house, the routing is included even if the material has no BOM.
- public void setFollowUpProduct(@Nullable String followUpProduct)
Original property from the Odata EDM: FollowUpProduct
In the material master record and also in the bill of material (BOM), you can define a follow-up material for a material to be discontinued. The follow-up material defined in the BOM has a higher priority than that in the material master record.You must always specify a follow-up material in the material master record for the system to know a follow-up material if none has been specified in the BOM.Simple discontinuationA component to be discontinued is replaced with a follow-up component at a particular date.In the material master record of the component to be discontinued, you must set discontinuation indicator 1, enter a follow-up component, and specify an effective-out date.Dependent parallel discontinuationA group of materials is replaced with a group of materials; that is, if one component is to be discontinued (the main component), another component must also be discontinued (the subordinate component).In the material master record of the main component to be discontinued, you must set discontinuation indicator 1, enter a follow-up component, and specify an effective-out date. In the material master record of the subordinate component, you must set discontinuation indicator 3.
- public void setMaterialIsConfigurable(@Nullable Boolean materialIsConfigurable)
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialIsConfigurable
If this indicator is set, you can assign a variant class to the material, making it possible to use it as a configurable material.You can set the indicator manually in the material master record, irrespective of the material type.
- public void setEngineeringChangeDocument(@Nullable String engineeringChangeDocument)
Original property from the Odata EDM: EngineeringChangeDocument
If you make a change with reference to a change number, or create an object with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the validity conditionsThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date validity (valid-from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation of the changesAssignment of a revision level to a change state of a material or documentRelease of changes for the different areas in the company
- public void setRecordCreationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime recordCreationDate)
Original property from the Odata EDM: RecordCreationDate
- public void setCreatedByUser(@Nullable String createdByUser)
Original property from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
- public void setLastChangeDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime lastChangeDate)
Original property from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDate
- public void setLastChangedByUser(@Nullable String lastChangedByUser)
Original property from the Odata EDM: LastChangedByUser
- public void setBillOfMaterialItemCategory(@Nullable String billOfMaterialItemCategory)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemCategory
This categorization allows you to process data that is relevant to the individual items in a BOM. The item category is used to control field selection, default values for BOM maintenance, triggering of specific system activities, and so on.Stock itemThis item category is used to manage material data that allows an item to be kept in stock.Document itemThis item category is used to manage document data that allows you to process original application data (for example, graphics created with a graphics program).Class item (for configurable BOMs)In configurable material BOMs, you can enter a class as a placeholder for selectable items. The class can contain either materials or documents.When you assign characteristic values while configuring the BOM, the system replaces the node with an object that has the same values as those assigned to the characteristic of the configuration. This makes BOMs with a larger number of variants easier to maintain, as you do not have to enter all items manually and assign a selection condition to them.Class items can be relevant to MRP.PM structure elementThis item is used to structure an equipment (PM assembly) for design purposes only.If you want to maintain a material for use as a PM structure element, use material type IBAU.
- public void setIsMaterialProvision(@Nullable String isMaterialProvision)
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsMaterialProvision
In the BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict the items selected.There are two types of material provision:Material provided by a vendorMaterial provided by a customerYou can also use the material provision indicator to identify the subcontracting type for a part. The following indicators are available:Refurbishment material to SC (value S in standard SAP system)Refurbishment material from SC (value X in standard SAP system)Subsequent delivery (value F in standard SAP system)If you do not enter information in this field, the components are provided to the subcontractor as consumable materials (initial value in the standard SAP system).Material provided by a vendorThis indicator controls material requirements planning. Maintain this indicator for BOM components only if the material master record of the header material supports subcontracting (Special procurement field).The special procurement key for subcontracting means that all components of the BOM are provided free of charge to a subcontractor for further processing. The items are copied to a subcontract order.If the item is provided to a vendor, do not enter any material provision indicator.Dependent requirements are generated for this item.If the item is already at a vendor's premises and is not provided by us, do enter an indicator.No dependent requirements are generated for this item.Material provided by a customerThis indicator is not currently active.
- public void setIsBOMItemSparePart(@Nullable String isBOMItemSparePart)
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsBOMItemSparePart
In a BOM explosion, you can use this indicator to restrict item selection.The indicator does not interrupt the explosion of the BOM to the lowest level. There are two steps to the BOM explosion:First, the system explodes the entire BOM, regardless of the indicators selected to restrict items. You do not see the result of this explosion on the screen.Second, the system reads the indicators selected to restrict items, such as the Spare part indicator.These indicators work as filters. The explosion result, you see on the screen only the items that fulfil the selection criteria. In this case, only the items with the spare part indicator you selected are shown.In the IMG for BOMs, you can group spare parts together according to various points of view - for example, according to different maintenance cycles.Spare part group A contains spare parts that need to be replaced after a machine runtime of 100 hours, whereas spare part group B contains spare parts that only need to be replaced after a machine runtime of 500 hours.
- public void setIsCAD(@Nullable Boolean isCAD)
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsCAD
- public void setPurchasingOrganisation(@Nullable String purchasingOrganisation)
Original property from the Odata EDM: PurchasingOrganisation
- public void setPurchasingGroup(@Nullable String purchasingGroup)
Original property from the Odata EDM: PurchasingGroup
Internally, the purchasing group is responsible for the procurement of a material or a class of materials.Externally, it is the medium through which contacts with the vendor are maintained.
- public void setSupplier(@Nullable String supplier)
Original property from the Odata EDM: Supplier
- public void setMaterialComponentPrice(@Nullable BigDecimal materialComponentPrice)
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialComponentPrice
- public void setPriceUnit(@Nullable BigDecimal priceUnit)
Original property from the Odata EDM: PriceUnit
10 litres of gasoline cost $12. The price unit here is 10.
- public void setCurrency(@Nullable String currency)
Original property from the Odata EDM: Currency
- public void setCostElement(@Nullable String costElement)
Original property from the Odata EDM: CostElement
which is to be debited with the goods issue, if you have entered a consumption account, orfor which an account assignment check is to be carried out.This entry is used in various areas:in MRP for purchase requisitionsin costing for pricingYou can only enter a G/L account for which a G/L account master is maintained in the appropriate company code.
- public void setDocNumber(@Nullable String docNumber)
Original property from the Odata EDM: DocNumber
- public void setDocumentType(@Nullable String documentType)
Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentType
- public void setDocumentPart(@Nullable String documentPart)
Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentPart
Design departments, for example, can use document parts to divide up large documents such as design drawings into pages.
- public void setDocumentVersion(@Nullable String documentVersion)
Original property from the Odata EDM: DocumentVersion
A new version is assigned after the original files have been edited in the following processing situations:The new processing status varies from the original in a certain way (for example, text change sin a text file).You want the original processing status to remain the same (for example, documentation of project progress).
- public void setBOMItemDescription(@Nullable String bOMItemDescription)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMItemDescription
If this text length (two lines of 40 characters each) is not sufficient, you can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Extras -> Long text -> Item.When you create an item long text, the first 80 characters of the BOM item text are copied to the long text.If you change the BOM item text, the first 80 characters of long text are automatically changed, too. If you change the first two lines of the BOM item long text, the short text is automatically changed.Note:For text items, this text is copied to the component description field on the item overview.
- public void setItemDescriptionLine2(@Nullable String itemDescriptionLine2)
Original property from the Odata EDM: ItemDescriptionLine2
You can also enter a long text by choosing menu option Details --> Long text --> Item long text.If the text comprises less than three lines, it is stored in the BOM item. Otherwise, it is stored as a long text in the text database.
- public void setMaterialGroup(@Nullable String materialGroup)
Original property from the Odata EDM: MaterialGroup
You can use material groups to:Restrict the scope of analysesSearch specifically for material master records via search helps
- public void setGoodsReceiptDurationInDays(@Nullable BigDecimal goodsReceiptDurationInDays)
Original property from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptDurationInDays
- public void setProductionSupplyArea(@Nullable String productionSupplyArea)
Original property from the Odata EDM: ProductionSupplyArea
The PSA is used in Kanban and JIT Outbound processing and in Extended Warehouse Management.
- public void setValidityStartDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime validityStartDate)
Original property from the Odata EDM: ValidityStartDate
- public void setValidityEndDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime validityEndDate)
Original property from the Odata EDM: ValidityEndDate
- public void setIsPhantomItem(@Nullable Boolean isPhantomItem)
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsPhantomItem
- public void setProdOrderIssueLocation(@Nullable String prodOrderIssueLocation)
Original property from the Odata EDM: ProdOrderIssueLocation
If the material is a component, it is the issuing storage location to which a backflush is posted.If the material is produced, it is the receiving storage location to which the receipt of the material is posted.
- public void setIsSoftwareComponent(@Nullable Boolean isSoftwareComponent)
Original property from the Odata EDM: IsSoftwareComponent
- public void setBOMItemIsDiscontinued(@Nullable String bOMItemIsDiscontinued)
Original property from the Odata EDM: BOMItemIsDiscontinued
If this indicator is set, the system transfers the dependent requirements in materials planning to the follow-up material if they are no longer covered by warehouse stocks. However, this requires:The part to be discontinued and the follow-up material to be planned using material requirements planning (MRP)The base unit of measure of the follow-up material to be the same as that of the part to be discontinuedNoteIn subcontracting, uncovered requirements are not switched to the follow-up material after the effective-out date. This is indicated by a corresponding exception message (58) in the MRP list.
- public void setChgToEngChgNumber(@Nullable String chgToEngChgNumber)
Original property from the Odata EDM: ChgToEngChgNumber
If the object has been changed using a change number, the system determines this change number automatically.Three change numbers (N1, N2 and N3) define the validity periods of the item:N1 N2 N3I-----------I----------------------I---------------->1.1.96 6.1.96 12.2.96If you change the item within the validity period of change number N1, the system enters N2 in Change number to.If you change the item within the validity period of change number N2, the system enters N3 in Change number to.
- public void setDeliveryTimeInDays(@Nullable BigDecimal deliveryTimeInDays)
Original property from the Odata EDM: DeliveryTimeInDays
When an order-specific BOM is exploded, a purchase requisition is produced via an MRP program.
- public String toString()
in class VdmObject<CsapSBomExplOut>
public boolean equals(Object o)
in class VdmObject<CsapSBomExplOut>
protected boolean canEqual(Object other)
in class VdmObject<CsapSBomExplOut>
public int hashCode()
in class VdmObject<CsapSBomExplOut>
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