Consumer API to Manage Gate Operations
You can use this outbound service to update your external systems with the check-in and checkout details provided by SAP Business Network for Logistics. You can update your external systems such as a transportation system, warehouse management system, yard management system, and so on with the check-in and checkout details.
Technical Name
You can perform the following using this API:
Send Check-In Details to your External System
Once the SAP Business Network for Logistics system is updated with the check-in details, the system uses this outbound API to send the check-in details from your SAP Business Network for Logistics system to your external systems. The system also sends the details to the external systems of all the business partners who are associated with this gate logbook.
Send Weight Details to your External System
You can use this outbound API to send weight details from your SAP Business Network for Logistics system to your external systems.
Send Documents to your External System
You can use this outbound API to send reference documents such as loading list, bill of lading from your SAP Business Network for Logistics system to your external systems.
Send the Checkout Details to your External System
Once the SAP Business Network for Logistics is updated with the checkout details, the system uses this API to send the checkout details from your SAP Business Network for Logistics system to your external systems.
The system sends one or more of the following statuses as applicable, during this process:
Status | Status Code | Description |
READY_FOR_CHECKIN | 01 | Sends this status when the gate logbook is created |
CHECKIN_IN_PROGRESS | 02 | Sends this status when the gate operations manager starts the check-in process |
CHECKIN_ON_HOLD | 03 | Sends this status when the gate operations manager puts the check-in process on hold |
CHECKIN_SUCCESSFUL | 04 | Sends this status when the gate operations manager completes the check-in process |
CHECKOUT_IN_PROGRESS | 06 | Sends this status when the gate operations manager starts the checkout process |
CHECKOUT_ON_HOLD | 07 | Sends this status when the gate operations manager puts the checkout process on hold |
CHECKOUT_SUCCESSFUL | 08 | Sends this status when the gate operations manager completes the checkout process |
Receive Error Messages in your External System
You can use this API to receive error messages in your external system in case of business validation errors that may occur while processing your request to SAP Business Network for Logistics system. This API sends the following information:
Processing status
Displays whether the status is blank (success), 1 (info), 2 (warning), or 3 (error)
Correlation ID
You can use this ID to view or reprocess the message in Manage Integration Logs app
Log node
Additional node in the API that contains the message code, message, and the severity code
When a business validation error occurs, the system fills the correlation ID in the message and sets the processing status as 3 (Error). This indicates that the message processing has failed. You can use this correlation ID to find this message in the Manage Integration Logs app and check for the issue. The system also fills the log node describing the issue that occurred while processing the request.
You can view below the severity codes and the error messages that can occur.
Severity Codes
Blank (success)
1 (info)
2 (warning)
3 (error)
Message Codes and Message
Message Code | Message |
11001 | Unable to find the gate for gate location specified in the API |
11002 | Unable to find gate logbook specified in the API |
11101 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Vehicle Safety field |
11102 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Gate ID field |
11103 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Carrier Name field |
11104 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Driver One Name field |
11105 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Driver Identification Number field |
11106 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Location Time Zone field |
11107 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Ordering Party Name field |
11108 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Plate Number field |
11109 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Plate Number Country Code field |
11110 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Actual End Time field |
11111 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Outbound Gate ID field |
11112 | You have entered an incorrect value in the Actual Checkout Start Time field |
You have entered an incorrect value in the Actual Checkout End Time field | |
11003 | The gate for gate logbook is invalid |
11004 | The license plate number is invalid |
11005 | The appointment status is invalid |
11006 | The gate location is invalid |
11007 | You cannot update a gate logbook with the current gate logbook status |
11008 | Gate logbook cannot be updated as the status is invalid |
11009 | No appointments found for gate logbook creation |
Reporting Events
You can use this API to receive the events in your external systems as part of the gate process which has been reported through your SAP Business Network for Logistics system.
Using this API, SAP Business Network for Logistics system sends the events updated in the gate logbook reported during the check-in and checkout process to your external systems.
The system sends the following parameters in this API:
Technical Name | Field | Description |
eventType | Event Type |
Contains one of the following event types:
eventReasonCode | Event Reason Code | Contains one of the event reason codes for the event type DELAYED given in the table below. |
eventReasonDescription | Event Reason Description | Contains the respective description of the event reason code as given in the table below. |
actualBusinessTimestamp | Actual Event Time | Contains the actual event time |
actualBusinessTimezone | Actual Event Time Zone | Contains the time zone of the actual event |
DELAYED event reason codes and descriptions:
Event Reason Code | Description |
LBN_TRAFFC | Traffic |
LBN_BRKDWN | Breakdown |
LBN_WTGLOC | Waiting at Location |
LBN_OTHERS | Others |
CANCELLATION | Cancellation |
CLEANING_STATION | Cleaning Station |
CLEANLINESS_NOT_FIT | Cleanliness not fit |
COMM_INSTRUCTION | Communications/Instructions |
CONGESIONTOFBAYS | Congestion of Bays |
CROSSOVER | Crossover |
DOCUMENTMISSING | Documents Missing/IT Failure |
ACCIDENT | Equipment Accident or Malfunction |
FORCEOFNATURE | Force of Nature |
INCORRECT | Incorrect or Not Conform |
LACKOFSTORAGECAPA | Lack of Storage Capacity |
NEARMISS | Near Miss |
NOTAVAILABLE | Not Available |
PACKAGINDAMAGED | Packaging Damaged |
PREVIOUSLOADINGORUNLOADING | Previous loading or unloading Point |
DAMAGED | Product Damaged/ Contaminated |
PUBLICAUTHORITY | Public Authorities |
QUANTITY | Quantity |
SEALCOMPROMISED | Seal Compromised |
SPILL | Spill |
STRIKE | Strike |
SURVEYOR | Surveyor |
TEMPERATURE | Temperature |
TERMINAL | Terminal/ Rail/ Shipping Line |
THEFT | Theft/Vandalism |
UNSAFE | Unsafe Condition |
WRONGBEHAVIOU | Wrong Behaviour |