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This class represents the entity "A_PurchaseReqnItemText" of service "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV". This service is part of the following communication scenarios: Purchase Requisition Integration (SAP_COM_0102), SAP S/4HANA Procurement Hub - Ariba GB - Hub to Ariba GB Integration (SAP_COM_0292). See https://api.sap.com/api/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV for more information.


  • any
    • PurchaseReqnItemText





archObjectNumber: string

Name. This is the text name of a text. It can be a maximum of 70 characters in length. However, in specific text applications, only shorter names are usually allowed. Do not use the characters ',' or '*' in the text name or leave it blank. Maximum length: 70.



documentText: string

Text ID. The text ID defines the various types of texts related to a text object. For example, the object "TEXT" (standard texts) can have the following text IDs: ST for user-specific standard texts (individual texts)SYST for cross-application system textsvarious IDs for specific application departments. You must have the appropriate access authorization in order to access these texts. Maximum length: 4.


fixedIndicator: string

"Fixed" Indicator for Texts. Determines whether a text from a master record or another document can be adopted in a document and processed further in that document. You assign the "fixed" indicator to a text to specify whether:The text can be fixed (indicator "")A text with the status "" is then displayed in the document and can be adopted in the document if:You change the text and save the documentYou select the text and adopt it (Item -> Texts -> Adopt text)Until you adopt the text, changes in the master record will also be adopted in the text.The text is fixed (indicator " ")The text is copied into the document. Changes to the document text do not have any effect on the original text and changes to the original text have no effect on the document text.The text is not fixed (indicator "N")The text is only displayed in the document (i.e. it cannot be changed or printed).You specify the "fixed" indicator for each purchasing document in Customizing for Purchasing under Text Types and Copying Rules for Header Texts and Text Types and Copying Rules for Item Texts.You wish to adopt a delivery text from a requisition (status "*") in a purchase order. If you select and adopt the text, it acquires the status " " and can be printed.In Customizing for Purchasing under Messages -> Texts for Messages, you can specify for each purchasing document the sequence and priority in which the texts of a document are to be printed. Maximum length: 1.



language: string

Language Key. The language key indicates

  • the language in which texts are displayed,- the language in which you enter texts,- the language in which the system prints texts. Maximum length: 2.


noteDescription: string

Long Text.



purchaseRequisition: string

Purchase Requisition Number. Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the document. Maximum length: 10.


purchaseRequisitionItem: string

Item number of purchase requisition. Specifies the number that uniquely identifies an item in . Maximum length: 5.


technicalObjectType: string

Texts: application object. In business applications, a text is not considered an independent object. A text can only exist if it has a superior reference object. A material inspection text, for example, only exists if there is a corresponding material. The application object of a text is therefore the global environment in which a text exists. Maximum length: 10.


ALL_FIELDS: any = new AllFields('*', PurchaseReqnItemText)

All fields selector.


ARCH_OBJECT_NUMBER: StringField<PurchaseReqnItemText> = new StringField('ArchObjectNumber', PurchaseReqnItemText, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the archObjectNumber property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


DOCUMENT_TEXT: StringField<PurchaseReqnItemText> = new StringField('DocumentText', PurchaseReqnItemText, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the documentText property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


FIXED_INDICATOR: StringField<PurchaseReqnItemText> = new StringField('FixedIndicator', PurchaseReqnItemText, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the fixedIndicator property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


LANGUAGE: StringField<PurchaseReqnItemText> = new StringField('Language', PurchaseReqnItemText, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the language property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


NOTE_DESCRIPTION: StringField<PurchaseReqnItemText> = new StringField('NoteDescription', PurchaseReqnItemText, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the noteDescription property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PURCHASE_REQUISITION: StringField<PurchaseReqnItemText> = new StringField('PurchaseRequisition', PurchaseReqnItemText, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the purchaseRequisition property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PURCHASE_REQUISITION_ITEM: StringField<PurchaseReqnItemText> = new StringField('PurchaseRequisitionItem', PurchaseReqnItemText, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the purchaseRequisitionItem property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


TECHNICAL_OBJECT_TYPE: StringField<PurchaseReqnItemText> = new StringField('TechnicalObjectType', PurchaseReqnItemText, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the technicalObjectType property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.

Static _allFields

_allFields: any[] = [PurchaseReqnItemText.PURCHASE_REQUISITION,PurchaseReqnItemText.PURCHASE_REQUISITION_ITEM,PurchaseReqnItemText.DOCUMENT_TEXT,PurchaseReqnItemText.TECHNICAL_OBJECT_TYPE,PurchaseReqnItemText.LANGUAGE,PurchaseReqnItemText.ARCH_OBJECT_NUMBER,PurchaseReqnItemText.NOTE_DESCRIPTION,PurchaseReqnItemText.FIXED_INDICATOR]

All fields of the PurchaseReqnItemText entity.

Static _defaultServicePath

_defaultServicePath: string = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV"

Default url path for the according service.

Static _entityName

_entityName: string = "A_PurchaseReqnItemText"

Technical entity name for PurchaseReqnItemText.

Static _keyFields

_keyFields: Array<Selectable<PurchaseReqnItemText>> = [PurchaseReqnItemText.PURCHASE_REQUISITION, PurchaseReqnItemText.PURCHASE_REQUISITION_ITEM, PurchaseReqnItemText.DOCUMENT_TEXT, PurchaseReqnItemText.TECHNICAL_OBJECT_TYPE, PurchaseReqnItemText.LANGUAGE]

All key fields of the PurchaseReqnItemText entity.

Static _keys

_keys: any = PurchaseReqnItemText._keyFields.reduce((acc: any, field) => {acc[field.fieldName] = field;return acc;}, {})

Mapping of all key field names to the respective static field property PurchaseReqnItemText.

Static _serviceName

_serviceName: string = "API_PURCHASEREQ_PROCESS_SRV"

Technical service name for PurchaseReqnItemText.


Static builder

Static customField

  • Returns a selectable object that allows the selection of custom field in a get request for the entity PurchaseReqnItemText.


    • fieldName: string

      Name of the custom field to select

    Returns CustomField<PurchaseReqnItemText>

    A builder that constructs instances of entity type PurchaseReqnItemText.

Static requestBuilder

  • Returns a request builder to construct requests for operations on the PurchaseReqnItemText entity type.

    Returns PurchaseReqnItemTextRequestBuilder

    A PurchaseReqnItemText request builder.