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This class represents the entity "A_ProductPlantProcurement" of service "API_PRODUCT_SRV". This service is part of the following communication scenarios: Distributed Manufacturing Integration (SAP_COM_0077), SAP Analytics Cloud for Planning Integration (SAP_COM_0087), Product Integration (SAP_COM_0009). See https://api.sap.com/api/API_PRODUCT_SRV for more information.


  • any
    • ProductPlantProcurement





isAutoPurOrdCreationAllowed: boolean

Indicator: "automatic purchase order allowed". Defines that purchase orders are generated automatically when purchase requsisitions are converted into purchase orders. If this indicator is flagged, the system does not display the purchase orders on the screen before they are saved.In the master record for the vendor with whom the material is ordered, the field "Automatic purchase order" must be flagged in the control data for the purchasing data.



isSourceListRequired: boolean

Indicator: Source list requirement. Specifies that the source list must have been maintained in the case of external procurement for a certain plant. If the indicator has been set for a plant, a source of supply must be entered in the source list before a purchase order can be created for issue to the source for the plant.



plant: string

Plant. Key uniquely identifying a plant. Maximum length: 4.


product: string

Material Number. Alphanumeric key uniquely identifying the material. Maximum length: 40.


sourceOfSupplyCategory: string

Source of Supply. Restricts the search for sources of supply for this material to external (normal) or internal (stock transfer) sources of supply, and also allows you to define a search sequence. The entry you make is used by the system in source determination if it cannot find a unique source of supply in the quota arrangement and source list.If the plant to be supplied is assigned to a supply region, the system chooses a potential source of supply only if the source of supply is valid for the plant's supply region. Maximum length: 1.



ALL_FIELDS: any = new AllFields('*', ProductPlantProcurement)

All fields selector.


IS_AUTO_PUR_ORD_CREATION_ALLOWED: BooleanField<ProductPlantProcurement> = new BooleanField('IsAutoPurOrdCreationAllowed', ProductPlantProcurement, 'Edm.Boolean')

Static representation of the isAutoPurOrdCreationAllowed property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


IS_SOURCE_LIST_REQUIRED: BooleanField<ProductPlantProcurement> = new BooleanField('IsSourceListRequired', ProductPlantProcurement, 'Edm.Boolean')

Static representation of the isSourceListRequired property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.

Static PLANT

PLANT: StringField<ProductPlantProcurement> = new StringField('Plant', ProductPlantProcurement, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the plant property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


PRODUCT: StringField<ProductPlantProcurement> = new StringField('Product', ProductPlantProcurement, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the product property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.


SOURCE_OF_SUPPLY_CATEGORY: StringField<ProductPlantProcurement> = new StringField('SourceOfSupplyCategory', ProductPlantProcurement, 'Edm.String')

Static representation of the sourceOfSupplyCategory property for query construction. Use to reference this property in query operations such as 'select' in the fluent request API.

Static _allFields

_allFields: any[] = [ProductPlantProcurement.PRODUCT,ProductPlantProcurement.PLANT,ProductPlantProcurement.IS_AUTO_PUR_ORD_CREATION_ALLOWED,ProductPlantProcurement.IS_SOURCE_LIST_REQUIRED,ProductPlantProcurement.SOURCE_OF_SUPPLY_CATEGORY]

All fields of the ProductPlantProcurement entity.

Static _defaultServicePath

_defaultServicePath: string = "/sap/opu/odata/sap/API_PRODUCT_SRV"

Default url path for the according service.

Static _entityName

_entityName: string = "A_ProductPlantProcurement"

Technical entity name for ProductPlantProcurement.

Static _keyFields

_keyFields: Array<Selectable<ProductPlantProcurement>> = [ProductPlantProcurement.PRODUCT, ProductPlantProcurement.PLANT]

All key fields of the ProductPlantProcurement entity.

Static _keys

_keys: any = ProductPlantProcurement._keyFields.reduce((acc: any, field) => {acc[field.fieldName] = field;return acc;}, {})

Mapping of all key field names to the respective static field property ProductPlantProcurement.

Static _serviceName

_serviceName: string = "API_PRODUCT_SRV"

Technical service name for ProductPlantProcurement.


Static builder

Static customField

  • Returns a selectable object that allows the selection of custom field in a get request for the entity ProductPlantProcurement.


    • fieldName: string

      Name of the custom field to select

    Returns CustomField<ProductPlantProcurement>

    A builder that constructs instances of entity type ProductPlantProcurement.

Static requestBuilder

  • Returns a request builder to construct requests for operations on the ProductPlantProcurement entity type.

    Returns ProductPlantProcurementRequestBuilder

    A ProductPlantProcurement request builder.