Class | Description |
AccountDetermination |
Account determination
AccountingDocumentLineItemNumber |
Accounting Document Line Item Number
AccountingDocumentNumber |
Accounting Document Number
AccountingPrinciple |
Accounting Principle
AccountNumberOfBankAccountAtPostOffice |
Account Number of Bank Account At Post Office
AccountNumberOfSupplier |
Account Number of Supplier
AccountNumberOfTheBranch |
Account number of the branch
AccountNumberOfVendor |
Account number of vendor (other key word)
AccountType |
Account type
AcquisitionValueAtFiscalYearEnd |
Acquisition value at fiscal year end (w/o
ActiveStatusOfTransactionOrActivity |
Active Status of Transaction or Activity
ActivityQuantity |
Activity Quantity
ActivityType |
Activity Type
ActivityUnit |
Activity unit
ActualInvoicedQuantity |
Actual Invoiced Quantity
AdditionalDepreciation |
Additional Depreciation
AdditionalDepreciationCode |
Additional Depreciation Code
AlternativePayee |
Alternative payee
AlternativePayerPayee |
Alternative payer/payee
AmountAsTextField |
Amount as Text Field
AmountEligibleForCashDiscountInDocumentCurrency |
Amount eligible for cash discount in document currency
AmountEligibleForCashDiscountInDocumentCurrency16 |
Amount eligible for cash discount in document currency (31d)
AmountInDocumentCurrency |
Amount in Document Currency
AmountInDocumentCurrency16 |
Amount in Document Currency (31 digits)
AmountInPaymentCurrency |
Amount in Payment Currency
AmountInPaymentCurrency16 |
Amount in Payment Currency (31 digits)
AmountOrBalance |
Amount or Balance
AmountThatChangesThePosition |
Amount that Changes the Position
ApcAtTheTimeOfAssetImpairment |
APC at the Time of Asset Impairment
Application |
ApplicationLogInternalMessageSerialNumber |
Application log: Internal message serial number
ApplicationLogLogNumber |
Application log: log number
AreaUnit |
Area unit
AssetAccountingAcquisMonth |
Asset Accounting: Acquis.
AssetClass |
Asset class
AssetInsuranceType |
Asset insurance type
AssetItem |
Asset Item
AssetLocation |
Asset location
AssetSCountryOfOrigin |
Asset's country of origin
AssetScrapValue |
Asset scrap value
AssetStructure |
Asset Structure
AssetSubnumber |
Asset Subnumber
AssetSubnumber4 |
Asset Subnumber
AssetSuperNumber |
Asset super number
AssetTypeName |
Asset type name
AssignmentNumber |
Assignment Number
AuthorizationGroup |
Authorization Group
BankAccountNumber |
Bank account number
BankControlKey |
Bank Control Key
BankCountryKey |
Bank country key
BankCountryKeyInIsoCode |
Bank country key in ISO code
BankKeys |
Bank Keys
BankNumber |
Bank number
BankTypeOfAlternativePayer |
Bank type of alternative payer
Barrier2AsForexRateForExoticOptions |
Barrier 2 as forex rate for exotic options
BarrierAsForexRateForExoticOptions |
Barrier as forex rate for exotic options
BaseInsurableValue |
Base insurable value
BaseUnitOfMeasure |
Base Unit of Measure
BaseUnitOfMeasureInIsoCode |
Base unit of measure in ISO code
BillingCategory |
Billing Category
BillingQuantityInStockkeepingUnit |
Billing quantity in stockkeeping unit
BillingType |
Billing Type
BlockKey |
Block Key
BlockKeyForAdditionalDepreciation |
Block Key for Additional Depreciation
BookValueAfterAssetImpairment |
Book Value after Asset Impairment (Area 6)
BookValueAtFiscalYearEnd |
Book value at fiscal year end
BranchCode |
Branch Code
BudgetPeriod |
Budget Period
BudgetPeriodForApcAccountAssignments |
Budget Period for APC Account Assignments
BuildingNumber |
Building Number
BusinessArea |
Business Area
BusinessEntityNumber |
Business Entity Number
BusinessPartnerNumber |
Business Partner Number
BusinessProcess |
Business Process
CalculationBaseAmount |
Calculation Base Amount
CancelObjectKey |
Cancel: object key (AWREF_REV and AWORG_REV)
CashDiscountAmountInTheCrcyOfTheCurrencyTypes |
Cash discount amount in the crcy of the currency types (31d)
CashDiscountAmountInTheCurrencyOfTheCurrencyTypes |
Cash discount amount in the currency of the currency types
CcaTemplSki |
CentralClearingOption |
Central Clearing Option (TREA)
CheckboxForRequestingDataForGetlist |
Checkbox for requesting data for GETLIST
ClearingStatus |
Clearing Status (TREA)
CoActualPostingsFastInputVariant |
CO actual postings fast input: Variant
CommitmentItem |
Commitment Item
CommitmentItem24 |
Commitment item
CompanyCode |
Company Code
CompanyCodeOfFacility |
Company Code of Facility
CompanyCodeOfRealEstateObjectsToBeSent |
Company code of Real Estate objects to be sent
CompanyCodeOfReceivingRealEstateObject |
Company code of receiving Real Estate object
CompanyIdOfTradingPartner |
Company ID of trading partner
ComponentInAccInterface |
Component in ACC Interface
ConditionCategory |
Condition Category (Examples: Tax, Freight, Price, Cost)
ConditionCounter |
Condition Counter
ConditionType |
Condition Type
ConfirmationStatus |
Confirmation Status
ContractNumber |
Contract Number
ControllingArea |
Controlling Area
CorrectionItemNumber |
Correction item number
CostCenter |
Cost Center
CostCenterCategory |
Cost Center Category
CostCenterResponsibleForAsset |
Cost center responsible for asset
CostElement |
Cost Element
CostingSheet |
Costing Sheet
CostObject |
Cost Object
Counterconfirmation |
CountryIsoCode |
Country ISO code
CountryKey |
Country Key
CountryKeyInIsoCode |
Country key in ISO code
CumRevaluationOfOrdDepreciationAtFiscalYearEnd |
CurrencyForAutomaticPayment |
Currency for automatic payment
CurrencyKey |
Currency Key
CurrencyOfCalculationBasis |
Currency of Calculation Basis
CurrencyOptionPremiumWithPriceInPoints |
Currency Option Premium with Price in Points
CurrencyTypeAndValuationView |
Currency type and valuation view
CurrentInsurableValue |
Current insurable value
CustomerNumber |
Customer Number
DaysForFirstCashDiscount |
Days for first cash discount
DaysForSecondCashDiscount |
Days for second cash discount
DeadlineForNetConditions |
Deadline for net conditions
Department |
DepreciationAtFiscalYearEnd |
Depreciation at fiscal year end
DepreciationGroup |
Depreciation Group
DepreciationKey |
Depreciation key
DetermineGroupingDefinition |
Determine Grouping Definition
DirectionOfFlow |
Direction of Flow
DirectionOfTransaction |
Direction of Transaction
DisputeManagementDisputeInterfaceCategory |
Dispute Management: Dispute Interface Category
DistributionChannel |
Distribution Channel
Division |
DocumentItemNumberReferingToTaxDocument |
Document item number refering to tax document.
DocumentNumber |
Document Number
DocumentNumberForEarmarkedFunds |
Document Number for Earmarked Funds
DocumentStatus |
Document Status
DocumentType |
Document type
DunningArea |
Dunning Area
EarmarkedFundsDocumentItem |
Earmarked Funds: Document Item
EcologicalClass |
Ecological Class
EcsEnvironment |
ECS Environment
EnterWithholdingTaxAmountInDocumentCrcyManually |
Enter withholding tax amount in document crcy manually (31d)
EnterWithholdingTaxAmountInDocumentCurrencyManually |
Enter withholding tax amount in document currency manually
EnterWithholdingTaxAmountInLocalCrcyManually |
Enter withholding tax amount in local crcy manually (31d)
EnterWithholdingTaxAmountInLocalCurrencyManually |
Enter withholding tax amount in local currency manually
EquityType |
Equity type
EvaluationGroup1 |
Evaluation Group 1
EvaluationGroup2 |
Evaluation Group 2
EvaluationGroup3 |
Evaluation Group 3
EvaluationGroup4 |
Evaluation Group 4
ExchangeRate |
Exchange Rate
ExerciseType |
Exercise Type (American or European)
ExpensesKey |
Expenses key
ExpenseTypeForGrantor |
Expense Type for Grantor
ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsAtStartOfFiscalYear |
Expired useful life in periods at start of fiscal year
ExpiredUsefulLifeInPeriodsDuringFyFromSdepStartDat |
Expired useful life in periods during FY from SDep start dat
ExpiredUsefulLifeInYearsAtStartOfTheFiscalYear |
Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year
ExpiryLocation |
Expiry Location
ExpiryTime |
Expiry Time
ExternalAccount |
External Account
ExternalGuidForMaterialField |
External GUID for MATERIAL Field
ExternalReference |
External Reference
ExternalTradeId |
External Trade ID
FieldInParameter |
Field in parameter
FieldName |
Field Name
FieldToWhichTheSelectionConditionShouldApply |
Field to which the selection condition should apply
FinanceProject |
Finance Project
FinancialManagementArea |
Financial Management Area
FinancialTransaction |
Financial Transaction
FinancialTransactionType |
Financial Transaction Type
FiscalPeriod |
Fiscal period
FixedAssetIsNotLiableForTaxation |
Fixed Asset is not Liable for Taxation
FixingReferenceId |
Fixing Reference ID
FlowType |
Flow Type
FmPartnerBudgetPeriod |
FM: Partner Budget Period
FmReceiverBudgetPeriod |
FM: Receiver Budget Period
FmSenderBudgetPeriod |
FM: Sender Budget Period
FollowingCurrency |
Following Currency
FunctionalArea |
Functional Area
FunctionalArea16 |
Functional Area
FunctionalAreaForApcAccountAssignments |
Functional Area for APC Account Assignments
Fund |
FundedProgram |
Funded Program
FundForApcAccountAssignments |
Fund for APC Account Assignments
FundsCenter |
Funds Center
FundsCenterForApcAccountAssignments |
Funds Center for APC Account Assignments
GeneralLedgerAccount |
General Ledger Account
GeneralValuationClass |
General Valuation Class
GlAccountNumberForPaymentCardReceivables |
G/L Account Number for Payment Card Receivables
Grant |
GrantForApcAccountAssignments |
Grant for APC Account Assignments
GrantorProgramProfile |
Grantor Program Profile
GrossWeight |
Gross Weight
GroupAsset |
Group asset
GuarantorOfFinancialTransaction |
Guarantor of Financial Transaction
HedgeRequestId |
Hedge Request ID
HedgingClassification |
Hedging Classification
Iban |
IBAN (International Bank Account Number)
IdentifierOfTheAccrualObject |
Identifier of the Accrual Object
IdentifierOfTheAccrualSubobject |
Identifier of the Accrual Subobject
IdForAccountDetails |
ID for Account Details
InclusionExclusionCriterionSignForRangeTables |
Inclusion/exclusion criterion SIGN for range tables
IndexSeriesForReplacementValues |
Index series for replacement values
IndexSeriesForReplacementValuesByAge |
Index series for replacement values by age
IndicatorForWithholdingTaxType |
Indicator for Withholding Tax Type
IndicatorIfTransferredDataIsComplete |
Indicator if Transferred Data Is Complete
IndirectQuotedExchangeRate |
Indirect quoted exchange rate
InHouseProductionPercentage |
In-house production percentage
InitialStageValue |
Initial Stage Value
InstructionKey1 |
Instruction Key 1
InstructionKey2 |
Instruction Key 2
InstructionKey3 |
Instruction key 3
InstructionKey4 |
Instruction key 4
InstructionKeyForDataMediumExchange |
Instruction key for data medium exchange
InsuranceCompanies |
Insurance companies
InsuranceIndexSeries |
Insurance index series
InsuranceRateFiAa |
Insurance rate FI-AA
InterestCalculationMethod |
Interest Calculation Method
InterestCalendar |
Interest Calendar
InterestPlanned |
Interest planned
InterestRate |
Interest Rate
InternalKeyForRealEstateObject |
Internal Key for Real Estate Object
InventoryCardNumber |
Inventory Card Number
InventoryNumber |
Inventory number
InvestmentOrder |
Investment Order
InvestmentSupportAtFiscalYearEnd |
Investment support at fiscal year end
InvestmentSupportKey |
Investment Support Key
InvoiceRefObjectKey |
Invoice Ref.: Object Key (AWREF_REB and AWORG_REB)
IsoCodeCurrency |
ISO Code Currency
IsoCodeForUnitOfMeasurement |
ISO code for unit of measurement
IsoCurrencyCode |
ISO Currency Code
ItemNumberInReceiverSalesOrder |
Item number in receiver sales order
ItemNumberInSalesOrder |
Item number in Sales Order
ItemNumberInSenderSalesOrder |
Item number in sender sales order
ItemNumberOfPurchasingDocument |
Item Number of Purchasing Document
ItemNumberOfTheSdDocument |
Item number of the SD document
JibJibeClass |
JibJibeSubclassA |
JIB/JIBE Subclass A
JointVenture |
Joint venture
JointVentureObjectType |
Joint Venture Object Type
KeyWhichIdentifiesAFlowInTheBapi |
Key which Identifies a Flow in the BAPI
LandNumberForBe |
Land Number for BE
LandRegisterEntrySequenceNumber |
Land register entry: Sequence number
LandRegisterPage |
Land register page
LandRegisterVolume |
Land register volume
LanguageKey |
Language Key
LeadingCurrency |
Leading Currency
LeasedAssetPurchasePrice |
Leased asset purchase price
LeasePaymentCycle |
Lease payment cycle
LeasingBaseValueAsNew |
Leasing base value as new
LeasingCompany |
Leasing company
LeasingInterestRate |
Leasing interest rate (capital lease)
LeasingType |
Leasing type
LedgerGroup |
Ledger Group
LegalBasis |
Legal Basis
LengthOfLeaseInPeriods |
Length of lease in periods
LengthOfLeaseInYears |
Length of lease in years
LevelNumber |
Level Number
LicensePlateNoOfVehicle |
License Plate No.
LicensePlateNumber |
License plate number
LinesInParameter |
Lines in parameter
LiquidityEffectForRollover |
Liquidity effect for rollover
ListOfRespectedPaymentMethods |
List of Respected Payment Methods
LocalCurrencyRate |
Local currency rate
LogicalSystem |
Logical System
LogicalSystemFromWhichMessageOriginates |
Logical system from which message originates
LogicalSystemOfSourceDocument |
Logical system of source document
LogicalTransaction |
Logical Transaction
LongFund |
Long Fund (Obsolete)
LongMaterialNumberForMaterialField |
Long Material Number for MATERIAL Field
MainAssetNumber |
Main Asset Number
MainAssetNumber12 |
Main Asset Number
MaintenanceOrder |
Maintenance Order
ManualInsurableValue |
Manual insurable value
ManuallyEnteredWithTaxAmountIn2NdLocalCurrency |
Manually entered with/tax amount in 2nd local currency
ManuallyEnteredWithTaxAmountIn2NdLocalCurrency16 |
Manually entered with/tax amount in 2nd local currency (31d)
ManualNetWorthTaxValue |
Manual net worth tax value
MasterAgreement |
Master Agreement
MasterRecordInactive |
Master Record Inactive
MaterialNumber |
Material Number (18 Characters)
MaterialNumber40 |
Material Number
MaterialRelatedOrigin |
Material-related origin
Matnr |
Material Number
MaximumNumberOfLinesOfHits |
Maximum number of lines of hits
MessageClass |
Message Class
MessageNumber |
Message Number
MonthEndIndicatorForStartOfACalculationPeriod |
Month-End Indicator for Start of a Calculation Period
MonthEndIndicatorForTheEndOfACalculationPeriod |
Month-End Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period
MovementIndicator |
Movement Indicator
MultipleShiftFactorForMultipleShiftOperation |
Multiple-shift factor for multiple shift operation
Name1 |
Name 1
Name2 |
Name 2
Name3 |
Name 3
Name4 |
Name 4
NetWeight |
Net weight
NetworkNumberForAccountAssignment |
Network Number for Account Assignment
NewOkofCode |
New OKOF Code
NumberForReceiverProfitabilitySegment |
Number for Receiver Profitability Segment (ABA)
NumberOfBaseDaysInACalculationPeriod |
Number of base days in a calculation period
NumberOfDays |
Number of Days
NumberOfLeasePayments |
Number of lease payments
NumberOfRentalObject |
Number of Rental Object
NumberOfUnitsDepreciatedInUnitOfProdDepreciation |
Number of units depreciated in unit-of-prod.
ObjectKey |
Object key
ObsoleteAccntAssignmentRefInFinAssetsManagement |
Obsolete: Accnt Assignment Ref.
ObsoleteHedgingClassification |
Obsolete: Hedging Classification
OnBehalfOfCompanyCode |
On Behalf of Company Code
OperationActivityNumber |
Operation/Activity Number
OrderItemNumber |
Order item number
OrderNumber |
Order Number
OrderPriceUnit |
Order price unit (purchasing)
OriginalAcquisitionValue |
Original acquisition value
OriginalAssetThatWasTransferred |
Original asset that was transferred
OriginalAssetThatWasTransferred4 |
Original asset that was transferred
OriginalOptionCategory |
Original option category (on closing)
OriginalUsefulLifeInPeriods |
Original useful life in periods
OriginalUsefulLifeInYears |
Original useful life in years
OriginGroupAsSubdivisionOfCostElement |
Origin Group as Subdivision of Cost Element
OverallAmountInTransactionCurrency |
Overall Amount in Transaction Currency
OverallAmountInTransactionCurrency16 |
Overall Amount in Transaction Currency
ParameterName |
Parameter Name
ParameterToWhichTheSelectionConditionShouldApply |
Parameter to which the selection condition should apply
PartnerAccountNumber |
Partner account number
PartnerBankDetails |
Partner Bank Details
PartnerBankType |
Partner bank type
PartnerCompanyId |
Partner Company ID
PartnerFund |
Partner Fund
PartnerGrant |
Partner Grant
PartnerProfitCenter |
Partner Profit Center
PartnerProfitCenterForEliminationOfInternalBusiness |
Partner profit center for elimination of internal business
PartnerSegmentForSegmentalReporting |
Partner Segment for Segmental Reporting
PayerPayee |
PaymentAmount |
Payment Amount
PaymentAmountInLocalCurrency |
Payment Amount in Local Currency
PaymentCardsAuthorizedAmount |
Payment Cards: Authorized Amount
PaymentCardsAuthorizedAmount16 |
Payment Cards: Authorized Amount (31 digits)
PaymentCardsCardNumber |
Payment cards: Card number
PaymentCardsCardType |
Payment cards: Card type
PaymentCardsEntryMode |
Payment cards: Entry mode
PaymentCardsMerchantIdAtTheClearingHouse |
Payment cards: Merchant ID at the clearing house
PaymentCardsPointOfReceiptForTheTransaction |
Payment cards: Point of receipt for the transaction
PaymentCurrency |
Payment Currency
PaymentMethod |
Payment method
PaymentMethodSupplement |
Payment method supplement
PaymentReferenceOfPaymentServiceProvider |
Payment Reference of Payment Service Provider
PaymentServiceProvider |
Payment Service Provider
PaymentTypeForGrantor |
Payment Type for Grantor
PercentageForFirstCashDiscount |
Percentage for First Cash Discount
PercentageForSecondCashDiscount |
Percentage for Second Cash Discount
PercentageRateForConditionItems |
Percentage rate for condition items
Period |
PeriodicLeasePaymentPaidToLeasingCompanyLessor |
Periodic Lease Payment Paid to Leasing Company/Lessor
PeriodInWhichFirstAcquisitionWasPosted |
Period in Which First Acquisition Was Posted
PersonnelNumber |
Personnel Number
PersonResponsible |
Person Responsible
PlannedDepreciation |
Planned depreciation
PlannedUsefulLifeInPeriods |
Planned useful life in periods
PlannedUsefulLifeInYears |
Planned useful life in years
Plant |
PlantForReceiverMaterial |
Plant for receiver material
PledgeAmount |
Pledge Amount
PoBox |
PO Box
PoBoxPostalCode |
PorReferenceNumber |
POR reference number
PorSubscriberNumber |
POR subscriber number
Portfolio |
PostalCode |
Postal Code
PostedOutputQuantity |
Posted output quantity
PostedOutputUnit |
Posted output unit
PostedUnitOfMeasure |
Posted Unit of Measure
PostingStatusOfFlow |
Posting Status of Flow
PowerUnit |
Power unit
PowerUnitOfMeasureInIsoCode |
Power unit of measure in ISO code
PresentValueOfLease |
Present value of lease
PriceAsPercentageQuotation |
Price as Percentage Quotation
PriceFixedPortion |
Price: Fixed Portion
PriceFixedPortion16 |
Price: Fixed Portion
PriceTotalAmount |
Price: Total Amount
PriceTotalAmount16 |
Price: Total Amount
PriceUnit |
Price Unit
PriceVariablePortion |
Price: Variable Portion
PriceVariablePortion16 |
Price: Variable Portion
PrinterDestinationForCctrReport |
Printer destination for CCtr report
PriorYearTransaction |
Prior Year Transaction
ProductionVersionOfReceiverMaterial |
Production version of receiver material
ProductType |
Product Type
ProfitCenter |
Profit Center
PropertyClassificationKey |
Property classification key
PropertyIndicator |
Property Indicator
PurchaseOrderPriceUnitInIsoCode |
Purchase order price unit in ISO code
PurchasingDocumentNumber |
Purchasing Document Number
PutCallIndicator |
Put/Call Indicator
Quantity |
QuantityInOrderPriceQuantityUnit |
Quantity in order price quantity unit
QuantityInUnitOfEntry |
Quantity in unit of entry
RateOfForeignExchangeTransaction |
Rate of Foreign Exchange Transaction
RdAsset |
R & D Asset
RealDepreciationArea |
Real depreciation area
RealEstateOptionRate |
Real Estate Option Rate
RealEstateRecipientSettlementUnit |
Real estate recipient settlement unit
ReasonForEnvironmentalInvestment |
Reason for environmental investment
ReasonForInvestment |
Reason for investment
ReasonForManualValuationOfNetAssets |
Reason for manual valuation of net assets
ReasonForReversal |
Reason for Reversal
ReceiverAccountingIndicator |
Receiver Accounting Indicator
ReceiverActivityType |
Receiver activity type
ReceiverBusinessProcess |
Receiver business process
ReceiverCostCenter |
Receiver Cost Center
ReceiverCostObject |
Receiver cost object
ReceiverFund |
Receiver Fund
ReceiverGrant |
Receiver Grant
ReceiverMaterial |
Receiver Material (18 Characters, Compatibility Mode)
ReceiverMaterial40 |
Receiver Material (40 Characters, Technical Requirement)
ReceiverNetwork |
Receiver Network
ReceiverOperation |
Receiver operation
ReceiverOrder |
Receiver Order
ReceiverProcurementProcess |
Receiver procurement process
ReceiverRunScheduleHeader |
Receiver Run Schedule Header
ReceiverSalesOrder |
Receiver sales order
ReceiverWorkBreakdownStructureElement |
Receiver work breakdown structure element (WBS element)
ReceiverWorkItem |
Receiver Work Item
ReceivingContractInRealEstate |
Receiving contract in Real Estate
ReceivingFunctionalArea |
Receiving Functional Area
ReceivingManagementContract |
Receiving management contract
ReceivingResource |
Receiving Resource
RecipientBuildingsRealEstate |
Recipient buildings- Real Estate
RecipientBusinessEntityRealEstate |
Recipient business entity - Real Estate
RecipientIncidentalExpensesKeyRealEstate |
Recipient incidental expenses key - Real Estate
RecipientLeaseOutRealEstate |
Recipient Lease Out - Real Estate
RecipientPropertyRealEstate |
Recipient property - Real Estate
RecipientRentalUnitRealEstate |
Recipient rental unit - Real Estate
RecoveryIndicator |
Recovery Indicator
ReferenceDocumentNumber |
Reference Document Number
ReferenceDocumentNumber35 |
Reference Document Number (for Dependencies see Long Text)
ReferenceTransaction |
Reference Transaction
Region |
Region (State, Province, County)
RepetitiveCode |
Repetitive Code
ReportingCountryForDeliveryOfGoodsWithinTheEu |
Reporting Country for Delivery of Goods within the EU
ReportKeyForDataMediumExchange |
Report key for data medium exchange
ReservationReason |
Reservation Reason
ResultsAnalysisKey |
Results Analysis Key
RevaluationAtFiscalYearEnd |
Revaluation at fiscal year end
RoutingNumberOfOperationsInTheOrder |
Routing number of operations in the order
SalesGroup |
Sales Group
SalesOffice |
Sales Office
SalesOrderNumber |
Sales Order Number
SalesOrganization |
Sales Organization
SalesUnit |
Sales Unit
SalesUnitInIsoCode |
Sales unit in ISO code
ScrapValueAsPercentageOfApc |
Scrap Value as Percentage of APC
SegmentForSegmentalReporting |
Segment for Segmental Reporting
SelectionOperatorOptionForRangeTables |
Selection operator OPTION for range tables
SelectionsForGetlistLowerLimitOfValueArea |
Selections for GETLIST: Lower limit of value area
SelectionsForGetlistUpperlimitOfValueArea |
Selections for GETLIST: Upperlimit of value area
SenderAccountingIndicator |
Sender Accounting Indicator
SenderActivityType |
Sender Activity Type
SenderBusinessProcess |
Sender Business Process
SenderCostCenter |
Sender cost center
SenderCostObject |
Sender Cost Object
SenderFund |
Sender fund
SenderGrant |
Sender Grant
SenderNetwork |
Sender network
SenderOperation |
Sender operation
SenderOrder |
Sender order
SenderSalesOrder |
Sender sales order
SenderSettlementUnitRealEstate |
Sender settlement unit - Real Estate
SenderWorkBreakdownStructureElement |
Sender Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
SenderWorkItem |
Sender Work Item
SendingBuildingRealEstate |
Sending building - Real Estate
SendingBusinessEntityRealEstate |
Sending business entity - Real Estate
SendingContractRealEstate |
Sending Contract - Real Estate
SendingFunctionalArea |
Sending Functional Area
SendingIncidentalExpensesKeyRealEstate |
Sending incidental expenses key - Real Estate
SendingLeaseRealEstate |
Sending lease - Real Estate
SendingManagementContract |
Sending management contract
SendingPropertyRealEstate |
Sending property - Real Estate
SendingRentalUnitRealEstate |
Sending rental unit - Real Estate
SendingResource |
Sending Resource
SequentialNumberOfAccountAssignment |
Sequential number of account assignment
SerialNumber |
Serial number
ServiceChargeKey |
Service Charge Key
ServiceIndicator |
Service Indicator (Foreign Payment)
SettlementIndicator |
Settlement Indicator
SettlementUnit |
Settlement Unit
ShortKeyForAHouseBank |
Short Key for a House Bank
SoldToParty |
Sold-To Party
SortKey5 |
Sort Key 5
SpotRate |
Spot Rate
StandardHierarchyArea |
Standard Hierarchy Area
StateCentralBankIndicator |
State Central Bank Indicator
StructureNameOfBapiTableExtension |
Structure name of BAPI table extension
SubBlockKey |
Sub Block key
SubnumberOfGroupAsset |
Subnumber of Group Asset
SupplementaryInventorySpecifications |
Supplementary inventory specifications
SupplierCountryIsoCode |
Supplier country ISO code
SupplyingCountry |
Supplying Country
SurfaceArea |
Surface area
SwapRate |
Swap Rate
SwiftBicForInternationalPayments |
SWIFT/BIC for International Payments
TaxBaseAmountInDocumentCurrency |
Tax Base Amount in Document Currency
TaxBaseAmountInDocumentCurrency16 |
Tax Base Amount in Document Currency (31 digits)
TaxBaseUnit |
Tax Base Unit
TaxJurisdiction |
Tax Jurisdiction
TaxJurisdictionCodeJurisdictionForLowestLevelTax |
Tax jurisdiction code - jurisdiction for lowest level tax
TaxNumber1 |
Tax Number 1
TaxNumber2 |
Tax Number 2
TaxNumberOfTheNoticeOfAssessment |
Tax number of the notice of assessment
TaxOnSalesPurchasesCode |
Tax on Sales/Purchases Code
TaxRate |
Tax rate
TechnicalCaseKey |
Technical Case Key (Case GUID)
TemplateActivityDependentAllocationToCostCenter |
Template: Activity-Dependent Allocation to Cost Center
TemplateActivityIndependentAllocationToCostCenter |
Template: Activity-Independent Allocation to Cost Center
TemplateActStatKeyFigureCostCenterActivityType |
Template: Act.
TemplateForActivityDependentFormulaPlanning |
Template for Activity-Dependent Formula Planning
TemplateForActivityIndependentFormulaPlanning |
Template for Activity-Independent Formula Planning
TerritorialCode |
Territorial Code (Part 1)
TerritorialCode3 |
Territorial Code (Part 2)
TotalQuantityEntered |
Total quantity entered
TradedCurrency |
Traded Currency
Trader |
TradingPartnerSBusinessArea |
Trading partner's business area
TransactionActivity |
Transaction Activity
TransactionActivityCategory |
Transaction Activity Category
TransactionCurrency |
Transaction Currency
TransactionNumberOfFacility |
Transaction Number of Facility
TransactionReleaseReleaseStatus |
Transaction Release: Release Status
TransactionType |
Transaction type
TransportTaxExemptionCode |
Transport Tax Exemption Code
TransportTaxReductionCode |
Transport Tax Reduction Code
TransportType |
Transport Type
TwoCharacterSapLanguageCode |
2-Character SAP Language Code
TypeOfChange |
Type of Change
TypeOfTheAccrualObject |
Type of the Accrual Object
TypeOfTheItemOfTheAccrualSubobject |
Type of the Item of the Accrual Subobject
UniqueIdentifierOfATableRow |
Unique Identifier of a Table Row
UniqueReferenceToMandateForEachPayee |
Unique Reference to Mandate for each Payee
UnitOfEntry |
Unit of entry
UnitOfEntryInIsoCode |
Unit of entry in ISO code
UnitOfWeightInIsoCode |
Unit of weight in ISO code
UpdatedInformationInRelatedUserDataField |
Updated information in related user data field
UsageOfTheConditionTable |
Usage of the condition table
UserName |
User Name
UserResponsible |
User Responsible
UuidInXForm |
UUID in X form (binary)
ValuationArea |
Valuation Area
ValuationType |
Valuation Type
ValueComponentsCurrencyField |
Value components: Currency field
ValueComponentsCurrencyField16 |
Value components: Currency field
ValueFieldsQuantities |
Value fields: Quantities
ValueFixedPortion |
Value: Fixed Portion
ValueFixedPortion16 |
Value: Fixed Portion
ValueTotalAmount |
Value: Total Amount
ValueTotalAmount16 |
Value: Total Amount
ValueVariablePortion |
Value: Variable Portion
ValueVariablePortion16 |
Value: Variable Portion
VariableDepreciationPortion |
Variable depreciation portion
VatRegistrationNumber |
VAT Registration Number
VehicleIdentificationNumber |
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
VehiclePriceCategoryForTransportTax |
Vehicle Price Category for Transport Tax
Version |
VersionNumberForMaterialField |
Version Number for MATERIAL Field
Volume |
VolumeUnit |
Volume unit
VolumeUnitInIsoCode |
Volume unit in ISO code
WbsElementExternalKey |
WBS Element - External Key
WbsElementInvestmentProjectExternalKey |
WBS element investment project - external key
WbsElementInvestmentProjectInternalKey |
WBS element investment project - internal key
WeightsListOfPreciousMaterials |
Weights list of precious materials
WeightUnit |
Weight unit
WithholdingTaxAmountAlreadyWithheld |
Withholding tax amount (in local currency) already withheld
WithholdingTaxAmountAlreadyWithheld16 |
Withholding tax amount (local crcy) already withheld (31d)
WithholdingTaxAmountAlreadyWithheldIn2NdLc |
Withholding tax amount already withheld in 2nd LC (31d)
WithholdingTaxAmountAlreadyWithheldIn2NdLocalCurr |
Withholding tax amount already withheld in 2nd local curr.
WithholdingTaxAmountAlreadyWithheldInDocCrcy |
Withholding tax amount already withheld in doc crcy (31d)
WithholdingTaxAmountAlreadyWithheldInDocumentCurrency |
Withholding tax amount already withheld in document currency
WithholdingTaxBaseAmount |
Withholding Tax Base Amount (Local Currency)
WithholdingTaxBaseAmount16 |
Withholding Tax Base Amount (Local Currency) (31 digitis)
WithholdingTaxBaseAmountIn2NdLocalCurrency |
Withholding tax base amount in 2nd local currency
WithholdingTaxBaseAmountIn2NdLocalCurrency16 |
Withholding tax base amount in 2nd local currency (31digits)
WithholdingTaxBaseAmountIn3RdLocalCurrency |
Withholding tax base amount in 3rd local currency
WithholdingTaxBaseAmountIn3RdLocalCurrency16 |
Withholding tax base amount in 3rd local currency (31digits)
WithholdingTaxBaseAmountInDocumentCurrency |
Withholding tax base amount in document currency
WithholdingTaxBaseAmountInDocumentCurrency16 |
Withholding tax base amount in document currency (31 digits)
WithholdingTaxCode |
Withholding tax code
WithTaxAmountAlreadyWithheldIn3RdLocalCurrency |
With/tax amount already withheld in 3rd local currency
WithTaxAmountAlreadyWithheldIn3RdLocalCurrency16 |
With/tax amount already withheld in 3rd local currency (31d)
WithTaxAmountIn3RdLocalCurrencyEnteredManually |
With/tax amount in 3rd local currency entered manually
WithTaxAmountIn3RdLocalCurrencyEnteredManually16 |
With/tax amount in 3rd local currency entered manually (31d)
WorkBreakdownStructureElement |
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
WorkBreakdownStructureElement8 |
Work Breakdown Structure Element (WBS Element)
YrsExpiredUpToFiscYrStartFromStartOfSpecDep |
Yrs Expired up to Fisc.Yr Start from Start of Spec.Dep.
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