
The ServiceAssignment collection provides the information of assignments. Multiple tasks can be performed on serviceassignments such as change and query of assignments.

Entity Type Details

Attribute Value
Entity Type Name ServiceAssignment
Entity Type Title Activity Extension
Parent Entity Type n/a
Subordinate Entity Types ServiceAssignmentBusinessTransactionDocReference, ServiceAssignmentNotes
Leading Business Object (Node) BusinessActivityIndustryExtension (Root)
Supported Features Updatable, Deletable
Authorization Information n/a
Service Metadata https://<ServiceURL>/$metadata
Application Component LOD-CRM-RES


= Read only;
= Search enabled;
= Required (mandatory);
= Alternative key (for parent);
= Defaulted;
= Value help;
= Not updatable;
= Not filterable

Property Standard UI Label Type Notes Value Help
(to be done)
Indicates the business activity UUID of the assignment
Indicates UUID of the Assignment
Status Assignment External Status Code
Indicates the external status of the assignment ServiceAssignmentStatusCollection
FullDayIndicator Full Day
Indicates all day indicator
Indicates Assignment ID
LifeCycleStatusCode Status
Indicates the system status of the assignment ServiceAssignmentLifeCycleStatusCodeCollection
Subject Subject
Indicates the subject of the assignment
TypeCode Activity Type
Indicates the type code for the assignment; 2215 – Assignment Activity ServiceAssignmentTypeCodeCollection
ServiceTechnicianID Party ID
Indicates the service technician ID for the assignment
ServiceTechnician Name
Indicates the service technician for the assignment
ServiceTechnicianTypeCode Party Type
Indicates the service technician party type code for the assignment ServiceAssignmentServiceTechnicianTypeCodeCollection
CustomerID Party ID
Indicates the customer ID for the assignment
Customer Name
Indicates the customer party for the assignment
CustomerTypeCode Party Type
Indicates the customer role type code for the assignment ServiceAssignmentCustomerTypeCodeCollection
ProcessingTypeCode Document Type
Indicates the type of processing done on the activity: AACT – Assignment Activity ServiceAssignmentProcessingTypeCodeCollection
Priority Priority
Indicates the priority of the assignment ServiceAssignmentPriorityCollection
DivisionCode Division
Indicates the priority of the assignment ServiceAssignmentDivisionCodeCollection
Indicates the released state of the assignment ServiceAssignmentReleasedCollection
Indicates the fixed state of the assignment ServiceAssignmentFixedCollection
PrimaryContactID Party ID
Indicates the contact party ID for the assignment
PrimaryContact Name
Indicates the contact for the assignment
PrimaryContactTypeCode Party Type
Indicates the contact party type code for the assignment ServiceAssignmentPrimaryContactTypeCodeCollection
Indicates the date of creation of the assignment
Indicates the user who has created the assignment
Indicates the user who has made the changes
OrganizerID Party ID
Indicates the organizer ID for the assignment
OrganizerName Name
Indicates the organizer name for the assignment
OrganizerTypeCode Party Type
Indicates the organizer party type code for the assignment ServiceAssignmentOrganizerTypeCodeCollection
EndDateTime Scheduled End Date Time
Indicates the scheduled end date time for the assignment
Indicates the scheduled end date time timezone code for the assignment ServiceAssignmentEndDateTimeZoneCodeCollection
StartDateTime Scheduled Start Date Time
Indicates the scheduled start date time for the assignment
Indicates the scheduled start date time timezone code for the assignment ServiceAssignmentStartDateTimeZoneCodeCollection


Name FromEntityType ToEntityType Cardinality
ServiceAssignmentBusinessTransactionDocReference ServiceAssignment ServiceAssignmentBusinessTransactionDocReference 0 ... *
ServiceAssignmentNotes ServiceAssignment ServiceAssignmentNotes 1 ... *


HTTP Method Operation URI
GET Request ServiceAssignment Data https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection
POST Operation not supported for this Entity Type n/a
PATCH Update ServiceAssignment Data https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection('ObjectID')
DELETE Delete ServiceAssignment Data https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection('ObjectID')

Request ServiceAssignment Data

URI: https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection

Operation Type: Query

HTTP Method: GET

Request Parameters: Full list of system query options is available in the OData Developers Guide.


Sample Request (This request returns information for the first two entities in JSON-format)



Sample Response (Single record response)

    "d": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection('00163E06551B1ED5BC9B0ED97D73C8DC')",
                    "type": "c4codata.ServiceAssignment",
                    "etag": "W/\"datetimeoffset'2017-11-22T11%3A59%3A41.8430270Z'\""
                "ETag": "/Date(1511351981843)/",
                "ObjectID": "00163E06551B1ED5BC9B0ED97D73C8DC",
                "BusinessActivityUUID": "00163E06-551B-1ED5-BC9B-0ED97D73C8DC",
                "AssignmentUUID": "00163E06-551B-1ED5-BC9B-0ED97D73C8DC",
                "Status": "01",
                "FullDayIndicator": false,
                "ID": "56061",
                "LifeCycleStatusCode": "1",
                "Subject": "Dynamic Milk Hose Set",
                "TypeCode": "2215",
                "ServiceTechnicianID": "8000000485",
                "ServiceTechnician": "Ray Torres",
                "ServiceTechnicianTypeCode": "167",
                "CustomerID": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001001327",
                "Customer": "A Ajax Corporation",
                "CustomerTypeCode": "159",
                "ProcessingTypeCode": "AACT",
                "Priority": "3",
                "DivisionCode": "",
                "Released": "",
                "Fixed": "",
                "PrimaryContactID": "1001336",
                "PrimaryContact": "Brennen Pruitt",
                "PrimaryContactTypeCode": "147",
                "CreationDateTime": "/Date(1506326459454)/",
                "CreatedBy": "SERVICEMANAGER03",
                "LastChangedBy": "SERVICEMANAGER03",
                "OrganizerID": "8000000485",
                "OrganizerName": "Ray Torres",
               "OrganizerTypeCode": "167",
                "EndDateTime": "/Date(1458725400000)/",
                "EndDateTimeZoneCode": "UTC+2",
                "StartDateTime": "/Date(1458723600000)/",
                "StartDateTimeZoneCode": "UTC+2",
               "StatusText": "Open",
                "LifeCycleStatusCodeText": "Open",
                "TypeCodeText": "Assignment Activity",
                "ServiceTechnicianTypeCodeText": "Employee",
                "CustomerTypeCodeText": "Account",
               "ProcessingTypeCodeText": "Assignment Activity",
                "PriorityText": "Normal",
                "DivisionCodeText": "",
                "ReleasedText": "Not Released",
                "FixedText": "",
                "PrimaryContactTypeCodeText": "Business Partner",
                "OrganizerTypeCodeText": "Employee",
                "EndDateTimeZoneCodeText": "UTC+02",
                "StartDateTimeZoneCodeText": "UTC+02",
                "ServiceAssignmentBusinessTransactionDocReference": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection('00163E06551B1ED5BC9B0ED97D73C8DC')/ServiceAssignmentBusinessTransactionDocReference"
                "ServiceAssignmentNotes": {
                    "__deferred": {
                        "uri": "https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection('00163E06551B1ED5BC9B0ED97D73C8DC')/ServiceAssignmentNotes"

Update ServiceAssignment Data

URI: https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection('ObjectID')

Operation Type: Update



Sample Request (Update ServiceAssignment Data)

	"Status": "02"


Successful PATCH update returns no response payload.

Delete ServiceAssignment Data

URI: https://<ServiceURL>/ServiceAssignmentCollection('ObjectID')

Operation Type: Delete



Sample Request (Delete ServiceAssignment Data)



Successful DELETE request returns no response payload.