Interface | Description |
BankService |
You can use this inbound synchronous service to create, read, update, and mark bank master data for deletion.
CashSecurityDepositService |
The service contains a list of security deposits.
ConditionContractService |
The service enables you to retrieve and process transactional data of Condition Contacts:
You can read, create and update Condition Contracts.
ContractAccountingBusinessPartnerPaymentService |
Retrieve a list of payments and make, release or withdraw payments.
ContractAccountingDocumentManageService |
Retrieve a list of documents.
DocumentComplianceElectronicDocumentFileService |
This service enables you to download eDocument file data in SAP S/4HANA Cloud that can be used by external
EnterpriseProjectInternalTypeService |
This service enables you to read the internal project type code list for enterprise projects.
EnterpriseProjectPriorityService |
This service enables you to read the processing status code list for enterprise projects.
EnterpriseProjectProcessingStatusService |
This service enables you to read the processing status code list for enterprise projects.
EnterpriseProjectProfileService |
This service enables you to read the project profile code list for enterprise projects.
FixedAssetUsageObjectForUoPDepreciationService |
This service contains the following nodes that are necessary for a usage object, including: usage object, usage
object total units, and usage object period units.
InHouseRepairService |
The service enables you to initiate the in-house repair process from an external system.
JointOperatingAgreementService |
The service contains Joint Operating Agreement, Description, Equity Group, Penalty Category Recovery Percentage and
Partner Share nodes.
JointVentureService |
The service contains Joint Venture, Description, Equity Group, Equity Type, and Equity Share nodes.
MaintenanceTasklistService |
The service describes the sequence of individual maintenance activities that must be performed repeatedly within a
MeasurementDocumentService |
The data transferred to the system after a measurement has been taken at a measuring point or a counter is described
in the SAP system as a measurement document.
MeasuringPointService |
In Plant Maintenance, measuring points are located on technical objects such as pieces of equipment or at functional
ProductExclusionService |
This service enables you to create product exclusions based on various factors like time range validities,
plant-specific, and application-specific.
ProductHierarchyNodeService |
This synchronous inbound OData service enables external systems and other consumers to read currently active version
for a given Hierarchy ID, or the version with a specified validity date.
ProductsToProductHierarchiesAssignmentService |
This service enables you to read the products assigned to product hierarchy details by exposing the remote API views
through OData.
ProductSubstitutionService |
This service enables you to create plant, application and time range specific product substitution.
RealEstateContractService |
The service contains contract header and sub nodes for managing the contract process.
ResponsibilityManagementTeamConfigurationService |
You can read team categories, team types, responsibility attributes, functions assigned to team categories, and
responsibility attributes and functions assigned to team types.
ResponsibilityManagementTeamService |
You can read team headers, team owners, responsibility definitions, team members, and the functions assigned to team
SalesPriceService |
To retrieve sales prices, consumers of this service must specify sales organizational data as well as one or more
sold-to parties and product (that is, material) IDs in the service request.
SettlementDocumentService |
You retrieve the following data using this OData based service:
You can read the Settlement Documents on header and item level.
SettlementDocumentTypeService |
You retrieve the following data using this OData based service:
You can read the Settlement Document Types and related information.
SettlementProcessTypeService |
You retrieve the following data using this OData based service:
You can read the Settlement Process Types and related information.
SupplierItemService |
You can use this service to create, read and update supplier item.
SupplyAvailabilityProtectionPlanService |
The service contains the supply protection object, the characteristics, the supply protection groups and the time
Class | Description |
DefaultBankService |
You can use this inbound synchronous service to create, read, update, and mark bank master data for deletion.
DefaultCashSecurityDepositService |
The service contains a list of security deposits.
DefaultConditionContractService |
The service enables you to retrieve and process transactional data of Condition Contacts:
You can read, create and update Condition Contracts.
DefaultContractAccountingBusinessPartnerPaymentService |
Retrieve a list of payments and make, release or withdraw payments.
DefaultContractAccountingDocumentManageService |
Retrieve a list of documents.
DefaultDocumentComplianceElectronicDocumentFileService |
This service enables you to download eDocument file data in SAP S/4HANA Cloud that can be used by external
DefaultEnterpriseProjectInternalTypeService |
This service enables you to read the internal project type code list for enterprise projects.
DefaultEnterpriseProjectPriorityService |
This service enables you to read the processing status code list for enterprise projects.
DefaultEnterpriseProjectProcessingStatusService |
This service enables you to read the processing status code list for enterprise projects.
DefaultEnterpriseProjectProfileService |
This service enables you to read the project profile code list for enterprise projects.
DefaultFixedAssetUsageObjectForUoPDepreciationService |
This service contains the following nodes that are necessary for a usage object, including: usage object, usage
object total units, and usage object period units.
DefaultInHouseRepairService |
The service enables you to initiate the in-house repair process from an external system.
DefaultJointOperatingAgreementService |
The service contains Joint Operating Agreement, Description, Equity Group, Penalty Category Recovery Percentage and
Partner Share nodes.
DefaultJointVentureService |
The service contains Joint Venture, Description, Equity Group, Equity Type, and Equity Share nodes.
DefaultMaintenanceTasklistService |
The service describes the sequence of individual maintenance activities that must be performed repeatedly within a
DefaultMeasurementDocumentService |
The data transferred to the system after a measurement has been taken at a measuring point or a counter is described
in the SAP system as a measurement document.
DefaultMeasuringPointService |
In Plant Maintenance, measuring points are located on technical objects such as pieces of equipment or at functional
DefaultProductExclusionService |
This service enables you to create product exclusions based on various factors like time range validities,
plant-specific, and application-specific.
DefaultProductHierarchyNodeService |
This synchronous inbound OData service enables external systems and other consumers to read currently active version
for a given Hierarchy ID, or the version with a specified validity date.
DefaultProductsToProductHierarchiesAssignmentService |
This service enables you to read the products assigned to product hierarchy details by exposing the remote API views
through OData.
DefaultProductSubstitutionService |
This service enables you to create plant, application and time range specific product substitution.
DefaultRealEstateContractService |
The service contains contract header and sub nodes for managing the contract process.
DefaultResponsibilityManagementTeamConfigurationService |
You can read team categories, team types, responsibility attributes, functions assigned to team categories, and
responsibility attributes and functions assigned to team types.
DefaultResponsibilityManagementTeamService |
You can read team headers, team owners, responsibility definitions, team members, and the functions assigned to team
DefaultSalesPriceService |
To retrieve sales prices, consumers of this service must specify sales organizational data as well as one or more
sold-to parties and product (that is, material) IDs in the service request.
DefaultSettlementDocumentService |
You retrieve the following data using this OData based service:
You can read the Settlement Documents on header and item level.
DefaultSettlementDocumentTypeService |
You retrieve the following data using this OData based service:
You can read the Settlement Document Types and related information.
DefaultSettlementProcessTypeService |
You retrieve the following data using this OData based service:
You can read the Settlement Process Types and related information.
DefaultSupplierItemService |
You can use this service to create, read and update supplier item.
DefaultSupplyAvailabilityProtectionPlanService |
The service contains the supply protection object, the characteristics, the supply protection groups and the time
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