Interface | Description |
ProductDescriptionSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductDescription . |
ProductPlantSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductPlant . |
ProductSalesDeliverySelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductSalesDelivery . |
ProductSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
Product . |
ProductStorageLocationSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
ProductStorageLocation . |
RealSubstanceSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
RealSubstance . |
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDateSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDate . |
SpecAuthorizationGroupTextSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecAuthorizationGroupText . |
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst . |
SpecIdentifierSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecIdentifier . |
SpecStatusAttributesSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecStatusAttributes . |
SpecStatusNextStatusSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecStatusNextStatus . |
SpecStatusSchemaSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecStatusSchema . |
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthCompSelectable |
Interface to enable OData entity selectors for
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthComp . |
Class | Description |
Product |
Product Active Core Entity (API)
Product.ProductBuilder | |
ProductByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
Product entity using key fields. |
ProductDescription |
Product Desc Active Core Entity (API)
ProductDescription.ProductDescriptionBuilder | |
ProductDescriptionByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
ProductDescription entity using key fields. |
ProductDescriptionField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ProductDescription . |
ProductDescriptionFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
ProductDescription entities. |
ProductDescriptionLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
ProductDescription to other entities. |
ProductField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Product . |
ProductFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
Product entities. |
ProductLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
Product to other entities. |
ProductPlant |
Product Plant Active Core Entity (API)
ProductPlant.ProductPlantBuilder | |
ProductPlantByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
ProductPlant entity using key fields. |
ProductPlantField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ProductPlant . |
ProductPlantFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
ProductPlant entities. |
ProductPlantLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
ProductPlant to other entities. |
ProductSalesDelivery |
Product Sales Delivery Core Entity (API)
ProductSalesDelivery.ProductSalesDeliveryBuilder | |
ProductSalesDeliveryByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
ProductSalesDelivery entity using key fields. |
ProductSalesDeliveryField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ProductSalesDelivery . |
ProductSalesDeliveryFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
ProductSalesDelivery entities. |
ProductSalesDeliveryLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
ProductSalesDelivery to other entities. |
ProductStorageLocation |
Prod Stor Loc Active Core Entity (API)
ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder | |
ProductStorageLocationByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
ProductStorageLocation entity using key fields. |
ProductStorageLocationField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ProductStorageLocation . |
ProductStorageLocationFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
ProductStorageLocation entities. |
ProductStorageLocationLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
ProductStorageLocation to other entities. |
RealSubstance |
API for Real Substance
RealSubstance.RealSubstanceBuilder | |
RealSubstanceByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
RealSubstance entity using key fields. |
RealSubstanceField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
RealSubstance . |
RealSubstanceFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
RealSubstance entities. |
RealSubstanceLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
RealSubstance to other entities. |
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDate |
API for Specification Material Assignment
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDate.SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDateBuilder | |
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDateByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDate entity using key fields. |
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDateField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDate . |
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDateFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDate entities. |
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDateLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
SpecAssignedMatlForKeyDate to other entities. |
SpecAuthorizationGroupText |
API for Specification Authorization Group Text
SpecAuthorizationGroupText.SpecAuthorizationGroupTextBuilder | |
SpecAuthorizationGroupTextByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
SpecAuthorizationGroupText entity using key fields. |
SpecAuthorizationGroupTextField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecAuthorizationGroupText . |
SpecAuthorizationGroupTextFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
SpecAuthorizationGroupText entities. |
SpecAuthorizationGroupTextLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
SpecAuthorizationGroupText to other entities. |
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst |
API for Specification Characteristic by VAI
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst.SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstBuilder | |
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst entity using key fields. |
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst . |
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst entities. |
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInstLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
SpecCharByValueAssgmtInst to other entities. |
SpecIdentifier |
API for Specification Identifier
SpecIdentifier.SpecIdentifierBuilder | |
SpecIdentifierByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
SpecIdentifier entity using key fields. |
SpecIdentifierField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecIdentifier . |
SpecIdentifierFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
SpecIdentifier entities. |
SpecIdentifierLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
SpecIdentifier to other entities. |
SpecStatusAttributes |
API for Specification Header Status Attributes
SpecStatusAttributes.SpecStatusAttributesBuilder | |
SpecStatusAttributesByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
SpecStatusAttributes entity using key fields. |
SpecStatusAttributesField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecStatusAttributes . |
SpecStatusAttributesFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
SpecStatusAttributes entities. |
SpecStatusAttributesLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
SpecStatusAttributes to other entities. |
SpecStatusNextStatus |
API for Specification Header Status Next Status
SpecStatusNextStatus.SpecStatusNextStatusBuilder | |
SpecStatusNextStatusByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
SpecStatusNextStatus entity using key fields. |
SpecStatusNextStatusField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecStatusNextStatus . |
SpecStatusNextStatusFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
SpecStatusNextStatus entities. |
SpecStatusNextStatusLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
SpecStatusNextStatus to other entities. |
SpecStatusSchema |
API for Specification Header Status Schema
SpecStatusSchema.SpecStatusSchemaBuilder | |
SpecStatusSchemaByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
SpecStatusSchema entity using key fields. |
SpecStatusSchemaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecStatusSchema . |
SpecStatusSchemaFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
SpecStatusSchema entities. |
SpecStatusSchemaLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
SpecStatusSchema to other entities. |
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthComp |
API for Composition Based Property
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthComp.SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthCompBuilder | |
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthCompByKeyFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch a single
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthComp entity using key fields. |
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthCompField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthComp . |
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthCompFluentHelper |
Fluent helper to fetch multiple
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthComp entities. |
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthCompLink<ObjectT extends VdmObject<?>> |
Template class to represent entity navigation links of
SpecValAssgmtInstanceWthComp to other entities. |
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