public class SalesContractItemPrcgElmntByKeyFluentHelper extends FluentHelperByKey<SalesContractItemPrcgElmntByKeyFluentHelper,SalesContractItemPrcgElmnt,SalesContractItemPrcgElmntSelectable>
entity using key fields. This fluent helper allows methods which modify the underlying query to be called before executing the query itself.Constructor and Description |
SalesContractItemPrcgElmntByKeyFluentHelper(String salesContract,
String salesContractItem,
String pricingProcedureStep,
String pricingProcedureCounter)
Creates a fluent helper object that will fetch a single
SalesContractItemPrcgElmnt entity with the provided key field values. |
execute, select, toQuery, withErrorHandler
execute, execute
public SalesContractItemPrcgElmntByKeyFluentHelper(String salesContract, String salesContractItem, String pricingProcedureStep, String pricingProcedureCounter)
entity with the provided key field values. To perform execution, call the execute
method on the fluent helper object.salesContractItem
- The number that uniquely identifies the condition item.Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 6
- The number that uniquely identifies the sales document.Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 10
- Access number of the conditions within a step in the pricing procedure.Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
- Number that determines the sequence of the condition within a procedure.Constraints: Not nullable, Maximum length: 3
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