
hana_ml.algorithms.pal.tsa.accuracy_measure.accuracy_measure(data, evaluation_metric, ignore_zero=None, alpha1=None, alpha2=None)

Measures are used to check the accuracy of the forecast made by PAL algorithms.


Input data, should have two or three columns:

  • If data contains 2 columns, then the first column is of actual data while the second one is of forecasted data.

  • If data contains 3 columns, then the 1st column must be the ID column, 2nd column be the actual data, while the 3rd column be the forecasted data.

evaluation_metricstr of ListOfStrings

Specifies the accuracy measure name(s), with valid options listed as follows:

  • 'mpe': mean percentage error(MPE)

  • 'mse': mean square error(MSE)

  • 'rmse': root mean square error(RMSE)

  • 'et': error total(ET)

  • 'mad': mean absolute deviation(MAD)

  • 'mase': out-of-sample mean absolute scaled error(MASE)

  • 'wmape': weighted mean absolute percentage error(WMAPE)

  • 'smape': symmetric mean absolute percentage error(SMAPE)

  • 'mape': mean absolute percentage error(MAPE)

  • 'spec': stock-keeping-oriented prediction error costs(SPEC)


If evaluation_metric is specified as 'spec' or contains 'spec' as one of its element, then data must have 3 columns(i.e. contain an ID column).

ignore_zerobool, optional

Specifies whether or not to ignore zero values in data when calculating MPE or MAPE.

Valid only when 'mpe' or 'mape' is specified/included in evaluation_metric.

Defaults to False, i.e. use the zero values in data when calculating MPE or MAPE.

alpha1float, optional

Specifies unit opportunity cost parameter in SPEC measure, should be no less than 0.

Valid only when 'spec' is specified/included in evaluation_metric.

Defaults to 0.5.

alpha2float, optional

Specifies the unit stock-keeping cost parameter in SPEC measure, should be no less than 0.

Valid only when 'spec' is specified/included in evaluation_metric.

Defaults to 0.5.


Result of the forecast accuracy measurement, structured as follows:

  • STAT_NAME: Name of accuracy measures.

  • STAT_VALUE: Value of accuracy measures.


Data for accuracy measurement:

>>> df.collect()
0   1130.0    1270.0
1   2410.0    2340.0
2   2210.0    2310.0
3   2500.0    2340.0
4   2432.0    2348.0
5   1980.0    1890.0
6   2045.0    2100.0
7   2340.0    2231.0
8   2460.0    2401.0
9   2350.0    2310.0
10  2345.0    2340.0
11  2650.0    2560.0

Perform accuracy measurement on the input dataframe:

>>> res = accuracy_measure(data=df,
                           evaluation_metric=['mse', 'rmse', 'mpe', 'et',
                                              'mad', 'mase', 'wmape', 'smape',
>>> res.collect()
0        ET   412.000000
1       MAD    83.500000
2      MAPE     0.041063
3      MASE     0.287931
4       MPE     0.008390
5       MSE  8614.000000
6      RMSE    92.811637
7     SMAPE     0.040876
8     WMAPE     0.037316