Creating Account Category Information


Use this to set the account category attributes for your account ID.

Journal entries use the account category to assign every line item to a JE account.

Here, you set up which account types can post with the account category. An account category can have more than one account type.

This area is part of customizing.

You define the category attributes that will be used on the Account Entry Control screen (as fields).

Each journal entry that is used in PRA is linked with an account category. Here, you set the account parameters for the accounts category. This in effect allows you to create more specific accounts in PRA, based on the same account ID / accounting category record.

By setting one of the category attribute flags, you indicate that the selected attribute will then be used on the Accounting Entry Control screen to help assign unique account numbers to a category for each value of the attribute. These requirements must be set up for an accounting category on this screen before the Accounting Entry Control screen can be used.

An account category identifies a group of account numbers. For example, Taxes Payables is an account category. Within that category, several Taxes Payable account numbers exist that refer to a specific account such as Taxes Payable – Gas and Taxes Payable – Oil.

The account categories are defined in common Table TBLRV016. That table is a static list of all account categories used by PRA. Updates to that table cannot be carried out without changes to the PRA programs that use them.

Accounting category attributes – There are several attributes that are used to uniquely identify the account numbers within an account category. These attributes are defined in the Accounting Category transaction (see path below). For each account category defined in common table TBLRV016, an entry that describes the distinguishing characteristics of the accounts within the category must be made in this transaction.

For example, if separate taxes payable account numbers exist for each product code, product code would be marked as a required field in the above transaction ( Accounting Category ) for the taxes payable account category.

If taxes payable is not enough to distinguish the taxes payable account numbers, then each required attribute would be set to Y in that transaction.

Several areas of SAP PRA generate journal entries. Account numbers are assigned to those entries using the values of the required account category attributes found on the PRA transaction being processed.

The tie between the values of the required attributes and the specific account number is made on the Account Entry Control transaction (see: Using Account Entry Control ).

If the combination of values found on the PRA transaction does not exist on the Account Entry Control transaction, a default account number will be used. The default account numbers are listed by category in common table TBLRV066. A default account number report is generated by each PRA program that attempts to assign an account number to a journal entry but cannot, and therefore, uses a default account number.


You first have to have set up an account and an account category in JE, and link the accounts to a category.


  1. Within Customizing, choose SAP Reference IMG, and then: Industry Solution Oil & Gas (PRA) → Revenue Accounting → Journal Entry → Configure Accounting Category .

    The Accounting Category: Initial Screen is displayed.

  2. On the Accounting Category: Initial Screen, enter an Accounting category and an Accounting type and then select Create.

    The Create Accounting Category screen is displayed, with all the possible category attributes as flags at the bottom.

  3. You can now set the category attributes that you would like to use with this account ID / accounting category record. When you select a flag here, the corresponding field on the Account Entry Control screen will then require an entry (exception: completing the Affiliated Company field in the Account Entry Control transaction is optional).