transform.Imputer {}R Documentation

Make transformation from a "Imputer" Object


Similar to other transform methods, this function transforms fitted values from a fitted "Imputer" object.


## S3 method for class 'Imputer'
transform(model, data, key = NULL,
  thread.ratio = NULL)



R6Class object
"Imputer" object for transformation.


Data for transformation.


character, optional
Name of the ID column in data that specifies the dependent variable.


integer, optional
Controls the proportion of available threads to use. The value range is from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates a single thread, and 1 indicates up to all available threads. Values between 0 and 1 will use up to that percentage of available threads. Values outside this range tell PAL to heuristically determine the number of threads to use.

The following parameters all have pre-fix 'als\_', and are invoked only when als' is the overall imputation strategy. Those parameters are for setting up the alternating-least-square(ALS) mdoel for data imputation.

Defaults to 0.0.


transformed values are returned as a DataFrame, structured as follows.

See Also



## Not run: 
Perform the transform on DataFrame data2 using "imputer" object ip:

> data2$Collect()
  ID V0   V1   V2    V3    V4   V5
1  0 20    1    B   NULL  1.5  21.7
2  1 40    1 <NULL>  0.6  1.2  24.3
3  2 NULL  0    D   NULL  1.8  22.6
4  3 50  NULL   C   0.7   1.1  NULL
5  4 20    1    A   0.3   NULL 20.6

> result <- transform(ip, data2)

> result[[1]]$Collect()
 ID V0 V1 V2        V3       V4       V5
1  0 20  1  B 0.5076923 1.500000 21.70000
2  1 40  1  A 0.6000000 1.200000 24.30000
3  2 24  0  D 0.5076923 1.800000 22.60000
4  3 50  0  C 0.7000000 1.100000 20.64615
5  4 20  1  A 0.3000000 1.469231 20.60000

## End(Not run)

[Package version 1.0.8 Index]