hanaml.RandomForestClassifier {hana.ml.r}R Documentation

Random Forest for Classification


hanaml.RandomForestClassifier is a R wrapper for PAL Random Decision Trees.


hanaml.RandomForestClassifier(conn.context, data = NULL,
                              formula = NULL,
                              features = NULL,
                              label = NULL, key = NULL,
                              n.estimators = NULL,
                              max.features = NULL,
                              max.depth = NULL,
                              min.samples.leaf = NULL,
                              split.threshold = NULL,
                              calculate.oob = TRUE,
                              random.state = NULL,
                              thread.ratio = NULL,
                              allow.missing.dependent = TRUE,
                              categorical.variable = NULL,
                              sample.fraction = NULL,
                              strata = NULL, priors = NULL)



The connection to the SAP HANA system.


DataFrame containing the data.


character, optional
Name of the ID column of data. If not provided, then data is assumed to have no ID column.


list of character, optional
Names of the feature columns. If features is not provided, it defaults to all non-ID, no-label columns.


character, optional
Name of the column in data that specifies the dependent variable. Defaults to the last no-ID column if not specified.


formula type, optional
Formula to be used for model generation. format = label~<feature_list> eg: formula=CATEGORY~V1+V2+V3 You can either give the formula, or a feature and label combination. Do not provide both.
Defaults to NULL.


integer, optional
Specifies the number of trees in the random forest.

Defaults to '100'.


integer, optional
Specifies the number of randomly selected splitting variables. Should not be larger than the number of input features.

Defaults to 'sqrt(p)' (for classification) or 'p/3' (for regression), where p is the number of input features.


integer, optional
The maximum depth of a tree.

By default it is unlimited.


integer, optional
Specifies the minimum number of records in a leaf. Defaults to 1 for classification.


double, optional
Specifies the stop condition: if the improvement value of the best split is less than this value, the tree stops growing.

Defaults to 1e-5.


logical, optional
If TRUE, calculate the out-of-bag error.
Defaults to TRUE.


integer, optional
Specifies the seed for random number generator. 0: Uses the current time (in seconds) as the seed. Others: Uses the specified value as the seed.
Defaults to 0.


double, optional
Controls the proportion of available threads to use. The value range is from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates a single thread, and 1 indicates up to all available threads. Values between 0 and 1 will use that percentage of available threads. Other values are determined heuristically.

Defaults to -1.


logical, optional
Specifies if a missing target value is allowed. - FALSE: Not allowed. An error occurs if a missing target is present. - TRUE: Allowed. The datum with the missing target is removed.
Defaults to TRUE.


character or list of characters, optional
Indicates features should be treated as categorical. The behavior is dependent on what input is given. 'string': categorical. 'integer' and 'double': continuous. VALID only for integer variables; omitted otherwise.
The default value is detected from input data.


double, optional
The fraction of data used for training. Assume there are n pieces of data, sample fraction is r, then n*r data is selected for training.
Defaults to '1.0'.


List of tuples: (class, fraction), optional
Strata proportions for stratified sampling. A (class, fraction) tuple specifies that rows with that class should make up the specified fraction of each sample. If the given fractions do not add up to 1, the remaining portion is divided equally between classes with no entry in strata, or between all classes if all classes have an entry in strata. If strata is not provided, bagging is used instead of stratified sampling.


List of tuples: (class, prior_prob), optional
Prior probabilities for classes. A (class, prior_prob) tuple specifies the prior probability of this class. If the given priors do not add up to 1, the remaining portion is divided equally between classes with no entry in priors, or between all classes if all classes have an entry in 'priors'. If priors is not provided, it is determined by the proportion of every class in the training data.


R6Class object.


Return a "RandomForestClassifier" object with following attributes:


Using Summary and Print

Summary provides a general summary of the output of the model. Usage: summary(rfc) where rfc is the model generated

Print provides information on the coefficients and the optional parameter values given by the user. Usage: print(rfc) where rfc is the model generated.

See Also



## Not run: 
Input DataFrame df for training:
 > df$Collect()
1     Sunny   75       70   Yes        Play
2     Sunny   80       90   Yes Do not Play
3     Sunny   85       85    No Do not Play
4     Sunny   72       95    No Do not Play
5     Sunny   69       70    No        Play
6  Overcast   72       90   Yes        Play
7  Overcast   83       78    No        Play
8  Overcast   64       65   Yes        Play
9  Overcast   81       75    No        Play
10     Rain   71       80   Yes Do not Play
11     Rain   65       70   Yes Do not Play
12     Rain   75       80    No        Play
13     Rain   68       80    No        Play
14     Rain   70       96    No        Play
Creating RandomForestClassifier instance:
rfc <- hanaml.RandomForestClassifier(conn.context = conn, data = df,
                                     n.estimators=300, max.features=3,
                                     random.state=2, split.threshold=0.00001,
                                     min.samples.leaf=1, thread.ratio=1.0)

Giving features and labels as input to generating a model:
rfc <- hanaml.RandomForestClassifier(conn.context = conn, data = df,
                            key = NULL, n.estimators=300, max.features=3,
                            features = list('TEMP', 'HUMIDITY', 'WINDY'),
                            label = "CLASS",
                            random.state=2, split.threshold=0.00001,
                            min.samples.leaf=1, thread.ratio=1.0)

Giving input to model generation as a formula:
rfc <- hanaml.RandomForestClassifier(conn.context = conn, data = df,
                                     n.estimators=300, max.features=3,
                                     random.state=2, split.threshold=0.00001,
                                     min.samples.leaf=1, thread.ratio=1.0)

> rfc$feature.importances$Collect()
1       OUTLOOK  0.3475185
2          TEMP  0.2770724
3      HUMIDITY  0.2476346
4         WINDY  0.1277744

Input DataFrame for scoring:

> df3$Collect()
1  0    Sunny   75       70   Yes        Play
2  1    Sunny   NA       90   Yes Do not Play
3  2    Sunny   85       NA    No Do not Play
4  3    Sunny   72       95    No Do not Play
5  4     <NA>   NA       70  <NA>        Play
6  5 Overcast   72       90   Yes        Play
7  6 Overcast   83       78    No        Play
8  7 Overcast   64       65   Yes Do not Play
9  8 Overcast   81       75    No        Play

Performing score() on given DataFrame:

> dtc$score(df3)

## End(Not run)

[Package hana.ml.r version 1.0.8 Index]