hanaml.LinearRegression {hana.ml.r}R Documentation

Linear Regression


hanaml.LinearRegression is a R wrapper for PAL linear regression algorithm.


hanaml.LinearRegression(conn.context, data = NULL, key = NULL, features = NULL,
                       label = NULL, formula = NULL, solver = NULL, var.select = NULL,
                       intercept = NULL, alpha.to.enter = NULL, alpha.to.remove = NULL,
                       enet.lambda = NULL, enet.alpha = NULL, max.iter = NULL,
                       tol = NULL, pho = NULL, stat.inf = NULL, adjusted.r2 = NULL,
                       dw.test = NULL, reset.test = NULL, bp.test = NULL,
                       ks.test = NULL, thread.ratio = NULL, categorical.variable = NULL,
                       pmml.export = NULL)



The connection to the SAP HANULL system.


DataFrame containing the data.


Name of the ID column of data. If not provided, then it is assumed that data has no ID column.


list of character, optional
Names of the feature columns. If not provided, it defaults to all non-ID, no-label columns.


Name of column in data that specifies the dependent variable. Defaults to the final column if not provided.


formula type, optional
Formula to be used for model generation. format = label~<feature_list> e.g.formula = LABEL~V1+V2+V3 You can either give the formula, or a feature and label combination. Do not provide both.
Defaults to NULL.


{"QR", "SVD", "CD", "Cholesky","ADMM"}, optional
Algorithms to use to solve the least square problem. Case-insensitive.

  • "QR": QR decomposition.

  • "SVD": singular value decomposition.

  • "CD": cyclical coordinate descent method.

  • "Cholesky": Cholesky decomposition.

  • "ADMM": alternating direction method of multipliers.

Defaults to "QR".


{"all", "forward", "backward"}, optional
Method to perform variable selection.

  • all: all variables are included.

  • forward: forward selection.

  • backward: backward selection.

'forward' and 'backward' selection are supported only when solver is 'QR', 'SVD' or 'Cholesky'.
Defaults to 'all'.


logical, optional
If TRUE, include the intercept in the model.
Defaults to TRUE.


double, optional
P-value for forward selection. Valid only when ‘var_select' is ’forward'.
Defaults to 0.05.


double, optional
P-value for backward selection. Valid only when ‘var_select' is ’backward'.
Defaults to 0.1.


double, optional
Penalized weight. Value should be greater than or equal to 0.
Valid only when ‘solver' is ’CD' or 'ADMM'.


double, optional
Elastic net mixing parameter. Ranges from 0 (Ridge penalty) to 1 (LASSO penalty) inclusively. Valid only when solver is 'CD' or 'ADMM'.
Defaults to 1.0.


integer, optional
Maximum number of passes over training data. If convergence is not reached after the specified number of iterations, an error will be generated. Valid only when solver is 'CD' or 'ADMM'.
Defaults to 1e5.


double, optional
Convergence threshold for coordinate descent. Valid only when solver is 'CD'.
Defaults to 1.0e-7.


double, optional
Step size for ADMM. Generally, it should be greater than 1. Valid only when solver is 'ADMM'.
Defaults to 1.8.


logical, optional
If TRUE, output t-value and Pr(>|t|) of coefficients. Defaults to FALSE.


logical, optional
If TRUE, include the adjusted R^2 value in statistics.
Defaults to FALSE.


logical, optional
If TRUE, conduct Durbin-Watson test under null hypothesis that errors do not follow a first order autoregressive process. Not available if elastic net regularization is enabled or intercept is ignored.
Defaults to FALSE.


integer, optional
Specifies the order of Ramsey RESET test. Ramsey RESET test with power of variables ranging from 2 to this value (greater than 1) will be conducted. Value 1 means RESET test will not be conducted. Not available if elastic net regularization is enabled or intercept is ignored.
Defaults to 1.


logical, optional
If TRUE, conduct Breusch-Pagan test under null hypothesis that homoscedasticity is satisfied. Not available if elastic net regularization is enabled or intercept is ignored.
Defaults to FALSE.


logical, optional
If TRUE, conduct Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test under null hypothesis that errors follow a normal distribution. Not available if elastic net regularization is enabled or intercept is ignored.
Defaults to FALSE.


double, optional
Controls the proportion of available threads to use. The value range is from 0 to 1, where 0 means only using 1 thread, and 1 means using at most all the currently available threads. Values outside this range tell PAL to heuristically determine the number of threads to use. Valid only when solver is 'QR', 'CD', 'Cholesky' or 'ADMM'.
Defaults to 0.0.


character or list of characters, optional
integer columns specified in this list will be treated as categorical data. Other integer columns will be treated as continuous.


('no', 'multi-row'), optional
Controls whether to output a PMML representation of the model, and how to format the PMML. Case-insensitive.

  • 'no' or not provided: No PMML model.

  • 'multi-row': Exports a PMML model, splitting it across multiple rows if it doesn't fit in one.

Defaults to 'no'.


R6Class object.


Linear regression is an approach to model the linear relationship and one or more variables, usually referred to as independent variables, denoted as predictor vector.


Return a "LinearRegression" object with following values:

See Also



## Not run: 
Input DataFrame df for training:

> df$Collect()
  ID      Y    X1 X2  X3
0  0  -6.879  0.00  A   1
1  1  -3.449  0.50  A   1
2  2   6.635  0.54  B   1
3  3  11.844  1.04  B   1
4  4   2.786  1.50  A   1
5  5   2.389  0.04  B   2
6  6  -0.011  2.00  A   2
7  7   8.839  2.04  B   2
8  8   4.689  1.54  B   1
9  9  -5.507  1.00  A   2

Model traning and a "LinearRegression" object lr is returned:

>lr <- LinearRegression(conn.context = conn, data = df, key = "ID",
                       label = "Y", thread.ratio = 0.5,
                       categorical.variable = list("X3"))


> lr$coefficients
1   \__PAL_INTERCEPT__          -5.7045
2                  X1           3.0925
3  X2__PAL_DELIMIT__A           0.0000
4  X2__PAL_DELIMIT__B           9.3675
5  X3__PAL_DELIMIT__1           0.0000
lr$s6  X3__PAL_DELIMIT__2          -2.6895
7   \__PAL_INTERCEPT__          -5.7045
8                  X1           3.0925
9  X2__PAL_DELIMIT__A           0.0000
10 X2__PAL_DELIMIT__B           9.3675
11 X3__PAL_DELIMIT__1           0.0000
12 X3__PAL_DELIMIT__2          -2.6895

## End(Not run)

[Package hana.ml.r version 1.0.8 Index]