hanaml.ConditionIndex {hana.ml.r}R Documentation

Condition Index


hanaml.ConditionIndex is a R wrapper for PAL Condition Index.


hanaml.ConditionIndex(conn.context, data, key = NULL,
                             features = NULL, scaling = NULL,
                             intercept = NULL, thread.ratio = NULL)



The connection to the SAP HANA system.


DataFrame containing the data.


character, optional
Name of the ID column of data.


character or list Of character, optional
Name of the feature columns.
If not given, all non-ID numerical columns will be processed.


logical, optional
Specifies whether or not to scale the input data to have unit variance before the analysis.
Default to TRUE.


logical, optional
Specifies whether or not to consider intercept during the calculation.
Default to TRUE.


double, optional
Specifies the ratio of total number of threads that can be used by this function. The value range is from 0 to 1, where 0 means only using 1 thread, and 1 means using at most all the currently available threads. Values outside the range are ignored and this function heuristically determines the number of threads to use.
Default to 0.


Condition index is used to detect collinearity problem between independent variables which are later used as predictors in a multiple linear regression model.



## Not run: 
 Input DataFrame data:
> data
    ID X1 X2 X3 X4
  1  1 12 52 20 44
  2  2 12 57 25 45
  3  3 12 54 21 45
  4  4 13 52 21 46
  5  5 14 54 24 46

 Call ConditionIndex function:
 >  ci <- hanaml.ConditionIndex(conn, data, key = "ID", thread.ratio = 0.1)

 Expected output:
 > ci[[1]]$Collect()
        COMPONENT_ID      EIGENVALUE CONDITION_INDEX             X1            X2
      1       Comp_1    1.996669e+01         1.00000   1.185761e-05  1.556872e-06
      2       Comp_2    2.073585e-02        31.03074   8.776374e-03  2.098206e-04
      3       Comp_3    1.226013e-02        40.35575   5.347198e-02  2.570866e-03
      4       Comp_4    2.295285e-04       294.94070   2.056656e-01  1.522431e-02
      5       Comp_5    8.639595e-05       480.73565   7.320742e-01  9.819934e-01
                      X3          X4    INTERCEPT
      1    9.911148e-06 3.175778e-06 2.173805e-06
      2    3.106275e-02 1.251087e-03 9.070816e-04
      3    5.314573e-03 6.389341e-04 2.710487e-03
      4    6.578588e-03 9.311208e-01 2.468621e-01
      5    9.570342e-01 6.698598e-02 7.495182e-01

## End(Not run)

[Package hana.ml.r version 1.0.8 Index]