hanaml.AgglomerateHierarchical {hana.ml.r}R Documentation

Agglomerate Hierarchical Clustering


hanaml.AgglomerateHierarchical is a R wrapper for PAL Agglomerate Hierarchical Clusteringalgorithm.


                               features = NULL,
                               n.clusters = NULL,
                               affinity = NULL,
                               linkage = NULL,
                               thread.ratio = NULL,
                               distance.dimension = NULL,
                               normalization = NULL,
                               category.weights = NULL,
                               categorical.variable = NULL)



Connection to the SAP HANA System


DataFrame containing the data.


Name of ID column.


character or list of characters, optional
Names of the features columns.
If is not provided, it defaults to all the non-ID columns.


integer, optional
Number of clusters after agglomerate hierarchical clustering algorithm.
Value range: between 1 and the initial number of input data


character, optional
Ways to compute the distance between two points:

  • 'manhattan'

  • 'euclidean'

  • 'minkowski'

  • 'chebyshev'

  • 'cosine'

  • 'pearson.correlation'

  • 'squared.euclidean'

  • 'jaccard'

  • 'gower'

Note that
(1) For "jaccard", non-zero input data will be treated as 1, and zero input data will be treated as 0.
jaccard distance = (M01 + M10) / (M11 + M01 + M10)
(2) Only "gower" supports category attributes. When linkage is 'centroid clustering', 'median clustering', or 'ward', this parameter must be set to 'squared euclidean'
Defaults to "centroid clustering".


character, optional
Linkage type between two clusters.

  • 'nearest.neighbor': single linkage.

  • 'furthest.neighbor': complete linkage.

  • 'group.average': UPGMA.

  • 'weighted.average': WPGMA

  • 'centroid.clustering'

  • 'median.clustering'

  • 'ward'

Note that
Only gower supports category attributes. When linkage is 'centroid.clustering', 'median.clustering', or 'ward', this parameter must be set to 'squared.euclidean
Defaults to "centroid.clustering".


double, optional
Specifies the ratio of total number of threads that can be used by this function. The value range is from 0 to 1, where 0 means only using 1 thread, and 1 means using at most all the currently available threads. Values outside the range will be ignored and this function heuristically determines the number of threads to use.
Defaults to 0.


double, optional
distance.dimension can be set if affinity is set to 'minkowski'. The value should be no less than 1.
Only valid when affinity is 'minkowski'. Defaults to 3.


character, optional
normalization type

  • "no": does nothing

  • "z.score": Z score standardize

  • "symmetric.min.max": transforms to new range: -1 to 1.

  • "min.max": transforms to new range: 0 to 1

Defaults to 0.


double, optional
Represents the weight of category columns.
Defaults to 1.


character or list of character, optional
Specifies INTEGER column(s) that should be treated as categorical. By default, 'VARCHAR' or 'NVARCHAR' is category variable, and 'INTEGER' or 'DOUBLE' is continuous variable. No default value.


R6Class object.



## Not run: 
 Input DataFrame data:

> data$collect()
 POINT        X1    X2    X3
0    0       0.5   0.5     1
1    1       1.5   0.5     2
2    2       1.5   1.5     2
3    3       0.5   1.5     2
4    4       1.1   1.2     2
5    5       0.5   15.5    2
6    6       1.5   15.5    3
7    7       1.5   16.5    3
8    8       0.5   16.5    3
9    9       1.2   16.1    3
10   10      15.5  15.5    3
11   11      16.5  15.5    4
12   12      16.5  16.5    4
13   13      15.5  16.5    4
14   14      15.6  16.2    4
15   15      15.5  0.5     4
16   16      16.5  0.5     1
17   17      16.5  1.5     1
18   18      15.5  1.5     1
19   19      15.7  1.6     1

Create Agglomerate Hierarchical Clustering instance:

> AgglomerateHierarchical <-
     hanaml.AgglomerateHierarchical(conn.context = conn,
                                    data = data,
                                    key = "POINT",
                                    n.clusters = 4,
                                    affinity = 'squared.euclidean',
                                    inkage = 'centroid.clustering',
                                    thread.ratio = 0,
                                    distance.dimension = 3,
                                    normalization = "no",
                                    category.weights = 0.1)

Expected output:
> AgglomerateHierarchical$comb.process.tbl$collect()
  1       1          18      19        0.0187
  2       2          13      14        0.025
  3       3          7       9         0.0437
  4       4          2       4         0.0438
  5       5          2       3         0.0594
  6       6          17      18        0.0594
  7       7          6       7         0.0594
  8       8          11      12        0.0625
  9       9          11      13        0.0906
  10     10          16      17        0.0922
  11     11          6       8         0.0953
  12     12          1       2         0.0953
  13     13          0       1         0.1727
  14     14          5       6         0.1727
  15     15          10      11        0.175
  16     16          15      16        0.1085
  17     17          0       15        1.0381
  18     18          5       10        1.0425
  19     19          0        5        1.5146

> AgglomerateHierarchical$labels$collect()
  1      0          1
  2      1          1
  3      2          1
  4      3          1
  5      4          1
  6      5          2
  7      6          2
  8      7          2
  9      8          2
  10     9          2
  11    10          3
  12    11          3
  13    12          3
  14    13          3
  15    14          3
  16    15          4
  17    16          4
  18    17          4
  19    18          4
  20    19          4

## End(Not run)

[Package hana.ml.r version 1.0.8 Index]