public static final class WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder whseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead(WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead value)
- The WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead to build this WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress with.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder whseOutboundDeliveryOrderItem(WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderItem value)
- The WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderItem to build this WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress with.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder outboundDeliveryOrder(@Nullable String outboundDeliveryOrder)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OutboundDeliveryOrder
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder outboundDeliveryOrderItem(@Nullable String outboundDeliveryOrderItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OutboundDeliveryOrderItem
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder businessPartnerRole(@Nullable String businessPartnerRole)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BusinessPartnerRole
A partner role always refers to a certain role category.Possible partner roles include supplier, shipping office, goods recipient, and warehouse.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder businessPartnerName1(@Nullable String businessPartnerName1)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BusinessPartnerName1
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder businessPartnerName2(@Nullable String businessPartnerName2)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BusinessPartnerName2
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder streetPrefixName(@Nullable String streetPrefixName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StreetPrefixName
The Street address contains two lines above the street and two lines below the street.See Print the Street address.This field is not always automatically printed, as it was subsequently added to the address structure.The print program or form may need to be adjusted.This exception applies to the following fields:Street2, Street3, Street4, Street5, c/o name, and to all address fields added after Release 4.5.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder additionalStreetPrefixName(@Nullable String additionalStreetPrefixName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AdditionalStreetPrefixName
The Street address contains two lines above the street and two lines below the street.See Print the Street address.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder streetName(@Nullable String streetName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StreetName
The street name is saved, redundantly in upper case in another database field, for search help purposes.There are other fields for address parts which can be printed above or below the street. See Print the Street address.The house number and other supplements are usually maintained in their own fields. See Formatting the Street line.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder streetSuffixName(@Nullable String streetSuffixName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StreetSuffixName
The Street address contains two lines above the street and two lines below the street.See Print the Street address.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder additionalStreetSuffixName(@Nullable String additionalStreetSuffixName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AdditionalStreetSuffixName
The Street address has two lines above the street and two lines below the steet.See Print the Street address.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder houseNumber(@Nullable String houseNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: HouseNumber
It is printed in the Street line.Other supplementary street information can be entered in the House number supplement or one of the Street2, Street3, Street4 or Street5 fields. See Print the Street address.A house number (e.g. 117) or a house number with supplement (e.g. 117a), or a house number range (e.g. 16-20), can be maintained in this field.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder postalCode(@Nullable String postalCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PostalCode
If different postal codes are maintained for the PO Box and Street address of an address, this field contains the Street address postal code.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder cityName(@Nullable String cityName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CityName
The city name is saved redundantly in another database field in upper- case letters, for search help.If the Postal regional structure ('city file') is active, the city name is checked against the Cities defined in the regional structure.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder region(@Nullable String region)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Region
The automatic address formatting function prints the region in addresses in the USA, Canada, Italy, Brazil or Australia, and the county in Great Britain.For more information, see the examples in the documentation on the Address Layout Key.Meaning of the regional code in ...Australia -> ProvinceBrazil -> StateCanada -> ProvinceGermany -> StateGreat Britain -> CountyItaly -> ProvinceJapan -> PrefectureSwitzerland -> CantonUSA -> State
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder country(@Nullable String country)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Country
The two-character ISO code in accordance with ISO 3166, which is delivered by SAP as a default, is usually used.It could also be the vehicle license plate country/region code or a typical country/region key, for example, in Germany the Federal statistics office key.The country/region keys are determined at system installation in the global settings.The definition of the country/region keys in the SAP system does not necessarily have to match political or state units.Since the country/region key does not have to correspond to the ISO code in all installations, programs that differ according to certain values of the country/region key cannot query the country/region key T005-LAND1, but have to program based on the ISO code T005 INTCA.
the postal code or bank account number.this
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder phoneNumber(@Nullable String phoneNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhoneNumber
If the telephone number consists of a company number and an extension, the extension must be entered in the field extension.Telephone number, as it must be dialed from within the country.
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder emailAddress(@Nullable String emailAddress)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: EmailAddress
Example: Internet mail address is used to send mail via the Internet world-wide; the protocol used is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).The Internet mail address format is specified in various RFCs (Internet Request for Comment), including RFCs 821 and 822.This is not an IP address (
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress.WhseDeliveryDocumentAddressBuilder isBusinessPurposeCompleted(@Nullable String isBusinessPurposeCompleted)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsBusinessPurposeCompleted
.@Nonnull public WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress build()
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