public static final class WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder whseInbDeliveryItemSerialNo(WhseInbDelivItemSerialNumber... value)
- The WhseInbDelivItemSerialNumbers to build this WhseInboundDeliveryItem with.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder whseInboundDeliveryHead(WhseInboundDeliveryHead value)
- The WhseInboundDeliveryHead to build this WhseInboundDeliveryItem with.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder inboundDelivery(@Nullable String inboundDelivery)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InboundDelivery
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder inboundDeliveryItem(@Nullable String inboundDeliveryItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InboundDeliveryItem
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder warehouse(@Nullable String warehouse)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Warehouse
All activities within a warehouse, for example, goods movements and physical inventory, are assigned to a specific warehouse number. The physical warehouse where these activities take place is identified by the warehouse number.
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder deliveryCategory(@Nullable String deliveryCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryCategory
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder deliveryItemCategory(@Nullable String deliveryItemCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryItemCategory
The item category describes the fundamental business attributes of an item.
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder inboundDeliveryItemType(@Nullable String inboundDeliveryItemType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InboundDeliveryItemType
The nature of the item type (whether it is a standard delivery item or a returns item) is defined by the item category.The item type is assigned to all document categories in the same delivery process. Here the item type can have a different service profile for each document category and therefore different properties.The item type maps the delivery process in the system in combination with the document type.
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder product(@Nullable String product)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Product
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder productExternalID(@Nullable String productExternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductExternalID
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder productBatch(@Nullable String productBatch)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductBatch
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder countryOfOrigin(@Nullable String countryOfOrigin)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CountryOfOrigin
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder productQuantity(@Nullable BigDecimal productQuantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductQuantity
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder quantityUnit(@Nullable String quantityUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: QuantityUnit
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder stagingAreaGroup(@Nullable String stagingAreaGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StagingAreaGroup
The staging area group corresponds to a storage type (storage type role D), while the staging area corresponds to a storage section.You can divide each staging area into one or more storage bins. You need multiple storage bins, for example, if you want to define a loading sequence.
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder stagingArea(@Nullable String stagingArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StagingArea
In Customizing, you define staging areas and assign the staging areas to the relevant doors. For more information, see Customizing for Extended Warehouse Management under Master Data -> Staging Areas -> Define Staging Areas and Master Data -> Warehouse Door -> Assign Staging Area to Warehouse Door.You can group multiple staging areas into staging area groups.
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder stagingBay(@Nullable String stagingBay)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StagingBay
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder goodsReceiptStatus(@Nullable String goodsReceiptStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsReceiptStatus
Several possible status values are defined for each status type. However, just one status value is set for each status type.Examples of status values are:True/falseNot started/in process/ended
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder planningPutawayStatus(@Nullable String planningPutawayStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PlanningPutawayStatus
Several possible status values are defined for each status type. However, just one status value is set for each status type.Examples of status values are:True/falseNot started/in process/ended
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder putawayStatus(@Nullable String putawayStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PutawayStatus
Several possible status values are defined for each status type. However, just one status value is set for each status type.Examples of status values are:True/falseNot started/in process/ended
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder completionStatus(@Nullable String completionStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CompletionStatus
Several possible status values are defined for each status type. However, just one status value is set for each status type.Examples of status values are:True/falseNot started/in process/ended
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder warehouseProcessType(@Nullable String warehouseProcessType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WarehouseProcessType
repacking) using a warehouse process type. The warehouse process type has various effects on the creation of warehouse tasks.this
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder goodsMovementBin(@Nullable String goodsMovementBin)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GoodsMovementBin
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder productionSupplyArea(@Nullable String productionSupplyArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProductionSupplyArea
If you use this field, this may have WM-processing-relevant effects on the location of the staging of the products.The following fields are determined:For inbound deliveries:Destination Bin of the Putaway Warehouse TaskStorage Bin of Goods Movement Posting (items without relevance for putaway)For outbound delivery orders:Staging BayStorage Bin of Goods Movement PostingFor posting changes and stock transfer:Destination Storage Bin
area (PSA).this
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder lastChangeDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime lastChangeDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDateTime
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder entitledToDisposeParty(@Nullable String entitledToDisposeParty)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: EntitledToDisposeParty
Each stock in the warehouse must be assigned to a party entitled to dispose.For each plant, there is exactly one partner master record with plant assignment in the vendor partner role.
plant in which the stocks are planned, and in which the ATP check is performed.this
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder stockUsage(@Nullable String stockUsage)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StockUsage
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder warehouseStockCategory(@Nullable String warehouseStockCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WarehouseStockCategory
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder stockOwner(@Nullable String stockOwner)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StockOwner
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder deliveryItemStockTypeDetnCode(@Nullable String deliveryItemStockTypeDetnCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryItemStockTypeDetnCode
By choosing the relevant option, you specify whether the value is to be stipulated manually or newly determined by the system.You have the following input options for the indicator for value determination:Blank (initial state)Indicates that the value is to be determined by the system.Choose this option if the value is to be newly determined by the system. After determining the value, the system sets the indicator to C.If you want to change the value manually, set the value determination indicator to M .CIndicates that the value was determined by the system. The value field cannot be changed.You cannot set this option manually.If you want to have the value newly determined by the system, set the value determination indicator to the initial state.If you want to change the value manually, set the value determination indicator to M.MIndicates that the value was manually specified as mandatory. The field can be changed manually.Choose this indicator if you want to specify the value as mandatory manually.If you want to have the value newly determined by the system, set the value determination indicator to the initial state.EIndicates that the value was specified as mandatory externally (outside delivery processing). The value field cannot be changed.You can neither set nor change this option.PIndicates that the value was suggested externally (outside delivery processing). The value field cannot be changed. However, the value can be changed by the system following certain data changes. In this case the system sets the indicator to C.You cannot set this option manually.If you want to have the value newly determined by the system, set the value determination indicator to the initial state.If you want to change the value manually, set the value determination indicator to M.The use of the indicator and the input options depend on the business object in question, the assigned value field, and the field selection.The indicator determines in the header of the delivery whether the header weight was specified as mandatory manually through a corresponding measurement, or determined by the system as the total of all item weights.
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder stockDocumentCategory(@Nullable String stockDocumentCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StockDocumentCategory
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder stockDocumentNumber(@Nullable String stockDocumentNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StockDocumentNumber
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder stockItemNumber(@Nullable String stockItemNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StockItemNumber
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder wBSElementInternalID(@Nullable String wBSElementInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WBSElementInternalID
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder wBSElementExternalID(@Nullable String wBSElementExternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WBSElementExternalID
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder specialStockIdfgSalesOrder(@Nullable String specialStockIdfgSalesOrder)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecialStockIdfgSalesOrder
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder specialStockIdfgSalesOrderItem(@Nullable String specialStockIdfgSalesOrderItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SpecialStockIdfgSalesOrderItem
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder purchasingDocument(@Nullable String purchasingDocument)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocument
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder purchasingDocumentItem(@Nullable String purchasingDocumentItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchasingDocumentItem
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem.WhseInboundDeliveryItemBuilder manufacturingOrder(@Nullable String manufacturingOrder)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ManufacturingOrder
.@Nonnull public WhseInboundDeliveryItem build()
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