Interface | Description |
BillingDocumentRequestSuccssrDocCancldMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.BillingDocumentRequest.SuccssrDocCancld' event type.
BillingDocumentRequestSuccssrDocCrtedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.BillingDocumentRequest.SuccssrDocCrted' event type.
BusinessPartnerChangedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.BusinessPartner.Changed' event type.
BusinessPartnerCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.BusinessPartner.Created' event type.
BusinessSituationChangedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.BusinessSituation.Changed' event type.
BusinessSituationCompletedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.BusinessSituation.Completed' event type.
BusinessSituationCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.BusinessSituation.Created' event type.
ContrAcctgBillingDocumentCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.ContrAcctgBillingDocument.Created' event type.
ContrAcctgInvoicingDocumentCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.ContrAcctgInvoicingDocument.Created' event type.
KanbanControlCycleChangedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.KanbanControlCycle.Changed' event type.
KanbanControlCycleContainerChangedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.KanbanControlCycle.ContainerChanged' event type.
KanbanControlCycleContainerCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.KanbanControlCycle.ContainerCreated' event type.
KanbanControlCycleContainerDeletedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.KanbanControlCycle.ContainerDeleted' event type.
KanbanControlCycleCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.KanbanControlCycle.Created' event type.
KanbanControlCycleDeletedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.KanbanControlCycle.Deleted' event type.
LegalDocumentAcceptedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.LegalDocument.Accepted' event type.
LegalDocumentCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.LegalDocument.Created' event type.
LegalDocumentVersionCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.LegalDocument.VersionCreated' event type.
LegalTransactionCanceledMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.LegalTransaction.Canceled' event type.
LegalTransactionCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.LegalTransaction.Created' event type.
LegalTransactionDeactivatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.LegalTransaction.Deactivated' event type.
LegalTransactionTerminatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.LegalTransaction.Terminated' event type.
PersonnelSettlementDocumentChangedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.PersonnelSettlementDocument.Changed' event type.
PersonnelSettlementDocumentCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.PersonnelSettlementDocument.Created' event type.
PersonnelSettlementDocumentReleasedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.PersonnelSettlementDocument.Released' event type.
ProductionOrderChangedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.ProductionOrder.Changed' event type.
ProductionOrderCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.ProductionOrder.Created' event type.
RequestForQuotationPublishedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.RequestForQuotation.Published' event type.
RequestForQuotationSuccssrDocCrtedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.RequestForQuotation.SuccssrDocCrted' event type.
SalesOrderChangedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.SalesOrder.Changed' event type.
SalesOrderCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.SalesOrder.Created' event type.
SettlementDocumentChangedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.SettlementDocument.Changed' event type.
SettlementDocumentCreatedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.SettlementDocument.Created' event type.
SettlementDocumentReleasedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.SettlementDocument.Released' event type.
SupplierQuotationAwardedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.SupplierQuotation.Awarded' event type.
SupplierQuotationSubmittedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.SupplierQuotation.Submitted' event type.
SupplierQuotationSuccssrDocCrtedMessageListener |
Listener interface to be implemented to type-safely listen to messages from the Enterprise Messaging Service on the
'BO.SupplierQuotation.SuccssrDocCrted' event type.
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