public static class EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder extends Object
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder projectUUID(@Nullable UUID projectUUID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProjectUUID
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder projectInternalID(@Nullable String projectInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProjectInternalID
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder controllingArea(@Nullable String controllingArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ControllingArea
The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling.Whether controlling area and company code are in a 1:1 relationship or a 1:n relationship, the number of posting periods in both controlling area and company code(s) must be identical. However, special periods may vary.
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder profitCenter(@Nullable String profitCenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProfitCenter
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder jointVenture(@Nullable String jointVenture)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: JointVenture
A joint venture is usually lead by an operating authority, who is responsible for the costs incurred. At the end of a period, all of the costs incurred are split up and allocated to the partners involved.Joint ventures are created to keep costs as low as possible for the operating authority and the partners. This is achieved by distributing the costs incurred to the participants of the joint venture.In the oil industry, new drill-holes are seldomly controlled by the oil companies alone. Instead, contracts are made with other companies. The contract regulates the costs incurred. This enables the risks involved with an unsuccessful drill-hole to be spread out over several companies.Of course, the anticipated profits (from a rich drill-hole) are also distributed to the partners involved. However, the distribution of the profits is not carried out by the SAP Joint Venture Accounting solution.
partners.public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder jointVentureCostRecoveryCode(@Nullable String jointVentureCostRecoveryCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: JointVentureCostRecoveryCode
You can define recovery indicators at three different levels:o Document typeYou can assign a recovery indicator to each document type for thecredit side and for the debit side. These recovery indicators areinternal recovery indicators and are defined in a separate systemtable.o Cost element (primary and secondary)o Cost objectWhen you make a posting in one of the feeder systems of the Joint Venture Accounting System, all three levels are evaluated in the sequence defined. The first recovery indicator found is transferred to the Joint Venture Accounting System.o Costs that are 100% allocableo Costs borne 100% by the operatoro Overheads applied by the operatoro Costs which exceed a contractually agreed price and cannot thereforebe allocatedo Costs already allocated
recovery indicators which can then be dealt with in different ways using the periodic settlement program.public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder jointVentureEquityType(@Nullable String jointVentureEquityType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: JointVentureEquityType
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder jntVntrProjectType(@Nullable String jntVntrProjectType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: JntVntrProjectType
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder jntIntrstBillgClass(@Nullable String jntIntrstBillgClass)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: JntIntrstBillgClass
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder jntIntrstBillgSubClass(@Nullable String jntIntrstBillgSubClass)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: JntIntrstBillgSubClass
public EnterpriseProjectJVA.EnterpriseProjectJVABuilder projectLastChangedDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime projectLastChangedDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProjectLastChangedDateTime
public EnterpriseProjectJVA build()
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