public static class ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder extends Object
public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder product(@Nullable String product)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Product
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder plant(@Nullable String plant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Plant
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder storageLocation(@Nullable String storageLocation)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: StorageLocation
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder warehouseStorageBin(@Nullable String warehouseStorageBin)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WarehouseStorageBin
This storage bin is only significant if you do not use SAP warehouse management. It appears on goods receipt/issue slips.However, if the warehouse management system is active, this value is merely for information.
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder maintenanceStatus(@Nullable String maintenanceStatus)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MaintenanceStatus
Which user departments may maintain a material master record of a particular material typeWhich user departments have already maintained the material master record at a particular hierarchy levelThe overall maintenance status is made up of the individual maintenance statuses. The individual maintenance statuses have the following meaning:User department Maintenance statusWork scheduling AAccounting BClassification CMRP DPurchasing EProduction resources/tools FCosting GBasic data KStorage LForecasting PQuality management QWarehouse management SSales VPlant stocks XStorage location stocks Z
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder physicalInventoryBlockInd(@Nullable String physicalInventoryBlockInd)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PhysicalInventoryBlockInd
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder creationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime creationDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreationDate
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder isMarkedForDeletion(@Nullable Boolean isMarkedForDeletion)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IsMarkedForDeletion
If this indicator is set, the archive and delete program checks whether the material may be deleted at storage location level, and deletes the data at this level.
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder dateOfLastPostedCntUnRstrcdStk(@Nullable LocalDateTime dateOfLastPostedCntUnRstrcdStk)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DateOfLastPostedCntUnRstrcdStk
The date of the last count is only used for cycle counting. It is used as the basis for determining the next count date."Date of last posted count date" means the following:This indicates the date when the latest physical inventory count was posted for the specified material. The physical inventory count with the most recent date is always indicated.Examples:You executed and posted the last physical inventory count on 13th May. If you post a new physical inventory count on 2nd June, the 2nd June is then displayed as the date of the last count.You executed and posted the last physical inventory count on 2nd June. If you now post another physical inventory count for the one executed and posted on 13th May, the 2nd June is still displayed as the date of the last physical inventory count.Posting an inventory difference does not affect the specified date of the last physical inventory count. The date of the last physical inventory count is only valuated during the cycle counting, in order to determine the next count date.
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder inventoryCorrectionFactor(@Nullable Double inventoryCorrectionFactor)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InventoryCorrectionFactor
into account stocks that are actually available in proportion units at plant and storage location level.this
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder invtryRestrictedUseStockInd(@Nullable String invtryRestrictedUseStockInd)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InvtryRestrictedUseStockInd
If the physical inventory still has to be taken in the current year:Physical inventory still has to be taken: _ _ _Physical inventory still has to be completed: _ X _Posting block is set in active document: X X _If the physical inventory has already been taken in the current year:Physical inventory has been taken: _ _ XPhysical inventory is active again: _ X XPosting block is set in active document: X X X
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder invtryCurrentYearStockInd(@Nullable String invtryCurrentYearStockInd)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InvtryCurrentYearStockInd
If the physical inventory still has to be taken in the current year:Physical inventory still has to be taken: _ _ _Physical inventory still has to be completed: _ X _Posting block is set in active document: X X _If the physical inventory has already been taken in the current year:Physical inventory has been taken: _ _ XPhysical inventory is active again: _ X XPosting block is set in active document: X X X
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder invtryQualInspCurrentYrStkInd(@Nullable String invtryQualInspCurrentYrStkInd)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InvtryQualInspCurrentYrStkInd
If the physical inventory still has to be taken in the current year:Physical inventory still has to be taken: _ _ _Physical inventory still has to be completed: _ X _Posting block is set in active document: X X _If the physical inventory has already been taken in the current year:Physical inventory has been taken: _ _ XPhysical inventory is active again: _ X XPosting block is set in active document: X X X
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder inventoryBlockStockInd(@Nullable String inventoryBlockStockInd)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InventoryBlockStockInd
If the physical inventory still has to be taken in the current year:Physical inventory still has to be taken: _ _ _Physical inventory still has to be completed: _ X _Posting block is set in active document: X X _If the physical inventory has already been taken in the current year:Physical inventory has been taken: _ _ XPhysical inventory is active again: _ X XPosting block is set in active document: X X X
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder invtryRestStockPrevPeriodInd(@Nullable String invtryRestStockPrevPeriodInd)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InvtryRestStockPrevPeriodInd
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder inventoryStockPrevPeriod(@Nullable String inventoryStockPrevPeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InventoryStockPrevPeriod
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder invtryStockQltyInspPrevPeriod(@Nullable String invtryStockQltyInspPrevPeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InvtryStockQltyInspPrevPeriod
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder hasInvtryBlockStockPrevPeriod(@Nullable String hasInvtryBlockStockPrevPeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: HasInvtryBlockStockPrevPeriod
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder fiscalYearCurrentPeriod(@Nullable String fiscalYearCurrentPeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FiscalYearCurrentPeriod
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder fiscalMonthCurrentPeriod(@Nullable String fiscalMonthCurrentPeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FiscalMonthCurrentPeriod
.public ProductStorageLocation.ProductStorageLocationBuilder fiscalYearCurrentInvtryPeriod(@Nullable String fiscalYearCurrentInvtryPeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FiscalYearCurrentInvtryPeriod
.public ProductStorageLocation build()
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