public static class MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder extends Object
public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder masterRecipeGroup(@Nullable String masterRecipeGroup)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MasterRecipeGroup
You can use groups, for instance, to identify two routings that have different production steps for one material.Enter the group to which you want to restrict the selection.
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder masterRecipe(@Nullable String masterRecipe)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MasterRecipe
In Production Planning and Control, for example, it serves to identify alternative production processes in task lists and is used to make a distinction between similar task lists.The group counter can be used to identify different lot-size ranges, for example.
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder masterRecipeOperationIntID(@Nullable String masterRecipeOperationIntID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MasterRecipeOperationIntID
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder mstrRcpOpBOMItemInternalID(@Nullable String mstrRcpOpBOMItemInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MstrRcpOpBOMItemInternalID
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder mstrRcpOpBOMItemIntVersion(@Nullable String mstrRcpOpBOMItemIntVersion)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MstrRcpOpBOMItemIntVersion
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder billOfMaterialCategory(@Nullable String billOfMaterialCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialCategory
Material BOM - linked to a materialEquipment BOM - linked to an equipmentOrder BOM - linked to material, sales order and sales order item.
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder billOfMaterial(@Nullable String billOfMaterial)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterial
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder billOfMaterialVariant(@Nullable String billOfMaterialVariant)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialVariant
One product or assembly can be described by a number of (alternative) BOMs that represent, for example, different manufacturing processes for different lot sizes. These alternative BOMs are grouped together as one multiple BOM.Alternatives are maintained separately for each BOM usage.
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder billOfMaterialItemNodeNumber(@Nullable String billOfMaterialItemNodeNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BillOfMaterialItemNodeNumber
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder matlCompIsMarkedForBackflush(@Nullable Boolean matlCompIsMarkedForBackflush)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MatlCompIsMarkedForBackflush
Each material component is assigned to an operation in the production order. If a material component is backflushed, the system posts the withdrawal only upon confirmation of the operation. The withdrawal is then posted automatically.
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder creationDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime creationDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreationDate
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder createdByUser(@Nullable String createdByUser)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CreatedByUser
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder lastChangeDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime lastChangeDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDate
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder lastChangedByUser(@Nullable String lastChangedByUser)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangedByUser
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder validityStartDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime validityStartDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValidityStartDate
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder validityEndDate(@Nullable LocalDateTime validityEndDate)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ValidityEndDate
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder changeNumber(@Nullable String changeNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ChangeNumber
If you make a change with reference to a change number, or create anobject with a change number, the following functions are at your disposal:The system determines the effectivity parametersThe conditions that the change is effective under can be defined in the change master record as follows:Changes with a date effectivity (valid from date)Changes with parameter effectivity (for example: serial no. effectivity)Log of the changes madeDocumentation for the changesRevision level to indicate the change status of a material or documentChanges released for the different areas in the company.
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc.MasterRecipePhseCompAllocBuilder changedDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime changedDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ChangedDateTime
To standardize local times in a UTC time stamp and thus make them comparable with other times, these local times
need to be converted using your time zone and the ABAP command convert.Even if the system is able to determine
the time zone from Customizing or master data, you shoul save the time zone redundantly here.The internal
structure of the UTC time stamp is subdivided into a date part and a time part in packed number format
.public MasterRecipePhseCompAlloc build()
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