AS ABAP Release 758, ©Copyright 2024 SAP SE. All rights reserved.
ABAP - Keyword Documentation → ABAP - Programming Language → SAP GUI User Dialogs → General Dynpros → dynpro - ABAP Statements → LOOP AT SCREEN →dynpro - The Structure SCREEN
Most components of the structure SCREEN from the ABAP Dictionary correspond to the properties of a screen element on a dynpro.
Data objects with the data type SCREEN can be used as a work area in the following ABAP statements:
The following table shows the components of SCREEN, their assignment to the field properties in the dynpro, and the possible values.
Component | Length | Type | Property | Value | Meaning |
name | 132 | c | Name | name | Name |
group1 | 3 | c | Group1 | id1 | Modification group |
group2 | 3 | c | Group2 | id2 | Modification group |
group3 | 3 | c | Group3 | id3 | Modification group |
group4 | 3 | c | Group4 | id4 | Modification group |
required | 1 | c | Mandatory field | 0, 1, 2 | Mandatory or recommended field |
input | 1 | c | Input | 0, 1 | Input-ready field |
output | 1 | c | Output | 0, 1 | Display field |
intensified | 1 | c | Light | 0, 1 | Highlighted field |
invisible | 1 | c | Invisible | 0, 1 | Invisible element |
length | 1 | x | VisLg | ... | Field length |
active | 1 | c | - | 0, 1 | Active field |
display_3d | 1 | c | Two-dimensional | 0, 1 | Frame |
value_help | 1 | c | Input help | 0, 1, 2 | Input help button |
request | 1 | c | - | 0, 1 | Input exists |
values_in_combo | 1 | c | Dropdown list box | 0, 1 | Input help exists |
The component name contains the name name of the current dynpro field in the loop. The components group1 to group4 can contain three figure identifiers id1 to id4, which were assigned to the current screen element when it was defined. These identifiers allow the screen elements to be grouped together in up to four different modification groups. These can be queried in logical expressions in the statement block after LOOP AT SCREEN to process multiple screen elements in the same way.
The remaining components of the structure SCREEN (apart from request) show the display properties of the current screen element. Apart from length, they can have the value 0 or 1, where content 1 means active and content 0 means inactive. In addition, required and value_help can also have the value 2:
Except for active and request, all components of the structure SCREEN correspond directly to a property of the current screen element.
If the component request has the value 1 for a dynpro field at PAI time, those dialog modules are executed that are called for this field using the additions ON REQUEST and ON CHAIN-REQUEST after the dynpro statement FIELD.