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ABAP Language Versions

Each ABAP program has the program property ABAP language version, which is defined internally by a version ID. The version of a program determines which language elements and which repository objects can be used in the program and which syntax rules apply. The following versions are currently available:

Language Version Meaning Version ID
Standard ABAP This version of ABAP is an unrestricted ABAP language version for classic ABAP. It covers the entire language scope of ABAP that can be used in Unicode systems and apart from the static package concept, access to all other repository objects is allowed. The syntax check for Standard ABAP is performed as Unicode check, which is the minimum requirement for a Unicode system. The documentation of this version describes all ABAP language elements.   X
ABAP for Cloud Development This version of ABAP is a restricted ABAP language version for ABAP Cloud. The general rules for Standard ABAP apply but only a very restricted set of language elements is supported and access to repository objects is restricted as described here. Furthermore, most developments can be implemented in methods only, where the stricter syntax rules of classes automatically apply. Almost no obsolete language elements are allowed. For ABAP SQL, the most strict syntax check mode currently available is applied. The documentation for ABAP for Cloud Development is a restricted version of the full documentation.   5
ABAP for Key Users This version of ABAP is intended for the secure implementation of enhancements by key users within the scope of enhancement options provided by SAP. ABAP for Key Users is a restricted ABAP language version where the general rules for Standard ABAP apply but only a very restricted set of language elements is supported and access to repository objects is restricted as described here. Furthermore, enhancements can be implemented in methods only, where the stricter syntax rules for classes automatically apply and no obsolete language elements are allowed. ABAP for Key Users is not supported by the ABAP keyword documentation. Only ABAP syntax diagrams with a short explanation are shown. For more information, see Key User Extensibility.   2

The version ID of a program is generally transparent for developers. From a technical perspective, the version ID is stored in the column UCCHECK of the database table TRDIR of the program properties and is usually set by the respective tools. In the statements INSERT REPORT and SYNTAX-CHECK for program processing, the version is either set implicitly or explicitly using the additions VERSION and DIRECTORY ENTRY.



The program DEMO_ABAP_VERSIONS makes it possible to check ABAP source code using the syntax rules of the different ABAP language versions.