ABAP Keyword Documentation →  ABAP − Reference →  Processing External Data →  ABAP Database Access →  ABAP SQL →  ABAP SQL - Reads → 


Quick Reference


SELECT mainquery_clauses
  [UNION ...]
  [UP TO ...] [OFFSET ...]


Uses the ABAP SQL statement SELECT as a standalone statement. This statement reads data from one or more database tables , classic views, or non-abstract CDS entities, uses this data to create a multiple row or a single row results set, and assigns this results set to suitable ABAP data objects.

The additions mainquery_clauses define which data can be read from the database in which form. The language element UNION can be used to combine the results sets of multiple queries. In this case, special rules query_clauses apply for specifying clauses. Finally, the following properties are defined:

In the INTO clause after INTO or APPENDING, the target data objects are specified, to which the results set is assigned by row or by package.
The results UP TO, OFFSET determine the number of rows to read.
Optional additions abap_options define whether table buffering is bypassed and define the database connection.

In the following cases, the statement SELECT opens a loop that must be closed using ENDSELECT.

In each loop iteration, the SELECT statement assigns a row or a packet of rows to the data objects specified in target. If the last row has been assigned or the results set is empty, SELECT jumps to ENDSELECT. A database cursor is opened implicitly to process a SELECT loop, and is closed again when the loop has ended. In a single program, a maximum of 17 database cursors can be open simultaneously across the ABAP SQL interface. If more than 17 database cursors are opened, the runtime error DBSQL_TOO_MANY_OPEN_CURSOR occurs. A SELECT loop can be exited using the statements in the section Exiting Loops. If the total results set is passed to the data object in a single step, a loop is not opened and the statement ENDSELECT cannot be specified.

The INTO clause introduced using INTO|APPENDING must be specified as the final clause of the SELECT statement and the optional additions UP TO, OFFSET, and abap_options must be specified after the INTO clause.

System Fields

The statement SELECT sets the values of the system fields sy-subrc and sy-dbcnt.

sy-subrc Meaning
0 In each value passing to an ABAP data object, the statement SELECT sets sy-subrc to 0. In addition, SELECT sets sy-subrc to 0 before a SELECT loop is exited using ENDSELECT, if at least one row is passed in the loop.
4 The statement SELECT sets sy-subrc to 4 if the results set is empty. This means that no data is found on the database in most cases. Special rules apply when only aggregate expressions specified as columns are used in the SELECT list of the SELECT clause.
8 The statement SELECT sets sy-subrc to 8 if the addition FOR UPDATE is used in result, and the primary key is not fully specified after WHERE.

After each value that is passed to an ABAP data object, the statement SELECT sets sy-dbcnt to the number of rows passed. If an overflow occurs because the number or rows is greater than 2,147,483,647, sy-dbcnt is set to -1. If the results set is empty, sy-dbcnt is set to 0. As with sy-subrc, special rules apply if only aggregate expressions specified in columns are used in the SELECT list of the SELECT clause.



The example shows two SELECT statements that differ only in the arrangement of their SELECT and FROM clauses. The result of the two statements, which access two database tables via an INNER JOIN, is identical.

DATA cityfrom TYPE spfli-cityfrom VALUE 'NEW YORK'.

SELECT c~carrname, p~connid, p~cityfrom, p~cityto
       FROM scarr AS c
            INNER JOIN spfli AS p
                  ON c~carrid = p~carrid
       WHERE p~cityfrom = @cityfrom
       ORDER BY c~carrname, p~connid, p~cityfrom, p~cityto
       INTO TABLE @DATA(result1)
       UP TO 10 ROWS.

            INNER JOIN spfli AS p
                  ON c~carrid = p~carrid
       FIELDS c~carrname, p~connid, p~cityfrom, p~cityto
       WHERE p~cityfrom = @cityfrom
       ORDER BY c~carrname, p~connid, p~cityfrom, p~cityto
       INTO TABLE @DATA(result2)
       UP TO 10 ROWS.

ASSERT result2 = result1.
cl_demo_output=>display( result1 ).

SELECT - mainquery_clauses
Example SELECT, Dynamic Token Specification