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sql_cond - Relational Operators


... operand1 operator operand2
                    | {[ALL|ANY|SOME] ( SELECT subquery_clauses )} ...


This relational expression compares the content of the operand operand1 (in accordance with the relational operator operator) with the the content of the operand operand2 or with the result of a scalar subquery.

The following table shows the possible relational operators:

operator Meaning
=, EQ True if the content of operand1 is equal to the content of operand2.
<>, NE True if the content of operand1 is not equal to the content of operand2.
<, LT True if the content of operand1 is less than the content of operand2.
>, GT True if the content of operand1 is greater than the content of operand2.
<=, LE True if the content of operand1 is less than or equal to the content of operand2.
>=, GE True if the content of operand1 is greater than or equal to the content of operand2.

Note the following when using these operators:

This means that the behavior produced when a value of this type is selected using size comparisons is determined by the platform and by buffering. More specifically, a single blank in the SAP HANA database and in MaxDB is not found in the interval of all possible characters.



Gets flights with a seat occupancy that is less than the entered value.

DATA seatsocc TYPE sflight-seatsocc.
cl_demo_input=>request( CHANGING field = seatsocc ).

SELECT carrid, connid, fldate
       FROM sflight
       WHERE seatsocc < @seatsocc
       INTO TABLE @DATA(sflight_tab).


Gets overbooked flights.

SELECT carrid, connid, fldate
       FROM sflight
       WHERE seatsocc > sflight~seatsmax
       INTO TABLE @DATA(sflight_tab).

sql_cond - ALL, ANY, SOME
sql_cond - Comparable Types