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AMDP - Mapping of ABAP Types to SQLScript

As shown in the following tables, the elementary ABAP types are mapped to the appropriate types in SQL Script. These include:

The tables distinguish parameters that reference a type defined in ABAP from those that reference a predefined type in ABAP Dictionary. No parameters or type references can be defined for SQL Script types that are not listed here.

Mapping with Reference to Types Defined in ABAP

Numeric Types

ABAP Type HANA Type Note
b SMALLINT SMALLINT is a two byte integer with sign
s SMALLINT SMALLINT is a two byte integer with sign
int8 BIGINT -
p, length leng with dec decimal places DECIMAL, length 2len-1 with dec decimal places -
decfloat16 VARBINARY, length 8 Cannot be interpreted as a number in the database and no calculations can be performed
decfloat34 VARBINARY, length 16 Cannot be interpreted as a number in the database and no calculations can be performed

Character-Like Types

ABAP Type HANA Type Note
c, length len NVARCHAR, length len -
string NCLOB Not permitted for input/output parameters
n, length len NVARCHAR, length len A suitable casting to a numeric database type must be performed before calculations can be made in the database. Numeric results must be transformed back to the ABAP format.
d NVARCHAR, length 8 A casting to the DATE type of the database must be performed before date calculations can be made. SQL Script offers the predefined function to_dats.
t NVARCHAR, length 6 A casting to the TIME type of the database must be performed before time calculations can be made. SQL Script offers the predefined function to_tims.

Byte-Like Types

ABAP Type HANA Type Note
x, length len VARBINARY, length len -
xstring BLOB Not permitted for input/output parameters

Mapping with Reference to Types Defined in ABAP Dictionary

The predefined types in ABAP Dictionary are mapped like the associated ABAP types, with the following exceptions.

Dictionary Type HANA Type Note
DF16_DEC, length leng with dec decimal places DECIMAL, length 2len-1 with dec decimal places Value range on the database is less than in ABAP
DF34_DEC, length leng with dec decimal places DECIMAL, length 2len-1 with dec decimal places Value range on the database is less than in ABAP
DF16_SCL - Obsolete, not supported
DF34_SCL - Obsolete, not supported
SSTRING, length len NVARCHAR, length len -