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Predefined Date Types and Time Types

The data objects of the date types and time types are used to add calendar dates and times.


Type Length Standard Length Name
d 8 characters   Date field
t 6 characters   Time field

Value Ranges and Initial Values

d Any eight alphanumeric characters; only those digits are valid, however, that are valid as dates in accordance with the calendar rules in the format "yyyymmdd": "yyyy" (year): 0001 to 9999, "mm" (month): 01 to 12, "dd" (day): 01 to 31 "00000000"
t Any six alphanumeric characters; only those digits are valid, however, that are valid as times in accordance in the format 24-hour clock format "hhmmss". "hh" (hours): 00 to 23, "mm" (minutes): 00 to 59, "ss" (seconds): 00 to 59. "000000"
