public static final class WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder shipToPartyDocumentAddress(WhseDeliveryDocumentAddress... value)
- The WhseDeliveryDocumentAddresss to build this WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead with.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder whseOutboundDeliveryOrderItem(WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderItem... value)
- The WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderItems to build this WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead with.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder outboundDeliveryOrder(@Nullable String outboundDeliveryOrder)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OutboundDeliveryOrder
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder warehouse(@Nullable String warehouse)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Warehouse
All activities within a warehouse, for example, goods movements and physical inventory, are assigned to a specific warehouse number. The physical warehouse where these activities take place is identified by the warehouse number.
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder deliveryCategory(@Nullable String deliveryCategory)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryCategory
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder deliveryType(@Nullable String deliveryType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DeliveryType
Each document type is assigned to one or more document categories.The document type maps the delivery process in the system in combination with the item type.
relation to the delivery process.this
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder shipToParty(@Nullable String shipToParty)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ShipToParty
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder shipToPartyName(@Nullable String shipToPartyName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ShipToPartyName
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder carrier(@Nullable String carrier)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Carrier
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder carrierName(@Nullable String carrierName)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CarrierName
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder plannedDeliveryUTCDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime plannedDeliveryUTCDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PlannedDeliveryUTCDateTime
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder plannedOutOfYardUTCDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime plannedOutOfYardUTCDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PlannedOutOfYardUTCDateTime
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder incotermsPart1(@Nullable String incotermsPart1)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IncotermsPart1
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder incotermsPart2(@Nullable String incotermsPart2)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: IncotermsPart2
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder route(@Nullable String route)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Route
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder salesOrganization(@Nullable String salesOrganization)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesOrganization
You can assign any number of distribution channels and divisions to a sales organization. A particular combination of sales organization, distribution channel, and division is known as a sales area.
sales organization may include legal liability for products and customer claims.this
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder shippingOffice(@Nullable String shippingOffice)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ShippingOffice
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead.WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHeadBuilder lastChangeDateTime(@Nullable ZonedDateTime lastChangeDateTime)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: LastChangeDateTime
To standardize local times in a UTC time stamp and thus make them comparable with other times, these local times
need to be converted using your time zone and the ABAP command convert.Even if the system is able to determine
the time zone from Customizing or master data, you shoul save the time zone redundantly here.The internal
structure of the UTC time stamp is subdivided into a date part and a time part in packed number format
.@Nonnull public WhseOutboundDeliveryOrderHead build()
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