Class | Description |
AccountingDocumentCategoryField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
AccountingDocumentCategory . |
AccountingDocumentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
AccountingDocument . |
AlternativeGLAccountField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
AlternativeGLAccount . |
AssetTransactionField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
AssetTransaction . |
BalanceTransactionCurrencyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BalanceTransactionCurrency . |
BillingDocumentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BillingDocument . |
BudgetPeriodField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BudgetPeriod . |
BusinessAreaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessArea . |
BusinessProcessField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessProcess . |
BusinessTransactionField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
BusinessTransaction . |
CalendarMonthField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CalendarMonth . |
CalendarQuarterField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CalendarQuarter . |
CalendarYearMonthField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CalendarYearMonth . |
ChartOfAccountsField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ChartOfAccounts . |
ClearingAccountingDocumentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ClearingAccountingDocument . |
CompanyCodeCurrencyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CompanyCodeCurrency . |
CompanyCodeField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CompanyCode . |
ControllingAreaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ControllingArea . |
ControllingObjectClassField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ControllingObjectClass . |
ControllingObjectDebitField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ControllingObjectDebit . |
CorporateGroupAccountField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CorporateGroupAccount . |
CorporateGroupChartOfAccountsField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CorporateGroupChartOfAccounts . |
CostCenterField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CostCenter . |
CountryChartOfAccountsField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CountryChartOfAccounts . |
CustomerField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Customer . |
CustomerGroupField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
CustomerGroup . |
DebitCreditCodeField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
DebitCreditCode . |
DistributionChannelField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
DistributionChannel . |
EliminationProfitCenterField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
EliminationProfitCenter . |
FinancialAccountField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FinancialAccount . |
FinancialManagementAreaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FinancialManagementArea . |
FinancialTransactionField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FinancialTransaction . |
FiscalYearField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FiscalYear . |
FiscalYearVariantField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FiscalYearVariant . |
FixedAssetField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FixedAsset . |
FreeDefinedCurrency1Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FreeDefinedCurrency1 . |
FreeDefinedCurrency2Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FreeDefinedCurrency2 . |
FreeDefinedCurrency3Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FreeDefinedCurrency3 . |
FreeDefinedCurrency4Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FreeDefinedCurrency4 . |
FreeDefinedCurrency5Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FreeDefinedCurrency5 . |
FreeDefinedCurrency6Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FreeDefinedCurrency6 . |
FreeDefinedCurrency7Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FreeDefinedCurrency7 . |
FreeDefinedCurrency8Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FreeDefinedCurrency8 . |
FunctionalAreaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
FunctionalArea . |
FundField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Fund . |
GLAccount_2Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
GLAccount_2 . |
GLAccountField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
GLAccount . |
GLAccountHierarchyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
GLAccountHierarchy . |
GlobalCurrencyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
GlobalCurrency . |
GroupFixedAssetField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
GroupFixedAsset . |
GroupMasterFixedAssetField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
GroupMasterFixedAsset . |
HouseBankAccountField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
HouseBankAccount . |
HouseBankField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
HouseBank . |
InventorySpclStkSalesDocItmField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
InventorySpclStkSalesDocItm . |
InventorySpclStkSalesDocumentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
InventorySpclStkSalesDocument . |
InventorySpclStockWBSElementField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
InventorySpclStockWBSElement . |
InventorySpecialStockField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
InventorySpecialStock . |
InventorySpecialStockSupplierField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
InventorySpecialStockSupplier . |
InventorySpecialStockValnField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
InventorySpecialStockValn . |
InventoryValuationField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
InventoryValuation . |
IsBalanceSheetAccountField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
IsBalanceSheetAccount . |
IsOpenItemManagedField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
IsOpenItemManaged . |
IsReversalField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
IsReversal . |
IsReversedField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
IsReversed . |
IsSettledField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
IsSettled . |
IsSettlementField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
IsSettlement . |
LedgerField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Ledger . |
LineItemIsCompletedField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
LineItemIsCompleted . |
LogicalSystemField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
LogicalSystem . |
MasterFixedAssetField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
MasterFixedAsset . |
MaterialField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Material . |
MaterialGroupField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
MaterialGroup . |
MaterialGroupNameField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
MaterialGroupName . |
MaterialNameField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
MaterialName . |
ODataQueryAdditionalMetadataField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ODataQueryAdditionalMetadata . |
OffsettingAccount_2Field<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
OffsettingAccount_2 . |
OffsettingAccountField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
OffsettingAccount . |
OperatingConcernField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
OperatingConcern . |
OrderCategoryField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
OrderCategory . |
OrderIDField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
OrderID . |
OriginCostCenterField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
OriginCostCenter . |
OriginCostCtrActivityField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
OriginCostCtrActivity . |
OriginObjectField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
OriginObject . |
PartnerBudgetPeriodField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerBudgetPeriod . |
PartnerBusinessAreaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerBusinessArea . |
PartnerBusinessProcessField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerBusinessProcess . |
PartnerCompanyCodeField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerCompanyCode . |
PartnerCompanyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerCompany . |
PartnerControllingObjectClassField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerControllingObjectClass . |
PartnerCostCenterField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerCostCenter . |
PartnerFunctionalAreaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerFunctionalArea . |
PartnerFundField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerFund . |
PartnerOrderCategoryField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerOrderCategory . |
PartnerOrderField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerOrder . |
PartnerProfitCenterField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerProfitCenter . |
PartnerProjectField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerProject . |
PartnerSalesDocumentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerSalesDocument . |
PartnerSalesDocumentItemField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerSalesDocumentItem . |
PartnerSegmentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerSegment . |
PartnerWBSElementField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PartnerWBSElement . |
PlantField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Plant . |
PostingKeyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PostingKey . |
PredecessorReferenceDocField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PredecessorReferenceDoc . |
ProfitCenterField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ProfitCenter . |
ProjectField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Project . |
ProjectNetworkField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ProjectNetwork . |
PurchasingDocumentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
PurchasingDocument . |
QuantityIsIncompleteField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
QuantityIsIncomplete . |
ReferenceDocumentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ReferenceDocument . |
SalesDocumentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SalesDocument . |
SalesDocumentItemField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SalesDocumentItem . |
SalesOrderField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SalesOrder . |
SalesOrderItemField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SalesOrderItem . |
SalesOrganizationField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SalesOrganization . |
SegmentField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Segment . |
SpecialGLCodeField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
SpecialGLCode . |
SupplierField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
Supplier . |
TransactionCurrencyField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
TransactionCurrency . |
TRIALBALANCEParametersField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
TRIALBALANCEParameters . |
TRIALBALANCEResultField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ValuationAreaField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
ValuationArea . |
WBSElementField<FieldT> |
Template class to represent entity fields of the Entity
WBSElement . |
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