public static class SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder extends Object
@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder supplierInvoice(@Nullable String supplierInvoice)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierInvoice
The document number is unique per company code and fiscal year. When entering an accounting document, you can specify the number manually or it can be determined by the system from a pre-defined area (number range).The relevant area of the document numbers (number range) is determined in each company code per document type.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder fiscalYear(@Nullable String fiscalYear)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FiscalYear
fiscal year can be the same as the calendar year, but does not have to be.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder supplierInvoiceItem(@Nullable String supplierInvoiceItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SupplierInvoiceItem
The system places the line selected at the top of the invoice item display.
to process.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder ordinalNumber(@Nullable String ordinalNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: OrdinalNumber
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder costCenter(@Nullable String costCenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostCenter
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder controllingArea(@Nullable String controllingArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ControllingArea
The controlling area is the highest organizational unit in Controlling.Whether controlling area and company code are in a 1:1 relationship or a 1:n relationship, the number of posting periods in both controlling area and company code(s) must be identical. However, special periods may vary.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder businessArea(@Nullable String businessArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BusinessArea
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder profitCenter(@Nullable String profitCenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProfitCenter
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder functionalArea(@Nullable String functionalArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FunctionalArea
Use for Cost of Sales AccountingThe functional area is required to create a profit and loss statement in Financial Accounting using cost of sales accounting. The following are examples of structure criteria:ManufacturingAdministrationSalesResearch & DevelopmentUse for GovernmentThe functional area is needed for Funds Management to meet legal requirements for reporting with functional aspects. You can use the functional area to represent the global targets and goals (such as public safety or city development), in particular the expenses of your organization.Use in Cost of Sales AccountingSee the documentation on Filling the Functional Area Field.For more information about cost of sales accounting and functional areas, see the SAP Library under Financials -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger Accounting -> Cost of Sales AccountingUse in GovernmentFor more information on functional areas, see the Implementation Guide for Funds Management Government in the section Activate Account Assignment Elements.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder gLAccount(@Nullable String gLAccount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GLAccount
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder salesOrder(@Nullable String salesOrder)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesOrder
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder salesOrderItem(@Nullable String salesOrderItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SalesOrderItem
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder costObject(@Nullable String costObject)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostObject
Cost objects are the activity units of business whose costs are assigned based on the cost origins. The R/3 System distinguishes between the following types of cost objects:Cost objects represented by a cost object IDCost objects represented by objects from other components, such as production orders or sales order itemsCost objects in the following areas are represented by cost object IDs:Activity-Based Costing (CO-OM-ABC)In Activity-Based Costing, overhead is first assigned to cost centers and then to business processes. From there, the overhead is assigned to cost objects as process costs.Costs for Intangible Goods and Services (CO-PC-OBJ)In Costs for Intangible Goods and Services, costs can be analyzed on general cost objects.Product Cost by Period (CO-PC-OBJ)In Product Cost by Period you can create a cost object hierarchy to record actual costs that cannot be recorded at the material or order level. You can distribute the costs assigned to the nodes of a cost object hierarchy directly to the individual objects in the lowest cost object nodes at period-end closing (for example, product cost collectors) or you can settle the costs directly from the cost object hierarchy to a price difference account.Product Cost Controlling Information System (CO-PC)You can create further cost object IDs in the Product Cost Controlling Information System for CO product groups. You can create a cost object ID for each group, and assign materials to the cost object ID. The costs of the assigned materials appear in summarized form in the information system by product group.You can use CO product groups for product drilldown reports.The cost object type determines which functions can be used with the cost object. Functions for cost object hierarchies are performed on the assumption that the given cost object indicates the top node of the hierarchy.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder costCtrActivityType(@Nullable String costCtrActivityType)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CostCtrActivityType
Activity types describe the activity produced by a cost center and are measured in units of time or quantity.In activity type planning, control data determines whether the activity price for evaluation of the activity type is manually set or is derived iteratively through activity price calculation.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder businessProcess(@Nullable String businessProcess)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BusinessProcess
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder wBSElement(@Nullable String wBSElement)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WBSElement
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder documentCurrency(@Nullable String documentCurrency)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DocumentCurrency
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder suplrInvcAcctAssignmentAmount(@Nullable BigDecimal suplrInvcAcctAssignmentAmount)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SuplrInvcAcctAssignmentAmount
During document entry, enter the amount manually. In the last line item, you can specify a '*'. The system will then enter the balance of the line items entered prior to the last item as the amount for the last item.Amounts you enter may be changed automatically by the system if the following postings are made:Tax adjustmentsCash discount adjustments during net postings
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder purchaseOrderQuantityUnit(@Nullable String purchaseOrderQuantityUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseOrderQuantityUnit
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder quantity(@Nullable BigDecimal quantity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Quantity
The quantity entered determines which portion of the costs you wish to distribute to this account assignment item.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder taxCode(@Nullable String taxCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaxCode
Tax codes are unique per country. The tax rate calculation rules and further features are stored in a table for each tax code.For tax-exempt or non-taxable transactions, you should use tax codes with a 0 percentage rate if the corresponding transactions are to be displayed in the tax returns.You must define new tax codes if tax rates are changed by the state. The old codes with the old tax rates must remain in the system until no more open items which use this tax code exist.
the tax authorities.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder accountAssignmentNumber(@Nullable String accountAssignmentNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AccountAssignmentNumber
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder accountAssignmentIsUnplanned(@Nullable Boolean accountAssignmentIsUnplanned)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: AccountAssignmentIsUnplanned
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder personnelNumber(@Nullable String personnelNumber)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PersonnelNumber
enter a personnel number before you can display and maintain an employee's master data and time data.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder workItem(@Nullable String workItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: WorkItem
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder masterFixedAsset(@Nullable String masterFixedAsset)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: MasterFixedAsset
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder fixedAsset(@Nullable String fixedAsset)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FixedAsset
Using the asset sub-number, you can:Provide for separate management of later acquisitions to assets.Represent complex fixed assets with their component parts.In contrast to the main asset number, the asset sub-number must be numerical.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder debitCreditCode(@Nullable String debitCreditCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: DebitCreditCode
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder taxJurisdiction(@Nullable String taxJurisdiction)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaxJurisdiction
authorities you must pay your taxes. It is always the city to which the goods are supplied.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder internalOrder(@Nullable String internalOrder)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: InternalOrder
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder projectNetworkInternalID(@Nullable String projectNetworkInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProjectNetworkInternalID
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder networkActivityInternalID(@Nullable String networkActivityInternalID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: NetworkActivityInternalID
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder projectNetwork(@Nullable String projectNetwork)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProjectNetwork
Numbers are used to differentiate these project structures.When you specify a network, for example, when you are entering attendances, you can define that the network is debited when the sender cost center is credited.Use the possible entries pushbutton to select the network number for the required project structure.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder networkActivity(@Nullable String networkActivity)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: NetworkActivity
Determines in which order the operations of a sequence are carried out.Project SystemNumber that identifies an activity.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder commitmentItem(@Nullable String commitmentItem)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CommitmentItem
assigning budget.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder fundsCenter(@Nullable String fundsCenter)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: FundsCenter
are assigning budget.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder fund(@Nullable String fund)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: Fund
If you assign the budget to a fund, you can obtain a detailed list of origin for the amounts involved.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder grantID(@Nullable String grantID)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: GrantID
A grant may be for any purpose and cover all or only part of the costs of the project in question. You must enter a grant type for each grant you create in Grants Management (GM).The grant as an object has a finite lifecycle, divided into stages. Each stage is represented in the GM solution by a system status. The following are the stages of a grant's lifecycle:Initial DraftThis is the first stage of a grant. It is a working copy that can be modified as many times as needed.ProposalWhen the initial draft becomes a formal and complete document, it becomes a proposal.ApplicationWhen a proposal is routed to the sponsor for approval, it becomes an application. This application might contain changes in the budget or other adjustments.AwardIf the sponsor approves an application, an award is created. This is the real operative stage of a grant. The creation and consumption of the grant's budget occurs at this stage. This stage also represents the binding contract between the sponsor and the grantee.ClosingWhen an award is expiring, a phase of closing is established. Only restricted operations can be performed in this stage.ClosedThis stage defines an expired and closed grant. No further operations are allowed except archiving.
order to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation in which the sponsor does not expect to be substantially involved.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder partnerBusinessArea(@Nullable String partnerBusinessArea)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PartnerBusinessArea
This relationship enables the elimination of IC sales at business area level within business area consolidation.
the posting is made, there is a sender/receiver relationship in each line item.this
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder companyCode(@Nullable String companyCode)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: CompanyCode
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder suplrInvcAccountAssignmentText(@Nullable String suplrInvcAccountAssignmentText)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: SuplrInvcAccountAssignmentText
Line item texts can be used internally and externally. To be able to distinguish between these, you must begin texts for external use with "*". These texts can then be printed on all correspondence, dunning notices, payment advice notes, etc. The asterisk is removed when the text is printed.This function is only available in the FI component. It cannot be used in Materials Management.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder purchaseOrderPriceUnit(@Nullable String purchaseOrderPriceUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: PurchaseOrderPriceUnit
100 pc are ordered at a price of 10 $/kg. The order unit is "pc" (piece), and the purchase order price unit is "kg" (kilogram).
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder quantityInPurchaseOrderUnit(@Nullable BigDecimal quantityInPurchaseOrderUnit)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: QuantityInPurchaseOrderUnit
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder profitabilitySegment(@Nullable String profitabilitySegment)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: ProfitabilitySegment
Examples:Customer '123'/Product '4710' Profitability segment no. 1Customer '123'/Product '4712' Profitability segment no. 2Country 'USA'/Region 'NORTH' Profitability segment no. 3
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder budgetPeriod(@Nullable String budgetPeriod)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: BudgetPeriod
During the budget period, the organization may commit, obligate, and encumber funds (terminology varies). After it, the organization may only post follow-on documents.The budget period always works together with the fund account assignment element in Funds Management (FM).Budget Period A: 2000-2010Budget Period B: 2005-2015The actuals and commitments recorded then are differentiated by the period of time on which authority was granted to a particular fund.Fund F1 Budget Period: AFund F2 Budget Period: AFund F2 Budget Period: B
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt.SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmtBuilder taxCountry(@Nullable String taxCountry)
Original property name from the Odata EDM: TaxCountry
When the Registration for Indirect Taxation Abroad (RITA) is enabled,you can designate a tax country for the calculation and reporting oftaxes. RITA allows you to do this without having a separate companycode in those countries. When RITA is enabled, tax is calculatedbased on the tax country rather than the company code country.Please note that the tax country must be supplied in transactionssubject to tax calculation.
.@Nonnull public SuplrInvcItemAcctAssgmt build()
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